^P- ^C{Pako 2 ^P+ ^Cby Victor H. Olvera} The year is 2095, strange new life forms have begun to appear everywhere. Scientist have concluded the origin of these life forms to be from outer space, but are unable to pin-point exactly where. These life forms live very short lives but they leave hundreds of eggs behind them. The Earth population finds them more annoying than the  and cockroach and have nicknamed them Space-Pests. Since these pests can't be killed with ordinary pesticides, Uranium Corp. has developed Pako (You), an anti-space-pest constructed from the DNA of the space-pests themselves. Pako's specific design is not to find and kill the space-pests but to seek and destroy their eggs and food supply. After Pako successfully completed 100 tests set by Uranium Corp., the Public Quality & Safety Administration halted its release to the  and public until Pako passed 250 more tests of their own. And from there, this adventure begins.