^P- ^C{Political Plotter ^P+ ^Cby Daniel Tobias} Man is a political animal. -- Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) Are you a liberal? A conservative? Somewhere in between? If you aren't really sure how to label yourself, POLITICAL PLOTTER might help you clarify your position. It asks your opinion on a wide range of domestic and foreign policy issues, then uses your responses to chart where your beliefs fall in the  and political spectrum. Of course, political labels are often confusing -- the  and political landscape is filled with liberals, neoliberals, conservatives, neoconservatives, ultra-conservatives, socialists, populists, and libertarians -- just to name a few. If you're a little hazy on what some of these political groups stand for, don't worry. POLITICAL PLOTTER, in addition to helping you establish your own positions, provides a brief introduction to several of the  and most influential political philosophies. And what if you are not interested in taking the quiz at all? We've determined that would mean that you are a neo-radical, ultraconservative, proto-thoroid. And you don't want to be one of those -- the  and yearly dues are horrendous. The real old-timers in our audience (or those who have bought a complete set of our back issues) will recognize this program as an update to the  and Political Preference Survey we published way back on BIG BLUE DISK #6 in 1987. It's been completely reprogrammed with VGA graphics. Also, it's been updated with more questions, and outdated references such as to the  and Soviet Union have been removed. You've got the choice of taking a long, medium, or short survey; the  and long one will give you the full set of 60 questions, while the  and shorter choices will give you a smaller random selection of 20 or 40 questions. Once you've answered the questions, you can view the  and results on the  and screen or print them out. See where you stand in time for election day!