^P- ^C{Mailbag ^P+ ^Canswered by the Softdisk staff} We want to hear from you! Send your letters to: {Softdisk, 606 Common St., Shreveport LA 71101-3432}, or FAX to {(318) 221-8870}, or e-mail to {softdiskpb@aol.com} via Internet, {SoftdiskPb} on America Online, {Softdisk} on GEnie, {70007,1547} on CompuServe, or {UCSY15B} on Prodigy. Be sure to specify that your comments are regarding Softdisk PC, since we have products for a number of platforms. ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, DOS Manager [on SDPC #99] is an excellent program. I like being able to format disks while copying instead of having to go out of the  and program to do it. It is a good upgrade from the previous edition. Tremendous program! This one alone makes my subscription worthwhile. Thanks! Barbara H. Staples Port Richey FL {Daniel Tobias responds: You're welcome! --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, DOS Manager saved my life when I made some changes to my config file and could not get Windows back. A few good and usable programs every year makes the  and cost worth while. The text on DOS Manager 4.0 is too small to read, so I think for now I'll stick with the older 3.1 version. Also I was disappointed that there was no animated greeting card for Valentine's Day to go with your Greeting Card program. John Palmisano Lodi NJ {Daniel Tobias responds: DOS Manager 4.0 defaults to 50-line mode on VGA systems, but you can switch it to 25-line mode by pressing Ctrl-V within DOS Manager (this toggles between 25 and 50 line mode), or by running it with the command "DOSMAN /25". To make this mode the  and default for future sessions, go to the  and Settings menu and choose "Make this video mode the  and default", while the  and screen is in the  and mode you prefer. Once you do this, the screens in DOS Manager 4.0 will look just like those of the earlier versions. Greeting Card was designed as a recurring program which we plan to republish with different holiday greetings at various times in the  and future. So far, Christmas cards are the only ones we've done for Softdisk PC issues. We did a Valentine's Day edition recently for other marketing channels, but it didn't fit into our schedule for the regular issues. Maybe we'll put it on an issue next year. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I do not understand the need for this very extensive program [DOS Manager 4.0]. DOS already provides these features. If there were some simple examples on the  and convenience of the program, one might learn to appreciate it. As it stands, I fail to see why one would want to do all the tasks it enables one to do. Berthold J. Notheisen Naperville IL {Daniel Tobias responds: For one thing, DOS Manager lets you look at what's in all of your disk files while you're cleaning up your system. DOS, by itself, only has a "TYPE" command to look at plain text files, but DOS Manager will view various types of text, graphic, spreadsheet, database, and archive files. Few other "DOS shell" programs that I've seen have nearly as much viewing capability built in. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I think I'd better get Windows soon. I'm not able to use some very good items. I keep saying it, but I will one of these days! Alan L. Davis Plympton MA ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, DOSMAN 4.0 is certainly worth the  and wait. The author has done a first rate job developing this program. Considering the cost, XTREE should be ashamed of itself! Walter Boyd Van Buren AR ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk / Daniel Tobias, I have been a loyal subscriber since the  and days of Big Blue and On Disk Monthly. I have a real interest in the  and TrueType fonts you occasionally include with Softdisk. Several disks have now come along without the "View" feature, which allowed for a quick assessment of the font. We don't want to be forced to install the  and font-of-the-month to make a decision to keep it or not. I have Windows, hate Windows, and don't use the TTFs in Windows. Please re-evaluate the "View" feature. If it takes up too much disk space, 1) provide us with a functional program, once, so we might copy future TTFs to disk and view them at our convenience, or 2) leave off some of the constantly increasing "junk" and trivial stuff! Phil C. Kopriva San Francisco CA {Daniel Tobias responds: We don't have a "viewer" for fonts, but when space permits we include a graphic file showing the font, displayable within our issue shell. These graphics have to be generated by us; we have no program to automate the process to let users see fonts if we didn't provide a graphic. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, The quality of Language Tutor [SDPC #98] is deplorable and unacceptable. Spanish is my mother language and I don't need this particular program, but if this is the standard that will prevail in other languages, this program is virtually useless. I am one of your oldest subscribers, and I have maintained my subscription in spite of a severe decline in quality in recent years. This is now fortunately improving, and since from time to time you come up with useful programs, I intend to continue for the time being. I would suggest you take a good look at some of your older programs, and perhaps issue an improved version. I use on a frequent basis the following programs from earlier issues: Datebook II (#50), Telecodes (#67), Video Tape Librarian (#48), DOS Manager 3.0 (#86), Conversion (#48), Abstract Art 2 (#56), Flying Lines (#84), Laser Show (#4), Simple Format 2.0 (#73), Phone Words (#3), and Area Code Finder (#3). Gonzalo Plaza Vienna, Austria ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Hi! My name is Kasey Krall and I am 13 years old. I think On Disk Monthly [now Softdisk PC] is a