^P- ^C{Contests & Specials ^P+ ^Cby the Softdisk PC Staff} Welcome to our new area dedicated to contests and specials that we'll offer each month. You can check here for the latest on contests that we're offering and winners of previous months. The current list of contests include: "Submit a Title Screen," "Joke of the  and Month," "Tips & Hints" and "Trivia of the  and Month." ^C{_Submit a Title Screen_} Enter a computer drawing for the title screen of an issue! You artists in the  and crowd can show off your work, complete with your signature. If we use it, you'll get an extra six months on your subscription. The images that we use for our main screen are 640X480X16. You can look at the main screens used on issues 105 through this issue for examples. The palette should include 1 free color (not used in the  and image), light gray, and dark gray. Don't worry about the program buttons or issue number (we can add them). The format can be .PCX or .BMP. This month we're featuring some awesome Arabians that were taken from an oil painting our own Tom Carter painted for his wife. ^C{_Joke of the  and Month_} This is an ongoing offer to submit your favorite joke. This section is also in our Comic's Corner area. Each month we pick what we think is the best joke of the  and bunch. All we ask is that you keep 'em moderately clean. After we've rounded up enough, we'll publish a program that will cycle through the jokes, giving credit where it's due. ^C{_Tips & Hints_} There's so many time saving tricks for working in DOS (or DOS applications such as WordPerfect) that we want to give you the best every month. Send in your favorite tip or hint and we'll pick the  and best one each month (from an expert panel of judges, of course). Whoever gives us the  and best one will get three free months added to their subscription. ^C{_Trivia_} Here's one we're working on. We'd like to have a trivia quiz each month. 40 easy, medium and hard questions from any category. If we use yours, you'll get an extra six months free on your subscription. ^P To participate, send your entries to: Softdisk Publishing Attn: DOS Contests 606 Common Street Shreveport, LA 71101 You can also send questions or entries to any of the  and following e-mail addresses: Internet: {contests@softdisk.com} CompuServe: {73420,2364} e-World: {SoftdiskPb} PRODIGY: {UCSY15C} GEnie: {softdisk}