^P- ^C{Mailbag ^P+ ^Canswered by the Softdisk staff} We want to hear from you! Send your letters to: {Softdisk, 606 Common St., Shreveport LA 71101-3432}, or FAX to {(318) 221-8870}, or e-mail to {softdisk@webcom.com} via Internet, {SoftdiskPb} on America Online, {Softdisk} on GEnie, {70007,1547} on CompuServe, or {UCSY15B} on Prodigy. Be sure to specify that your comments are regarding Softdisk PC, since we have products for a number of platforms. ^C{----------} Dear Dan, I'm a longtime subscriber to Softdisk in its many forms, Apple first, now PC. I've watched it evolve, I've lived thru many incarnations of it, but you bring me to the brink of throwing my hands in the  and air and giving up. This is an uncomfortable position to live with because I'm paid up for another twenty-one (21) issues. :< You made me very angry a few issues ago and I was going to write to you and ask if you referred to your Softdisk Windows subscribers as your "anti-DOS crowd," but I let that blow over. I thought you'd finally give up on us "anti-Windows" folks, but I see you haven't. This is *all* about Windows. I don't use it. I really don't appreciate your Online Journeys column because you can't seem to leave Windows out of it. I really don't understand why you don't just back off when you feel the urge to add "(for Windows users only)". Surely you realize, since there ARE two versions of Softdisk, we PC subscribers have had it up to our cowlicks with hearing about Windows? When I read "or use the Windows file manager," or "with our Windows setup routine," or "your copy of WinCIM," I do wonder what sort of insensitive, blob writes this stuff? OTOH, I do appreciate the mention Fidonet received in issue 105, HOWEVER, I very nearly didn't get that far into the column BECAUSE you started right off with your blathering about Windows. I don't appreciate the way you force the  and Softdisk PC version graphical interface to be a Windows look-alike. It takes forever to load, and after the long wait, I'm presented with a shell with little buttons I didn't want in the  and first place. Although you give us the  and option of using the keyboard, it's easier to use the  and mouse. I use my mouse for very specific things graphical, and I don't *like* switching back and forth between my mouse and keyboard. Aside from the memory-hog aspect of Windows, what keeps me from warming to it is the keyboard/mouse switching thingie. What I'd like to see in Softdisk PC is an extreme and prejudical LACK of the look of or mention of Windows. I don't think that's too much to ask. I realize you are writing a column for both versions, however, judicial editing takes very little time and effort and would be deeply appreciated. Thanks for your time. Joe Peshek FidoNet 1:390/2 {Daniel Tobias responds: The Internet columns are indeed run on both the  and DOS and Windows editions, and I can't help mentioning Windows software because, like it or not, the majority of present PC-based Internet software is being written for Windows. Prodigy and America Online, for instance, have only made World Wide Web browsers available to Windows users, and are working on it for the Macintosh, but not for plain DOS as far as I know. For direct Internet access through a PPP account, I use various Windows-based software, and though there may be some DOS software that does equivalent functions, I don't have it, and thus have no way of reviewing it. Thus, if I were to edit out all Windows references from my columns, some of the columns would be almost empty. Since some of our DOS users have and occasionally use Windows, it seemed best to leave these references in. I know this sounds like an anti-DOS attitude, but in fact I'm an old-time command line buff myself, who didn't even have Windows installed on my system at work until less than a year ago. However, these days, certain kinds of software (including Internet and online service access programs) are almost entirely coming out for Windows, and the Windows environment works best for this sort of thing due to its multitasking ability (e.g., so you can retrieve your new e-mail while browsing the Web). For this reason, even people who hate Windows may find themselves compelled to use it occasionally because some of the software they need is only found there. Thus, I intend to keep mentioning Windows software for Internet. If I find out about any good DOS software, I'll mention it too. I haven't stopped using DOS; in fact, I'm editing this right now in my own DOS Manager program, even though I've got Microsoft Word for Windows installed on this machine. I also use DOS-based terminal programs like Procomm Plus and Comit often for text-mode-based telecommunications, just not for Internet. And, I run my own Dan's Den BBS entirely on a monochrome system without Windows or any other graphical interface. (I use DesqView there for multitasking.) Aside from the columns, we have made a strong move away from Windows material on our DOS product; we no longer publish Windows programs or screen savers on Softdisk PC. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I have spent every spare moment in June trying to get the  and secret word for Nucleon VGA -- finally. The first day the disk came I had 20058, did not see 20000 again till today, then at 20370 something, there it is! [Secret word edited out to not spoil others' quest for it!] What a game. I gave up on Pete and Eskimo Jo when shot by bullets from Totems and Walruses. I knocked the keyboard off the desk, with my knees. These games are fun, and very time consuming. I didn't even get started on this last Paragon. Keep up the  and good work. Did you find my name for the planet that I sent in for Checkers Defense Initiative? You had omitted my name when you printed the ones who had solved it and I called you about it, but received no reply. Marlene Richey Sidney MT {Daniel Tobias responds: We printed your suggested name (Richland) in issue #105. