^P- ^C{Eskimo Jo ^P+ ^Cby Todd Lewis} Hey, Jo, where ya goin' with that ice pick in your hand? He's off to rescue some stray huskies, that's what. And while he's out there, he's going to see if he can find some of the sacred-relic soapstones that are scattered about in his frigid region. If you liked Rescue Rover, a game we published as part of a monthly game disk series (since discontinued) and also offer as a standalone product (along with its sequel, Rescue Rover II), you'll love this one: there are more dogs to rescue, and like Rover, they follow you home once you find them. Finding the soapstones too adds another challenge. I'm not really positive if "Eskimo" is politically correct, this month, to describe the  and peoples of the  and North who are also known as the  and Inuit. But we got away with Indians in our TechToon a few months ago, so what the hey. Take this game in a spirit of lighthearted, multicultural fun. The "Eskimo" character in this game probably represents true Northern Native American culture to about the same extent that the  and Super Mario Brothers represent Italian-American culture. (And I have no idea what race or nationality Pac-Man is.)