^P- ^C{Mailbag ^P+ ^Canswered by the Softdisk staff} We want to hear from you! Send your letters to: {Softdisk, 606 Common St., Shreveport LA 71101-3432}, FAX to {(318) 221-8870}, or e-mail to {sdpcletters@softdisk.com}. ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I look forward to your disks. I don't understand how to use PolyPeg [SDPC #122]. It wants a filename and I see no filenames for input. I didn't understand Rainbow Squares [SDPC #123]. Yvonne Long Granite City, IL {John Zucco responds: In PolyPeg, you need to select the "New" option under the "PolyPeg" menu bar area (the first menu bar area) to start a new game. After you select New, you should see a screen with various gameboard designs. Simply click on the one you want to play. If the first menu bar option is "Edit" instead of "PolyPeg," select the "Play" option from within it to get back to the regular play menu options. If that wasn't the problem, you might just be trying to use the  and "Open" option instead of "New" to start a new game. Rainbow Squares is a computer variation of the popular slide puzzles. When you start a new game, all the numbered pieces on the board are shifted around. Your task is to shift all the pieces back to their original locations (numbers match up going across and colors match up going down) by clicking on the  and arrow keys around the board. Although the new boards are only mixed around 14-20 moves, it may take you several hundred moves to solve. --JZ} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I have been able to print hard copies of all the articles except the Comics Corner [#122]. The graphics are great. How about some holiday "cartoon-type" characters? H. W. Reach New York, NY {John Zucco responds: We "goofed" on the formatting script in the  and Comic's Corner text on that issue. We forgot to add the format string that makes text printable from within the  and shell to the file. We fixed it this month. Glad you liked the Christmas graphics. Maybe we can get Tom to do some cartoon-type art for one of the  and next holidays. --JZ} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, The Report Card printed, but the  and Comics Corner [#122] would not print. Rod Barnes Coupville, WA {John Zucco responds: Sorry. [See above explanation.] We'll try better next time. --JZ} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Ideas for future issues: Tetris and card games. Anita L. Loveless Hoquiam, WA {John Zucco responds: How did you like the new Blaze VGA and King Albert Solitaire on issue #125? --JZ} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, ZIP Codes [#121] worked on the  and first query, but not on further queries. I had to go back and start from the menu again. I called in and asked to be switched to the  and CD-ROM format, but I'm still getting the 5 1/4" disks. Robert Williams LA Mirada, CA {John Zucco responds: I just re-ran ZIP Codes, searched for various cities and codes, and did not expierence any of the  and trouble you stated. If you could give us a little more info (What were you searching for? Are you searching in all states or just the current state? What messages did you get after the first search? etc.), maybe we could track down what's happening on your system. And you can always call our Tech Support number for help. Sorry about the delay on your CD-ROM issues. Your phone call must have slipped through the cracks. I personally went and checked with Customer Service on the  and status of which format you should be receiving and made sure it was updated to CD-ROM. So, you should be getting the issues on CD-ROM now. --JZ} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, When you first published Greeting Card about a year ago, I mentioned that there was a flaw in the way you handled messages. That is, you did not save the message text exactly as it was entered. The purpose of a text edit is to center or present the message so that it better fits the intent of the designer. However, when edit is chosen, what appears on the window is not what was entered prior to preview. This makes the  and program difficult to use. On the other hand, the animations and MIDI files are beautiful. Try to correct the  and text problem for next time and you'll have a wonderful product. Best reguards, Peter Mora Augusta, GA {John Zucco responds: I re-ran Greeting Card and there does seem to be problem with some text not being formatted correctly when you edit it a second time after previewing the card. We'll add it to the list of things that need updating for next time. Thanks for the info. I'll pass your compliments about the animations