The alien creature is an insect like creature, born to survive and reproduce. It was created by H.R. Giger, a swiss macabre fantasy artist.

H.R. Giger


Yes, I know, I shouldn't have made this little bugger BLINK up above... But I receive about four or five mails each day about people not being able to access pictures, pages, sounds, or stories...
That is because this site has gone down on the main server. I am attempting to retrieve the information stored on this HSMD-interfaced harddisk, which is not a standard harddisk. more info here
The Alien WWW Site has been partially restored, due to the fact that a man, smarter than me so it seems, has downloaded a lot of the old pages, and saved it. His name is Brian A. Thomas. Let us thank him all.
A lot of links are still out of order, for now. As soon as I get the stuff online, they'll be restored.
I am still trying to restore the data from the harddisk which has crashed. This might take a while, though, so please hold on while I'm trying to obtain a machine which can read this particular harddisk with HSMD interface... Thank you all for your support, and let's hope this thing gets over with soon!

Next to these 'normal' WWW pages, there is also an almost continuously ongoing debate about the movies in the newsgroup 'rec.arts.sf.movies', and sometimes in 'alt.cult-movies' or rec.arts.movies.

 Scripts and miscellaneous info.

 The Alien FAQ NEW! With HTML-Index!

 Alien4 Rumour Page!

 Alien4 story ideas...

 Alien stories

 Alien, Aliens, and Alien^3 in the Internet Movie Database (UK).

 Alien, Aliens, and Alien^3 in the Internet Movie Database (USA).

 Weaponry in Aliens
the Colonial Marine Corps section

Let's go to
The ultimate attraction for every Alien fan in London, England on Piccadilly Circus...

There is also an 'official' Alien War Page under construction which is located HERE..

Pictures, Info and Sound

Some of these links are not available right now. They are therefore not clickable. This will be restored as soon as the old data is retrieved.

Description of the alien's lifecycle.

Various pictures about the Alien trilogy and games.

'Playing this, everyone will hear you scream'
Alien Doom 3 is ready for action!
The SUPERB Alien Doom game!
New levels, new sound, new graphics!
Better than anything you've seen before...

Sigourney Weaver Info Page
And another Sigourney Weaver page

A directory with pictures of and by Giger.

Another site, with Alien Traced Art...

Let's visit a collector: Roman

SOUNDS from Aliens in .au format

SOUNDS from Aliens in WAV format...

A home-made Aliens-intro
With sound from the Special Edition!!!
>>AU format-- WAV format<<

 The H.R Giger page

Alien Parody and Fun page

The Wierzbowski Hunters Page:
For our Hero and Comrate, whom many did not notice.
We did!
And we light a candle every night to commemorate him...

The Alien RPG Page.

Alien Books

Links to interesting related sites

Review by GNN.COM

Terminus presents:
The Alien FAQ translated into Italian

Collected by E. de Vos
Mail any comments or suggestions to:

Due to hideous tasks and other kinds of work I have to do, I cannot answer all mail. I usually get about 30 mails a day, which is a bit too much. I read them all, though!

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