^P- ^C{Graphics: PCX Clip Art ^P+ ^Cby Tom Carter and various artists} This month we have yet another collection of high-quality PCX graphic files. As with all the  and art we supply on Softdisk PC, you can use these images for whatever purposes you wish - just don't copy them for others or resell them. PCX clip art is in a standardized format that is accepted by most art programs and desktop publishing software, so you can use these images to enliven your newsletters, greeting cards, posters, and anything else you create on your computer. This month we provide some Easter and miscellaneous clipart. Select the "View" button to view a slide show of the images. ^C{_PCX Clip Art Files on This Issue:_} 26BELL.PCX 26BUNNY.PCX 26BUNNY2.PCX 26DRILL.PCX 26DUCKS.PCX 26EGG.PCX 26EGGS.PCX 26FACE.PCX 26FKLIFT.PCX 26GUAGE.PCX 26HAMMER.PCX