1000 QuickMarks 1001 QuickMark Notification 1002 Manage QuickMarks 1003 Find QuickMark 1004 QuickMark It! 1005 QuickMarks List, QuickMarks Tabs 1006 Drag and drop QuickMarks to copy and move them between folders. 1007 To add a QuickMarks Tab, drag and drop a folder from the tree into the tab list. 1008 AppOrganizer 1009 Organize.rmk 1010 New Folder 1011 New QuickMark 1012 New Tab 1013 Import QuickMarks 1014 Export QuickMarks 1015 CoolMark Database (.cmk)|*.cmk|All Files|*.* 1016 My QuickMarks 1017 Exported Starfish Internet Utilities QuickMarks. 1018 no update 1019 New Channel 1020 Name 1021 Updated 1022 Type 1023 Name 1024 Status 1025 Updated 1026 Type 1030 Tab Name 1031 Color 1032 Folder 1033 Use 1040 Settings 1041 Notification 1100 QuickMarks 1101 QuickMarks Folders 1102 Back... 1103 Folder 1104 Special Folder 1105 QuickMarks Folder 1200 None 1201 Red 1202 Green 1203 Blue 1204 Yellow 1205 Pink 1206 White 1300 Desktop 1301 Documents 1302 Bookmarks 1303 Favorites 1304 New 1305 Broken 1306 Changed 1801 Are you sure you want to remove the '%s' tab and its contents? 1802 %d items were updated and %d items were added to %s. 1901 New folder 1903 New QuickMark 1904 Remove QuickMark 1907 Create Folder Tab 1908 Remove Tab 1915 Help 1916 Go Back 1917 Go Forward 1918 Stop 1919 Refresh Page 1920 Go back one level... 1921 Verifying QuickMark... 1922 More Information 1923 Listen 1924 View 2001 Error exporting CoolSite database file. 2002 Unable to find any QuickMarks which match your query. 2003 You QuickMark database has a corrupt tab list. QuickMarks will attempt to reconstruct the tab list. 2004 Your default browser must be running before you can QuickMark It! 2005 The %s tab does not accept Internet QuickMarks. Please select another tab and then press QuickMark It! 2006 Delete 2007 Properties 2008 Find Quickmark 2009 Import Quickmarks... 2010 Export Quickmarks... 2011 Large Icons 2012 Detailed 2013 Up one level 2014 New Tab 2015 New Folder 2016 New Quickmark 2017 Add to Notification 2018 Finish 2019 &Next > 2020 QuickMark Channel 2021 Remove from Notification 2022 Check Now 2023 Reset 2024 Reset All 2025 after 1 day 2026 after 5 days 2027 after 15 days 2028 after 30 days 2029 after 90 days 2030 never 2031 Delete Channel Server From List? 2032 Are you sure you want to delete %s from your list of Channel Servers? 2033 Show QuickMark Notification 2034 Check All Now 2035 Checking for updated quickmarks 2036 Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' %s and all of its items? 2037 Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' QuickMark item? 2038 Delete QuickMark 2039 Show QuickMark Folders 2040 You must choose a tab type if this is to be a special tab. 2041 Please specify a color for the tab. 2042 You clicked on a QuickMark Channel Subscription Link in your browser requesting a channel ("%s") to which you are already subscribed (tab "%s"). The duplicate subscription request will be disregarded. 2043 You have new QuickMarks 2044 Quickmarks is busy syncronizing or checking for updates. Tabs and folders cannot be deleted at this time. 2045 Your selected browser (%s) must be running before you can QuickMark It! 2046 Microsoft Internet Explorer 2047 Netscape Navigator