^P- ^C{Diskovery ^P+ ^Cby David Bowman} Putting together Softdisk issues each month is a lot like multisport training. Triathlons, for instance, involve swimming, biking and running. If you just bike and run, you'll sink. The same goes for putting together a quality monthly product in our opinion. Each month means trying to put together the right combination of software, articles and accessories to have the winning touch. Although we never feel that there is such a thing as a perfect issue, we strive to find a balance of productivity, utility, educational and entertainment software for our subscribers. Doing that means planning ahead. At any given time we have around 60 or 70 programs in the  and queue for publication. Most of these programs are submissions from programmers around the country--and even world--that are going through cycles of improvement with our quality assurance department. Much like training until you're ready for race day. Admittedly, we do have a few flat tires and unexpected bumps in the  and road along the way. To take it a step further, most athletes are fortunate to have a good coach. Some even have two or more. The Softdisk crew happens to have an entire staff that literally reach all corners of the globe: YOU. The advice you give to our product is the single most important ingredient of success for our product. You can mail or fax your report cards with suggestions each issue or drop us an e-mail at any of the  and addresses at the bottom of this article. Take the time to let us know what you think about our progress and where we could stand improvement by dropping a note today. Speaking of customer input, we thought a preview of some things we're planning for upcoming issues would be helpful. Your counsel for putting together a livelier interface, making an all DOS issue and raising the minimum standards have brought us to the current issue. Here are some things to look for in issues around the corner: {Monthly Puzzles} Trivia, Word Up! and Crossword puzzles every month are in the  and works. These will be in addition to the regular batch of five or six programs you receive. {Contests & Prizes} Another direction in which we're headed is that of giving our users ways of getting involved. For instance, our 9 Ball Challenge that we published several issues ago was a tremendous success. We've had nearly 200 entries! The winner(s) will be announced next issue. An entire area in our articles section will be reserved for rolling out new contests, like 9 Ball Challenge, and submitting entries for new ones like "Joke of the  and Month," "Artist of the Month," "Tips & Hints," and "Trivia quiz of the month." {This Month} Now, to the  and issue at hand. My personal favorite on this issue is our Football Companion. With it you can look at the schedule of every team for the whole year. And for you real football hacks, grab the  and paper each week and enter the results to have the current standings at your fingertips. Our math geniuses have concocted a way to take into account scores, home vs. away records and opponent's strength to predict the winners each week. Amaze your friends, impress your neighbors. Also, we're working on an update to come out on issue 109 that will be able to tell you playoff pairings. Forget watching ESPN every night trying to figure out the chances of your team making it--do scenarios on your own! Check this one out and let me know what you think since we'd like to improve on this next year. Happy Computing! David Bowman Vice President Softdisk Publishing E-MAIL ADDRESSES: America Online: SD Windows CompuServe: 73420,2364 e-World: SoftdiskPb PRODIGY: UCSY15C GEnie: softdisk internet: sdwindows@aol.com