^P- ^C{Mailbag ^P+ ^Canswered by the Softdisk staff} We want to hear from you! Send your letters to: {Softdisk, 606 Common St., Shreveport LA 71101-3432}, or FAX to {(318) 221-8870}, or e-mail to {softdisk@webcom.com} via Internet, {SoftdiskPb} on America Online, {Softdisk} on GEnie, {70007,1547} on CompuServe, or {UCSY15B} on Prodigy. Be sure to specify that your comments are regarding Softdisk PC, since we have products for a number of platforms. ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I enjoy reading others' names and addresses looking for my own name in "Hall of Fame." I enjoyed the first three Russian games, but not the last one. Marlene Richey Sidney MT ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, One idea that would add a twist to the "secret word" items is to make several different secret words, for various levels of success with a particular program. Say, for Word Up!, you could have a secret word for 50% correct, one for 75%, and one for 95% and over. John S. Brooks Auburn AL {Daniel Tobias responds: We'll consider it, but one secret word per program might already be enough challenge. What do others think? --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Stop publishing letters from whiners. John J. Bednar APO AP {Daniel Tobias responds: Of course, one man's "whine" is another's justified complaint. It's a subjective distinction, and one that's hard to make; in putting together these letter columns, I try to represent the whole range of opinions, positive and negative, about our issues. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I am an early and long-time user who left because of this kind of disk [SDPC #101]. Notify me when you are willing and able to update. Julius A. Stratton (Pentium user) Miller IN {Daniel Tobias responds: We have updated our issues over time. The early issues worked in a 256K machine with monochrome or CGA video, while we now require a 2 MB 386 or better with VGA. We're not ready, however, to raise our minimum to the  and Pentium; not everyone has them. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Each issue is a good enough reason to renew. The items I don't use I still usually enjoy, and there is usually something that I will use on a regular basis. Pentium is great for those that have it, but expensive in computer stores. Alan L. Davis Plympton MA ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, My name is Greg Fuller. I'm writing to you because I just recently resubscribed to Softdisk (ODM). Due to personal reasons I had to let my subscription lapse. I am glad to be back and receiving issues. I look forward to keeping up my subscription. My first I received was #100. I enjoyed that issue a lot. I liked the Criss Cross puzzle as well as Letter Drop. I have had to "so-called" cheat on a couple of Criss Cross puzzles, by seeing which word to start off with, but this was done after several frustrating minutes. I also liked #101. I enjoy playing checkers, but have yet to beat the  and computer opponent. Is this a lost cause? I am looking forward to #102. Are all back issues available? I would like to see what earlier issues looked like. Greg F. Fuller Ravenna OH {Daniel Tobias responds: Yes, all back issues are available. See the  and Back Issue Browser on the  and bonus disk along with this issue for information on the contents of #83 to present and the Windows edition, and see Softdisk Librarian on #100 for contents of the  and earlier issues. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I just received my first two issues of SDPC [101 and 102]. I have a few questions and comments: First of all, when I subscribed to Softdisk, I did not know about Softdisk for Windows. How would I go about changing my subscription from one to the  and other? Second, I have to say that I was disappointed in my first two issues. Although the material was worth the  and few dollars I spent for them, I just didn't like them as much as the Welcome Issue I received which was the  and reason I subscribed in the  and first place. Is the Windows version more like the welcome version, with more games and stuff? I did like the IQ test and the checkers game was all right too. And, last, I have a suggestion. I don't know if you ever put any pinball games in your issues, but if not, you should. Ben Kanspedos Tucson AZ {Daniel Tobias responds: To switch your subscription, call us at 1-800-831-2694. To see what the typical content of our Windows product is, check out the  and Back Issue Browser, included as a bonus disk with this issue. Windows issues #1-8 are cataloged there. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I will keep this letter short and to the  and point. I have been a Softdisk for Apple and Softdisk PC subscriber since 1985. I stopped my Apple subscription when there were too many revisions of programs from earlier issues and demo programs featured. I do not enjoy receiving an issue only to find a new version of Home Inventory or DOS Manager, etc. The final straw is the cancellation of Tech Toons. Issue 103 will be my last. I used to look forward to each issue arriving in the  and mail. That's not the case anymore. I do not purchase two copies of the same software and I will not accept recycled programs from earlier issues. John Michaels Westmount IL {Daniel Tobias responds: Some people, however, appreciate revised and improved versions of our software, and new data files for our game and puzzle programs, even if this does mean that much of the content is a "repeat" of something from an earlier issue. With a monthly schedule to keep, we can't create several brand-new, full-blown standalone-quality programs every issue, but if we keep improving and re-publishing our programs, they can keep getting better each time. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Dan, I'm a recently retired EE, having devoted 40+ years to the ABC TV Network News operation. Since 1984 I have been computing with a Commodore 64, and since 1985 have been working with Fender Tucker in the  and beta testing program for Loadstar. Even though that program has been formally discontinued, I continue to do alpha and beta testing for Loadstar. Last Christmas I received my first PC as a gift. An elaborate affair, running at 60+ megahertz (vs. <1 mhz for the C-64), with dual 400 meg disk drives (vs. 2 drives at 170 kilobytes each for the C-64). A truly awesome assemblage of technical equipment. Trying to utilize this equipment in an intelligent manner proved to be no small feat. I was trying to play catch-up... attempting to drag myself into the  and 20th century before it expired. Several months ago, while talking to Fender, I mentioned my new acquisition along with the  and problems I was having playing that catch-up game and absorbing the voluminous contents of the  and manuals for DOS 6.22, Windows 3.1, SoundBlaster Pro, CorelDraw, and a plethora of new terminology. After 75 summers on the planet, my mental sponge still works well but it does absorb data a little more slowly. Fender had an answer... he sent me a copy of Softdisk PC issue 99, containing your program DOSMAN, ver. 4.0. The first thing I did after printing out and reading the docs was to set the program to the  and /25 switch. Now, even I can read the screen at normal viewing distance. Your program is GREAT! It has been a lifesaver for me... sure, I finally got things copied, deleted, edited, read, etc., but your program really speeds up the  and operation and it's a pleasure to use. Again, thank you for creating a really useful program... one that works well, performs as advertised, and in my opinion fills a real need. Frank P. Vanaman Cobb Island MD {Daniel Tobias responds: Thanks... and I'm glad you finally got a Real Computer! (Hee hee...) --Dan}