^P- ^C{Coming Attractions ^P+ ^Cby Daniel Tobias} Here's what we have in the  and works for future issues of Softdisk PC. We can't tell you definitely which issue each item will go on, because these things are always subject to change due to unforseen circumstances; and it's also possible that the  and names of some of these items will change by the time they actually come out. But these are a few of the upcoming features you should be seeing in the  and near future. {Electronic Greeting Card} - Send cards on disk to your friends to celebrate special occasions. {Loan Accelerator 3.0} - A VGA revamping of our popular loan amortization program that helps you see the effect of varying your payments on a mortgage or installment loan. {Career Plotter} - Find out what jobs best suit your personality. (If this program lists "Politician" as a career option, you may want to go run Political Plotter from #95 to find out what party to join!) {DOS Manager 3.2, and 4.0, and ...} - We're getting good report-card reviews on the  and most recent version of this handy DOS utility, so I'm starting to work on some more enhancements to it for future issues. You can help improve it, too; let us know what you'd like to see in future revisions. Would you like it to be able to view some more types of files? If so, which? How about playing sound files? Or maybe it should be able to convert graphic files from one format to another? How about formatting floppy disks? Setting the DOS date and time? Hotkeys to run your favorite programs? Should the whole thing be rewritten entirely in VGA mode, or kept in text mode like at present? Maybe you want a Windows version too? Is there anything else you'd like added, or anything about the present DOSMAN (last published on issue 94) that you dislike and want changed? Let us know! {Word-Up! VGA} - We're revamping our popular word quiz program using VGA graphics, and adding some new features to make it more challenging. The new program will remain compatible with all the old Word-Up! quiz files we have published on past issues. {Home Inventory for Windows} - Keep track of your possessions. Your insurance company will need to know this information if you are robbed or your home burns down, so why not do it now, {before} you need it? This handy Windows program will let you do it. {Sokoban} - This challenging puzzle game requires you to figure out how to slide the  and objects around to achieve the necessary final configuration. If you liked those old sliding-tile number puzzles, you'll love this one. {Win Decor 2.0} - Our original Win Decor, which appeared on issue 82 and is available in our catalog, is one of our most popular programs. It helps Windows users put variety into their desktop by having a different background each time they start Windows. Users have been requesting the ability to have a different screen saver each Windows session too; we've added this feature to this new, updated version. Use it with the  and wide assortment of screen savers and wallpaper bitmaps we publish regularly on Softdisk PC. {Language Tutor} - If you have always wanted to pick up a foreign language, or if you'd like to brush up on your skills before going on a trip overseas, Language Tutor will provide a practice drill. We'll be doing Language Tutors for several widely used languages, such as French and Spanish, on upcoming issues. {GeoTutor} - The oldtimers in our audience will remember the GeoTutor series we published back on issues 61 through 63. It helped our readers learn about the countries of the world through a graphical interface. Well, the world hasn't stopped changing since then; if anything, the pace of change has been accelerating. There are whole countries in Europe which didn't even exist as separate nations a few years ago. Thus, we thought it was time to bring back this feature, in a spiffy new VGA interface. In upcoming installments, you'll learn all about the latest changes in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the rest of the world. Plus... every issue will have our usual assortment of graphics, sounds, articles, puzzles, cartoons, and user feedback. Don't miss out... be sure your subscription doesn't expire!