along to our Art Director Tom Carter. He did most of the artwork for the animations this year. --JZ} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Now my girlfriend is hooked on [Softdisk PC] too! If only she had a 386... Not exactly a problem, but in the Super Crossword, the character from "Death of a Salesman" is Loman, not Lomax. I'd buy a CD-ROM collection of Big Blue Disk or On-Disk Monthly back issues. Demian Katz Phoenixville, PA {John Zucco responds: It might be awhile before we put older issues on CD-ROMs. Most of the older programs [SDPC #119 and below] won't run off a CD-ROM since they write files and such to the current drive. We got Dan's shell program working on CD-ROMs and it could replace older shells on the  and VGA issues #83 and up. But that still leaves the programs to deal with. We could go back and put the  and programs that won't run on CD in installers (like we did with Fair Warning on the  and CD issue #123), but a lot of the  and issues have 4 or 5 such programs. Some of the  and programs could be updated to run on CDs, but that would require a lot of time and programming effort. So, for right now, all that I can tell you is that we've given it a lot of consideration, but it's a back burner project/idea. --JZ} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Fair Warning [SDPC #123] is excellent, but I use a batch file for my simple needs. All About the Grammys [SDPC #123] is a well done piece of software. PolyLink's a good thought provoking game. Super Crossword---Mainstay program. Trivia Now---Mainstay program II. A graphics converter would be nice. Combine and update your Rangler [SDPC #70] and PCX Viewer. Interesting writing by Jim Weiler. Why is he not listed in your credits? Where is Knees Calhoun? Could it be they both do your Apple publication? Ted Wojciehowski Rice Lake, WI {John Zucco responds: The CD-ROM issue this month includes a demo version of NeoPaint. It's a great paint program that supports PCX, GIF, TIF, and BMP graphics. Weiler occasionally writes articles or guest editorials for the issues. His main job(s), though, is helping out with the  and online stores and Internet divisions of Softdisk. Knees Calhoun [a.k.a. Fender Tucker] is still building that Loadstar tower. I think they're on issue 152 or so. Loadstar also has it's own site on the Internet at "http://www.loadstar.com/". Be sure to check it out for the latest news in the  and Commodore world. Both the  and Apple][ GS and Mac products are still going full swing as well. Lee Golden and Greg Davis are putting those issues together now. --JZ} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Some of the  and files for Maverick were missing. I could not "Copy the Entire Issue" on SDPC #123. James Van Dusen Jeffersonville, VT {John Zucco responds: I went back and checked the files for Maverick on both the  and 3.5" and 5.25" disks and they all seemed to be there. We did, however, omit the  and TRIVIA.EXE and CROSWORD.EXE executable files for Trivia Now and Super Crossword on issue #123 since they are included on the  and Starter Disk and past issues. If you recently deleted files from \SDPCVGA\TRIVNOW or \SDPCVGA\CROSWORD, or failed to re-install the Starter Disk after deleting the \SDPCVGA directory all together, you would run into the copy problem. If you're using the "Copy Entire Issue" to copy the issue to floppies (and then clear the  and issue off your hard drive each month), don't delete the  and entire \SDPCVGA directory from your hard drive. Only delete the monthly issue directory that's inside the  and main \SDPCVGA directory, such as \SDPCVGA\SDPC123 for issue #123. Only deleting the issue directories will ensure that "common" recurring programs such as Trivia Now and Super Crossword are always there for future issues. One other thing that might be causing the problem you're running into is that the  and "Copy Entire Issue" to floppies takes 3 disks instead of 2 on issue #123. The shell might be asking you to insert a new disk 3 (Maverick is the first program on disk 3) and you might be re-inserting disk 2 by mistake. If neither of these explainations help, or are totally off track, try giving our Tech Support a call. You can also use the  and batch file COPY123.BAT located in the  and \SDPCVGA\SDPC123 directory to copy the entire issue to floppies. It requires XCOPY that's included with DOS 5 and up. The syntax for using it is "COPY123 A" or "COPY123 B" depending on which floppy drive you want to copy to. --JZ} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, More games like Pony Express Pete, etc. Irene Gilbert White Lake, NY