^P- ^C{Trail Guide ^P+ ^Cby John Hicks} Trail Guide is a neat little program for anyone who plans to take a trip of any sort. If you're anything like us, you'll often go on a major outing of some sort, only to realize long after you've left home that there are at least two or three (if you're lucky!) things you've forgotten to bring. Trail Guide starts with a data base of standard "trip" type items. You can add (or remove) as many items as you want to this data base. Now, using this data base is a simple matter! When you're ready to make an outing, simply let Trail Guide know what sort of outing you're about to take. It will then automatically give you a list of items it thinks you need from the data base. You can then manually add or subtract as many items from that list as you want so that it fits your specific needs. You can even save lists for your more common trips, open the  and list later, and you can again begin adding or removing items from the list for that particular outing. We're betting some of you are thinking this is pretty silly, but give it a try the next time you're planning any sort of major outing, whether it's camping, fishing, cross-country driving, or any other sort of adventure you're likely to go on. We think you'll be surprised at just how handy this program can be!