^P- ^C{Copy Programs or Entire Issue ^P+ ^C by the Softdisk Staff} Starting with issue #111, the "{Copy Entire Issue}" option has the  and ability to span these 2+ megabyte issues onto multiple high-density floppies. When you run these "spanned" issues from floppies, they will run the  and same as the  and issues did before disk compression, except for an occasional disk swap. The "{Copy Entire Issue}" option defaults to copy the entire issue to drive A, but you can select the  and proper letter for your disk drive. Be sure to have at least {4 blank, formatted high-density disks} ready (This issue only requires {3 disks}). You will probably want to apply disk labels to the  and disks as you go, also. Select the "{COPY}" button at the  and bottom of this text window if you are ready to start copying individual programs or the entire issue. {Note to power users:} Also included on this issue is a batch file, {COPY126.BAT}, for spanning issue #126 onto floppies. It is located in the  and "{\SDPCVGA\SDPC126}" directory. This batch file is intended for users who are familiar with batch files and DOS commands such as XCOPY. COPY126.BAT requires the DOS command XCOPY (included in DOS versions 5.0 and up). The syntax for using COPY126.BAT is as follows: Type "{COPY126 A}" and press Enter to copy to the  and A drive. Type "{COPY126 B}" and press Enter to copy to the  and B drive.