^C{Softdisk PC User Guide} GETTING USED TO THE MAIN SCREEN The main screen of Softdisk PC was designed to be very simple. It's easy to use, either with the  and keyboard or the mouse! * Mouse Users - The mouse works just like you would expect. Use the  and mouse to click on any part of the  and screen, including the menu bar across the  and top and the tool bar beneath it. When you click on a menu title, a "pull down" menu will appear below that title. You can then click on any of the  and listed items to perform that function. For example, to copy a program, click on the "Issue" menu title, then click on the "Copy Programs" menu item. A new set of options will appear that will let you copy whatever files you want from the issue. You can also click on the icons on the  and main screen to run programs, or to pull up information about features which cannot be run. The tool bar beneath the  and menu bar consists of another set of icons which are also clickable, which provide an alternate, easier way of accessing items from the menu bar. * Keyboard Users - You can access any menu item by just holding down the Alt key and pressing the underlined letter in the  and menu title. You can then use the  and arrow keys or you can press the underlined character of an item on the  and selected menu to activate that item. For example, to run a program, or to call up a text file for a featured item, simply press the number key which corresponds to the  and item you are interested in. * Dialog Boxes - By now most people should be familiar with dialog boxes, but just in case you aren't... Dialog boxes are a way for you and the computer to communicate with each other. When a program needs a decision from you, a dialog box will appear. For example, the copy function described above uses a dialog box which lets you specify what to copy and where to copy it. Dialog boxes are also used to display important messages and to ask you to confirm actions the computer is about to take. Mouse users can always use the mouse to click on buttons or other items in dialog boxes; keyboard users can press the underlined letter of any button to press that button. COPYING PROGRAMS To copy individual programs, select "Copy Programs" from the Issue menu or the tool bar, set the drive and path, choose a file, then press Enter to copy or Esc to cancel. Use arrow keys or mouse to move to and set the following options: * SET DESTINATION DRIVE - Allows you to choose the  and drive that the  and stuff will be copied to. Use the  and drive letter or mouse to select the desired drive. * SET DESTINATION PATH - Gives a default path (a new one that will be created when Enter is pressed), but it can be changed while selected (a cursor will appear). * FILES - Lists each program separately as copy choices. When chosen, a highlight bar will appear in the  and list of files. Arrow up/down to or click on a selection to specify what you want copied. * INFORMATION - Shows program/file sizes and the number of files per program as you scroll through the FILES list. MAIN SCREEN OPTIONS A. Features - Each program or featured item is visually represented by an icon (a small picture) on the main screen. When an icon is selected (with the  and mouse or "hot keys"), a dialog window will appear with information that we think is important for you to know before you run the  and program or use a file. Some featured items cannot be run, so selecting them will bring up a text window describing how to use the items. B. Menus - The menu bar at the top of the screen may be used to reach the  and Copy option, the various articles and features (including an editorial, a letter column, etc.), and other items which may vary from issue to issue. The items in the  and Features menu are the main features of the issue, also accessible via the icons described in [A] above. The other menu items (Columns, Just for Fun, etc.) are also accessible via the tool bar described in [C] below. C. Tool Bar - Below the  and main menu bar is a row of icons which you may click on with the  and mouse in order to select the items they represent. These are the same items found in the  and menus above (such as the Columns and Just For Fun menus), but the  and toolbar provides an easy method of accessing them.