^RX:360-590 ^RY:80-390 ^VG:18,72,96toon.gif ^P- ^C{~IN Cartoon ^P+ ^Cby Todd Lewis} {NOTE: The user-supplied captions to issue 93's cartoon are in this file too, so be sure to scroll or page down from here to check them out!} Each month we add a touch of humor to Softdisk PC; we usually have comedy files, humorous articles and a cartoon. The report card has a space reserved to allow users to offer their own cartoon caption replacements for the cartoon. If you think you have a funnier caption than the  and one we've published, write it on the  and report card and send it back to us! This month we are also publishing the best caption ideas people sent us for the cartoon which was first published on issue 93. ^WG:18,72,96toon.gif ^C--------------------- ^CCartoon from SDPC #93 ^C--------------------- To get the proper effect, replace the  and caption in the cartoon with the user-contributed captions below: ^VG:18,72,93toon.gif "OK! OK! I'll byte!" - George Gallipeau, Somerset MA "Red River Rises -- Softdisk Publishing Goes Under!" (Only joking.) - R. Edwards, Clearwater FL "Gave up programming for fishing." - Rod Barnes, Coupeville WA "Waiting for a byte." - Jerry A. Smith, Smyrna GA "The 286 Graveyard." - Edward G. Moorehead, Tamarac FL "Looks like Mr. Gates has retired." - Bob Thoretz, Newport Richey FL "Only the  and best computers get picked." - Al Gloer, Union City GA "Monday at the  and office water cooler." - Diane Hollinger, Oakland OR "Worm to the  and fish: Byte me!" - Mary Chavez, Tulsa OK "What now -- an electronic worm?" - Bernice Peterson, Scottsburg OR "Sorry, Charlie, don't get hooked!" - Myrna M. Piazzi, Coalgate OK "8088" - Kerry High, Jonesburg MO "I wish the guys upstairs would download some fresh data!" - David Kansteiner, Washington MO "OK, students -- let's get this thing in working order." - L. A. McGinnis, Hattiesburg MS "Another failed attempt to school fish..." - Glenda Edwards, Hamilton MO "Now no one else will know the  and secret words this month!" - Robin Jones, Livingston AL "Is this a byte?" - Lawrence D. Gilliam, Owensboro KY "Revenge of the  and Hacker's Wife." - Alan L. Davis, Plympton MA "I hate it when my owner upgrades his computer equipment." or "Just once, I wish we got the new stuff, not just the rejects." - Rajindar Paul Suri, Muscatine IA "That's not the way to dump Windows." - Nancy J. Miller, Sebago Lake ME "Humans! I guess they think the  and Sea of Communications should go online now. Sheesh!" - Bob Dunham, Galesburg IL "Just because your Softdisk subscription has expired, you shouldn't throw your computer overboard!" - Sean McLaughlin, Scotia NY ^WG:18,72,93toon.gif