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I suggest you inform users to donate used computers to Lions Clubs, or other service organizations. Rod Barnes Coupeville WA {Daniel Tobias responds: Thanks for the suggestion. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Texas Talk (Word Up!, #105) was fun! What a cute idea! And by the way, Letter Drop (on #100) has made a hit with all my grandkids -- even the 3 year old. She doesn't know words but knows her letters, and all the ones she missed made her laugh because the computer went "di-di-di-di." My congrats to the  and authors! Bernice Peterson Scottsburg OR ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I got over 10,680 points in the  and first 15 levels of Place Ball (on #105) and finished the easy game, but no secret word. Do I have to finish all levels to get the  and word? Linda Fox Riverside CA {Daniel Tobias responds: In Place Ball, as in most multilevel games, you do have to make it to the end of the  and last level to get the  and secret word. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Dan, I enjoy reading Mailbag, Diskovery, and your informative articles and feel you're doing a great job. I also enjoy many of the  and monthly programs. Since I am a Solitaire fan, I was happy to receive the VGA Bonus Disk a few months ago on which Forty Thieves is programmed. I have played this game hundreds of times without being able to complete it. I feel it's an impossibility. Am I missing some details or instructions (which I've read over and over a number of times)? What are your thoughts on this? Keep up the  and good work! Susanne F. Walter Englewood FL {Daniel Tobias responds: Thanks for your comments! It's not impossible to solve Forty Thieves, just difficult. Many solitaire card games are that way; the  and luck of the draw is very important, as many configurations of cards are impossible to win even with perfect play. You just have to keep dealing 'em again and again until you finally get a winner. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, The one program I needed and which will be used was Resume Master Deluxe. Our son-in-law is losing his position because of company "downsizing." This program came at a very opportune time. Searles Hornstein Bismarck ND {Daniel Tobias responds: Lots of people are in that boat these days; hence, we've been publishing lots of job-seek-related programs on our issues and online stores these days. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Folks, Just a note to say you guys are doing a great job. I also work in a profession where you can't please all of the  and people all of the time. So, you just do the  and best you can and the majority of the  and people are satisfied. You put out a great product at a great price and there should not be any complaints. I have a question to ask and you can answer it in either the letters column or the common questions column. I have not used the computer a lot and I am not sure what programs the PCX graphics can be used in. I have the Print Shop program so those graphics are obvious, but the  and PCX graphics I'm not sure about. I am running Windows 3.1 and have Word for Windows and Word Perfect 5.1 and 6.0 for my word processors. If you could just give me an idea what programs I can use those graphics in, I sure would appreciate it. I hate to have the graphics lying around and not being able to use them in my writings. Thank you in advance for your time and keep up the  and good work. Roger J. Young Delta UT {Daniel Tobias responds: Many word processors, and desktop publishing programs like PageMaker or Publish It!, will let you import PCX graphics. Microsoft Word doesn't support this format, unfortunately, but you can load PCX graphics into the  and Paintbrush program that came with Windows and then save them out as BMP files, which can be read by Microsoft Word. Most graphic paint programs will load PCX files. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I need some GIF pictures that can be used in Pixel Puzzler. Some things of particular interest to women would be appreciated. Barbara C. Norton Louisville KY {Daniel Tobias responds: We've gone away from using the GIF format these days, since Unisys shocked everyone by demanding a royalty from publishers who sell programs that support this format on the  and grounds that they use a proprietary compression algorithm that Unisys has a patent on. We have no intention of paying tribute to Unisys, so future versions of Pixel Puzzler, if any, will probably use a different graphic format. We've already begun using PCX graphics for the shell graphics in Softdisk PC instead of GIF, and will probably switch to a non-proprietary format with better compression once we have program code for it. However, you might try looking on bulletin board systems, where lots of public-domain or freeware GIF graphics can be found. There may be many of these which will work with our program. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, When you load the whole thing via Windows it clutters my disk up with so much. I like being able to load only what I need. I run the  and older Big Blue Disk issues on the Tandy. I'm thinking of going to the  and CGA version so the DOS version can run on the Tandy and also getting the Windows version for the NCR, but I'm still thinking about it. Oh, how come you are not on Delphi? I gave up on Prodigy after 4 years to just use Delphi. J. Fredrick Roberts Winchester KY {Daniel Tobias responds: We've concentrated our online stores on the  and services with the largest customer bases, which meant that our main focus was on Prodigy, America Online, and CompuServe. However, we're now getting into Internet, which will make us available online from almost any service. You can check out our World Wide Web site at: http://www.webcom.com/~softdisk/ --Dan}