fun disk to look forward to getting every month. But because I don't understand programs like Loan Accelerator 3.0 and DOS Manager, and have no use for BMP graphics and Family Record Keeper, it really narrows it down on what games are fun to play. One of my favorite games are the Bubba series games, but I don't see those very much. I would appreciate it if you would include more Bubba games in the disks. Thank you very much! Kasey E. Krall Spencer IA ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, My name is Clayton Hess. I have subscribed to your disk magazine since the  and beginning. I used to enjoy every issue, but since you have changed so much (especially Windows, which I hate with a passion), I am finding that there is no part of the  and issues that I can use. If you continue this magazine as it is today, I shall not renew my subscription when it is due. Please put in something that we old timers can use. Clayton Hess Sycamore IL ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I like your graphic interface. I'd like to be able to use your graphical text reader as a separate program like BROWSE.COM. Maybe in a future issue? Richard Dadd Dungannon, Ontario, Canada {Daniel Tobias responds: The text viewer in DOS Manager actually works pretty much the  and same as that of the Softdisk PC shell (some of the same program code is in both programs!), but it's in text mode. If I ever update DOS Manager into VGA mode, it will have a text viewer similar to the SDPC VGA shell, but no such project is scheduled at the  and moment. We'll keep it in mind. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Just played Baroness Solitare. It is not an easy game to win. I have been a subscriber for a long time and in general I enjoy the programs. I do however join the  and small but growing army out there with some concerns. Some of the  and programs are up to the third issue. Many have a second issue. I begin to wonder how much artwork is enough. It seems to me that if someone is that interested in that much art they can go out and buy a bundle of it without having to tie up that much of Softdisk. I too find some of the humor and some of the programs rather immature. I would rather see some good utilities or other programs utilizing that space. I realize the difficulty you have in trying to please everybody. It just cannot be done. However I get the  and impression sometimes that a program was thrown in because there was a deadline to meet or there was not enough desire back there to generate a challenge to yourselves to a good issue. I'm not saying that is the case, but that is the impression I get sometimes. I also find that some of the  and responses to letters that try to tell you this are taken a little personally. If that is the case you should not invite us to write. In the earlier issues I find some real good and helpful programs. Please give us more, otherwise Softdisk becomes a medium where once you have belonged for a couple of years it is time to give it up. W. Gordon Crabb Hagerstown MD {Daniel Tobias responds: It's true that the  and tight monthly deadline doesn't always permit us to add as many good features to our programs as we'd like. This is one reason why we re-publish programs so much, because it gives us a chance to steadily improve them, as with DOS Manager. Some other programs are re-published to provide more data files for them, as with the crossword and word-finder programs. We always appreciate feedback, and we'll do our best to meet customer expectations, within our tight schedule and limited resources. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I enjoy all aspects of each issue, and have been a subscriber for years, since Loadstar (C64). Gordon Pitre Opelousas LA ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I would like to be able to specify directories for each standalone program at loading; e.g., to put games in my games directory in individual subdirectories. Bill Curran Thomaston ME {Daniel Tobias responds: If you use the "Copy It" feature from an issue to copy an individual item instead of the  and entire issue, you can specify its destination directory. You can run an issue from the floppy disk before you load anything onto your hard drive, and thus see what you want to install before you take up hard disk space with it. This is one feature Softdisk PC has that is not shared by its sister publications Softdisk for Windows and Softdisk for the Macintosh, which have to be installed onto your hard disk from a compressed file before you can run them. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, CD Rom zines have better value. Want more Windows stuff. William Wells Naugatuck CT {Daniel Tobias responds: We may do one of those CD ROM things eventually. However, the CD ROM "magazines" I've seen have lots of flash, but may actually contain a smaller quantity of actually useful material than does our product, since their aim is usally to put on a good show (which is fun to see, once) rather than to provide complete software of lasting value. If Windows stuff is your primary interest, you should think about converting your subscription to our "new disk on the block," Softdisk for Windows. Call our Customer Service department at 1-800-831-2694. