^P- ^C{Word-Up!} ^P+ ^C{by Daniel Tobias} Increase your vocabulary the fun and easy way with Word-Up, a challenging game that gives you a list of words and definitions to match up! Word-Up is one of our most popular regularly featured items, and this month we think you'll love the new words we've come up with for you. We plan on publishing more Word-Up! quizzes on future issues, and we are right now in the process of working on a new, improved, VGA graphic version of Word-Up! with a whole bunch of new features. Look for it on a future issue! And rest assured that all your existing Word-Up! data files, including the one on this issue, will continue to work in the new program. Save all these files (which have a .WRD extension), and copy them into a disk or hard disk directory with a copy of the  and latest version of WORDUP.EXE, and you'll always be able to run it and take any of the  and quizzes.