^P- ^C{9 Ball Challenge ^P+ ^Cby David Stallard} Are you a pool shark? Or do you lack the  and eye-hand coordination to get the balls to go where you want them to? Either way, you can still excel at this cerebral challenge, in which the  and pool balls go exactly where you tell them to (unlike the real-life sort which sometimes seem to have a mind of their own). The challenge is to figure out the proper selections of balls to maximize your score. You start with a matrix completely filled with pool balls. When a ball is selected, its value is added to the  and current score (and, conversely, its score is subtracted if the ball is unselected.) When a ball is selected, though, all other balls on the  and diagonal lines occupied by the selected ball become shaded and unselectable. You can play this in "tournament" or "challenge" mode. Selecting "new tournament" will generate a random arrangement of balls for which you can try to find the maximal score. The "Open Tournament" button will re-load a previously-created tournament so you can try to better your score or let your friends try it. Finally, the "Challenge" mode will load an arrangement we have created as a challenge to you. Try for your best score on this arrangement, and when you achieve it, use the printout feature to make a copy of the  and arrangement and its score to send in to us. To give you an incentive to send in your superlative performances, we have decided to make it into a contest. We want to see which of our users can score the highest. If you send in the  and highest score we receive, postmarked by July 31, 1995, you win a six month extension of your Softdisk PC subscription. In case of ties, we'll draw one winner randomly from all of those who achieved the highest score. We're running this challenge on both our DOS and our Windows products, but there will be a separate winner for each platform. The challenge layout is different on each, too, so that even if you subscribe to both products, you can't "cheat" by submitting the same solution to both; you'll have to solve each of them separately. To enter, be sure to use the  and "Print" feature in "Challenge" mode of 9 Ball Challenge. This will create an entry form ready to send to us. Scores in "Tournament" mode don't count; it's only scores on our pre-set challenge board we're looking for.