^P- ^C{Table of Contents ^P+ ^Cby Daniel Tobias} ^C{FindMe! Plus 2.0} A new upgrade to our popular program to help you search for those elusive files on your hard disk. ^C{Pyramid Solitaire} If you say you're not addicted to this latest in our series of solitaire card games, you're in a state of de-Nile! ^C{Math Knowledge Series: Equations} In the aftermath of the previous installments of this series, we're back with another learning experience. If you spend the summer using this software, you'll be ready to ace your classes this fall! ^C{Criss Cross} Some more word-arrangement puzzles for your cerebral challenge. Can you get the words to fit? ^C{Speedy Auto Dialer} Take this program and call me in the morning. Speedy Auto Dialer makes placing phone calls easy. ^C{Textwave} Screen savers aren't just for the Windows crowd any more. This DOS-based screen saver will make interesting patterns on your screen. ^C{TrueType Fonts} Two TrueType fonts, Klayfelt and Sky Scraper, help you make your documents more varied if you use a word processor or desktop publisher that supports this standard font format. ^C{PCX Clip Art} A new set of graphic files in the standard PCX format for use in your word processor or desktop publishing documents. ^C{And more...} As usual, there's other stuff too: an editorial, letters to the editor, columns, and more.