^P- ^C{Word Up! (New VGA version!) ^P+ ^Cby John Hicks} How many words do you know? Can you use them in sentences? Do you actually know what they mean? Can you articulate the  and multifaceted nuances inherent in the connotational context incidental to the utilization of polysyllabic, sesquipedalian verbiage? Test your vocabulary skills with this program, which has been a regular feature on past issues of Softdisk PC. This time, we've got a brand new VGA version of the program, and it comes with an all-new, all-different word file. If you've saved all the word files from old Softdisk PC issues, they'll work in this program, too, so you can put them all together in a directory and really stump your friends. Current Word Up! files have the extension .WUP. Old Word Up! files, in an earlier data format (but still supported by this version), have the extension .WRD. Some really early Word Up! files were named WORDUP.DAT, which you should rename to something with a .WRD extension if you want to use them in this program. More Word Up! files will be published on future issues of Softdisk PC.