^P- ^C{Meet Softdisk PC ^P+ ^Cby the Softdisk PC staff} {Jonathan Bianca, Director of Product Development} - My first experience in computer programming was back in the late 70s on a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I (with a whole 4K of RAM!). Several years later, during my first college computer science course, it became clear that programming computers was how I wanted to spend my days (and nights!). When I'm not at my computer (which isn't very often), I enjoy hunting, fishing and spending time in the great outdoors with my wonderful wife Shawn and our amazing two-year-old son, Joseph. {Daniel Tobias, Senior Developer} - I've been hanging around Softdisk in some capacity or other since its founding in 1981. I subscribed to the  and first Apple II issue in Sept. '81, submitted a program which was published on the  and following month's issue, worked in the  and summer of '84 translating Apple programs to the  and Commodore to launch Loadstar, was hired in '86 as the founding editor of Big Blue Disk (aka On Disk Monthly, aka Softdisk PC). Since then I've moved around to lots of different departments, and I'm not really positive just what it is I do at the  and moment. When I'm not doing whatever I do for Softdisk, I'm the local newsletter editor for Mensa, a member of the  and State Central committee of the  and Libertarian Party, and the SysOp of Dan's Den BBS (318-424-9260; not affiliated with Softdisk). {Todd Lewis, Programmer} - Ever since the  and winter holiday winds whisked a Bally Arcade computer system my way at the  and tender age of ten, all I've ever wanted to to is write computer games. Okay, any type of program will do, but don't let my editor know that or he'll make me do a database or something. Before that epic event in my life, I wanted to be a fireman, so I guess I've gone from putting out fires to putting out issues of our product. After running the gamut from BASIC to PASCAL, I'm now quite comfortable in the C++ world. When spare time crops up, I like to do pencil sketches, pen and ink drawings, listen to music, watch some good movies, write games, and spend time with my four fish (names omitted to protect their innocence) and the most beautiful girl I know, my fiancee Meridith. {John Hicks, Programmer} - I'm just this guy, you know? I work here and don't do a whole lot else. Well, sometimes I race in the  and Grand Prix, and I usually enter a challenger in the  and America's Cup race. Other than that I just sit around. Well, when I'm not out on a secret mission for "the company" or diving with the  and sharks off the Great Barrier Reef or writing a novel or.... {John Zucco, Programmer} - I got hooked on computers back in the mid '80s and have been programming and hacking ever since. I have a BS in Computer Science and plan to go back for a master's degree one of these days. I enjoy going to the  and clubs and watching the local bands play, taking road trips, and reading good suspense novels. Also, I like cats, history, and movies and TV shows about space or science. {Anthony Stuchel (a.k.a Tony), Programmer} - I've been working with 'puters since a freshman in high school where I learned BASIC on the old Apple IIs. Moving from a TRS-80 MC-10, to a Commodore 128, to a 286, to my current blazing 486DX2 (if I only had a Pentium), I've learned bits (?) and pieces of various machines and languages. I've been working here at Softdisk since the  and summer of 94 where I started in Quality Assurance, then moved to the  and Prodigy On-Line services department, did a little Technical Support stuff (now I'm the Tech support backup-backup), and now I'm having fun programming for the PC! A self titled "Power Gamer" I have just about every game and gaming platform you can think of (all the good ones anyway). In my spare time I like trying to decide which game to play next, spending my money on games, watching TV (while playing a PC game), and strolling in the  and central park of Trinsic (if I had a Pentium I could walk faster). {Ross Roberts, Programmer} - My first sight of a computer was when my mother brought home a Commodore 64 to help get the  and family organized. Well, before I knew it, my older brother had figured out how to PRINT his name on the  and screen. I guess I was a victim of sibling rivalry, but I decided right then and there that my brother wasn't going to outdo me this time. Within three months, I was writing games in assembly! I guess it's kind of funny to think that my future career was based solely on the fact that my brother took 2 minutes out of his life to read a paragraph in a manual and to follow its instructions by typing in one line of code into a computer. But then again, maybe it isn't. {Vic Phares, Technical Support} - When my brother spent $500 for a Commodore 64 with no storage device I thought he was crazy. We didn't know anything about computers, but I ended up using it more than he did. Then in 1984 I bought a Sanyo MBC-550 semi-IBM compatible and really got hooked. (Shortly afterwards I saw my first Mac and was totally envious) For years my friends described my computers as my wives, but in June, 1992 I tied the knot with a real live woman. Debbie and the kids, Kayleen and Ricco, have made my life much more fun. When I'm not computing, I'm reading, working on our yard, camping, hiking, or canoeing. {Shelly Taylor, Art Director} - One of my most vivid memories from college days is receiving the award for being the biggest complainer about having to learn layout and design on computers. I also recall screaming, "I'll never be able to draw with a mouse!" Amazingly, now I can't imagine doing art work without a computer - I'm hooked! I began my "second career" as a computer illustrator one year ago - my first career was raising two children and moving all over the world with my husband. My job was to maintain order and sanity in the  and family. I enjoy fishing, camping, and traveling in my "spare time." {Darlene Whitaker, aka "Girl", Artist} - I have a BFA from Louisiana Tech University. I'm single and I draw magic frogs.