Welcome to Internet Utilities 97, designed to speed up all your online and offline work with the Internet and Windows 95 or NT 4.0. Just by dragging and clicking, you can connect quickly to your favorite Internet sites, unzip compressed files, track your online communications, and use powerful Internet tools.

This document is intended to help you get started using Internet Utilities. It shows you where to go for assistance if you need it. For details on how to use Internet Utilities 97, click the Help button on the Internet Utilities Control Center and choose Contents from the menu. You should also be sure to read the file Readme.txt, which you can see by opening the Windows Start menu and choosing Programs, Internet Utilities, Readme.

Click a link to learn more about that topic, or select a link from the Contents at the left.

System Requirements
Minimum system requirements for Internet Utilities 97
Installing Internet Utilities 97
Installation instructions
When You Start...
What happens the first time you start Internet Utilities 97
About the Utilities...
Overview and essential information about Internet Utilities 97
Removing Internet Utilities 97
In case you need to remove Internet Utilities 97 from your system
For More Information...
How to get more details about Internet Utilities 97
Tips and Tricks Web Page
How to get the most out of Internet Utilities 97

Be Sure to Register

Be sure to register, so that you can receive valuable information and updates from Starfish Software. Click the Register Now! button that appears when you start Internet Utilities 97.

System Requirements

Here's what you need to run Internet Utilities 97:

Installing Internet Utilities 97

Note: If you are upgrading, you must uninstall the previous version of Internet Utilities. Your configuration and QuickMarks files will be retained.

To install Internet Utilities 97:

  1. Insert the Internet Utilities 97 CD-ROM in the drive. On most computers, Setup will start automatically to guide you through installation.
  2. If Setup does not start automatically, open the Windows Start menu and choose Run.
  3. Type d:setup and click OK. If "d" is not the correct letter for your CD-ROM drive, substitute the correct letter.

Install Internet Utilities in a separate directory; do not attempt to install it over another program. If you are upgrading, be sure to install Internet Utilities into the same directory as the previous version, after uninstalling the old version.

When you start Internet Utilities 97

The first time you run Internet Utilities 97, the AppOrganizer scans to find installed programs it recognizes and arranges them in QuickMarks tabs, such as an Internet tab for your World Wide Web browsers. You can add or delete applications and rename these groups as desired. Internet Utilities 97 also automatically imports your Internet "Bookmarks," if you are using Netscape Navigator, and "Favorites," if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, and puts them in special Bookmarks and Favorites tabs on your QuickMarks utility.

About the utilities

From top to bottom: QuickMarks, QuickZip, InternetTools, InternetMeter

For more information

Once you have installed Internet Utilities, click the Help button for information on how to use the features. Look for the Learning About Internet Utilities 97 section, in the Introduction, for overviews of the main features.

Tips and Tricks: To learn some tips for using Internet Utilities, and view a graphic with information about each utility, visit the Internet Utilities 97 Tips and Tricks Web page

How to Contact Starfish Software

Check out our World Wide Web site for the latest news and information (no technical support):

Starfish Software Web site.

Get constantly updated answers to your questions on the Technical Support FAQ Web page (Frequently Asked Questions)

The answers are provided by Starfish Software's expert technical support staff. You can view these sites any time by clicking the Starfish Software tab on QuickMarks, and then clicking the applicable QuickMarks button.

Starfish Software also maintains active Technical Support forums on both CompuServe and America Online; use the keyword or use Starfish as the Go word to reach our forum.

For Free Up and Running support to assist you with installation and initial configuration:

Free fax information, sent to your fax machine in minutes: 800-503-3847

The Starfish Software BBS has documents and files ready to download: 408-461-5930

Customer Service 800-765-7839

Technical Support Hotline -- All the support you need, at $2 per minute:

Removing Internet Utilities 97

To remove Internet Utilities 97 from your system:
  1. If Internet Utilities 97 is running, close it.
  2. Right-click the InternetMeter icon in the system tray area of your Windows 95 taskbar and select Close InternetMeter from the shortcut menu.
  3. Open the Windows 95 Control Panel.
  4. Select Add/Remove Programs, and then select Internet Utilities 97 from the list.
  5. Click the Add/Remove button.
  6. After removing Internet Utilities 97, restart Windows.