^P- ^C{Loan Accelerator 3.0 ^P+ ^CNEW VGA VERSION! ^Cby Daniel Tobias} This powerful program will amaze you with its ability to suggest ways to speed up your loan payoffs. Use Loan Accelerator, with built-in mouse support and variable payment periods, to see the  and impact on your loans that result from increasing your payments. To really watch a loan balance dwindle, check out the  and result of doubling your monthly payment. Loan Accelerator is a program that can pay for the cost of a lifetime subscription to Softdisk PC. Many people do not realize that they can cut a 30 year mortgage down to a 20-year mortgage simply by making a few extra payments each year. Don't expect the banks to let you know either; they make their money by having you wait until the  and last minute each month and then pay the minimum amount due on the  and loan. Loan Accelerator has built-in help files and a simple-to-use interface that will help you to examine your own loans or to look at repayment options for refinancing your car or house. Loan Accelerator supports mortgages, commercial loans, and even the little-understood Rule of 78. Rule of 78 loans are very unfavorable to the borrower when you want to pay them off early; this program shows you how these numbers stack up. We published earlier versions of Loan Accelerator on issues 68 and 85, but this is a whole new version, completely rewritten using VGA graphics and a user interface that is consistent with our current interface guidelines. Saved loan files (extension *.LAC) remain fully compatible between this version and the earlier versions, and can be "ported" back and forth at will. A new feature in Loan Accelerator 3.0 is the ability to have several loans "open" at once in different "windows" which can be switched between using a pull-down menu command. This lets you have several alternative versions of a loan, with different choices as to payment terms, active at once so you can flip back and forth between them and see how they compare. Anyone who is presently paying off a loan or mortgage, or is planning on entering into one soon, should use this program to explore the options.