^P- ^C{Icons ^P+ ^Cfrom the Softdisk Artists} This issue we bring you the first of what we hope will be a quarterly series here on Softdisk PC - Windows icons! Spice up your desktop and customize your applications to appear the way you want them to. Attaching icons to programs is a super easy process if you use the procedure described below. If you want to change a program's icon do this: 1) Click once on the icon of the program you want to change. 2) Click on the Program Manager's "File" menu option. Then select the  and "Properties..." option from the list. 3) A box pops up with some information and has five buttons on the right side. One of the buttons says "Change Icon...". Click on it. 4) Another box pops up. Click on the "Browse..." button on the  and right. 5) Now the  and tricky part. Find the file "92ICONS.DLL". You can find it either on your Softdisk PC disk or, if you installed the issue on your hard drive, in the  and SDPC092 folder (find it in the right list box). 6) Once you find the file, click on its name in the  and list of files in the left list box. Then press OK. 7) Wow! Look at all the neat icons you can choose from! You can move the horizontal icon display left and right by clicking on the  and little left and right arrows on the  and scroll bar. 8) Pick the  and icon you want by double-clicking on it or by clicking on it once and then pressing OK. 9) Now you should be in the "Program Item Properties" box. The icon you chose should be on the lower left. 10) Click the  and OK button if you are satisfied, and you are off and running! Your program should now have a new look to it!