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I don't run Windows because you can do the  and same thing almost with DOS without using as much memory. Michael Wilkinson Yuma AZ ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I gave a card [from Greeting Card, on SDPC #97] to a friend with a monochrome display. Don't ask why he still has monochrome. The card doesn't work on monochrome. You should make one that works for all monitor displays. Hartwell Lee Sacramento CA {Daniel Tobias responds: We used to try to support all monitors, but that meant keeping the graphics down to a "lowest-common-denominator" level, or having wasteful duplication of graphic screens for several different modes. Eventually, as of issue #83, we decided to go all-VGA, since most current users have at least VGA (if not SVGA), and we could produce higher-quality software if we could concentrate on this one mode. Monochrome monitors are particularly hard to support, as the  and early MDA has no graphics support at all, and the later Hercules video cards support graphic modes that are not compatible with any other display adapter. One of my own computers at home has a Hercules monochrome card on it, and it's fine for text-mode applications, but not for anything graphical. If you have friends with Macintosh or Commodore computers, they won't be able to run Greeting Card from Softdisk PC either. In general, you should assume that any programs we publish to generate files to send to other people require a similar system "at the  and other end" to the minimum required system for Softdisk PC, unless stated otherwise. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, In Language Tutor [#98], you can read the words, but how do you know how to say them right? James L. Farris Ft. Worth TX {Daniel Tobias responds: That's a good point; we'll consider adding a pronunciation key in future editions of Language Tutor, if we update this program. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Drop Drop [on #98] made up my mind for me [to renew my subscription]. There may be a lapse before I re-subscribe because I only had money for 3-month subscriptions. Kill the Windows stuff ASAP! Damian Katz Phoenixville PA ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, The quality of Softdisk seems to be slipping. I have been disappointed with the  and last 3 issues (#97-#99). Will Bubba adventures be available on the new Windows issues? I would _not_ be interested in Cross Stitch! Edwards Hamilton MO {Daniel Tobias responds: No Bubba adventures are presently scheduled for Windows, but it's always a possibility for the future. OK... after the groundswell of support for a cross-stitch program, we're now getting the backlash against it. We may do such a program, or we may not... none is in our schedule at present, but it could come up in the future. Also expressing disinterest in embroidery: Marlene Richey, Sidney MT. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I solved all Cryptos [on #98] but no secret word -- didn't cheat! Rich Dahlstrom Longmeadow WA {Daniel Tobias responds: We goofed... due to an error in the  and data file for Crypto Sleuth on #98, no secret word is given when you solve it. We apologize, and we'll try not to do it again! --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I do not like the direction Softdisk seems to be going. I thought #98 was one of the worst issues I have received, especially "Daniel Tobias Responds" in Mailbag. Patrick Helm Baltimore MD {To your dismay, Daniel Tobias responds: You'll have to be more specific about just what I said in my responses that you dislike. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Your magazine is quite good. When I received your card, I saw it was mailed in Canada and the card would be mailed to an address in Canada. I assumed payment could be made in Canadian funds, but your invoice states payment is to be made in U.S. funds. You have a very good product. Your real problem for me was dealing in U.S. funds. Bill Eichorst Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada {Daniel Tobias responds: We send our Canadian marketing mailings through a Canadian address because that's cheaper than mailing them from here and allows the use of Canadian postpaid reply cards, but we're a U.S.-based company (even if our city _does_ have a Canadian Football League team), so our prices have been set in U.S. currency. However, due to our large number of Canadian customers, we have just begun accepting payments in Candadian funds. Call us for the latest information in that regard. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Your loan program applied to the  and American market. I would like to see products for the Canadian market. David J. Cook Hamilton, Ontario, Canada {Daniel Tobias responds: I'm not familiar with the differences in Canadian loans. If somebody will inform me of the specifics, I might implement Canadian options in a future version of the program. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Please put on your priority To-Do list a further upgrade of your Loan Accelerator program. The most egregious deficiency is that it will not handle interest rates to three decimal places. For example, it will not work with a common mortgage interest rate of, say, eight and one-eighth (8.125). John Tucker Columbus OH {Daniel Tobias responds: As with the  and Canadian note above, I'll see if I can handle this in a future upgrade. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, In Super Crossword [#97], if you say Yes to graphics on the  and printout, it comes out as graphic characters on the  and laser printer, not crossword style lines. The non-graphic version was easier to use when printed. Dan Krebs Brighton MI {Daniel Tobias responds: When programs give an option to do printouts with graphic characters, use of such an option requires that your printer is set in a mode that supports use of the  and IBM PC extended character set, which includes various foreign and line-drawing characters. Unfortunately, many printers default to different sets of extended characters, so trying to use graphic character mode causes garbage to be printed. Your choices are to say no to graphic characters (in which case, standard ASCII lines are used, which don't look as good as the  and IBM extended characters), or to set your printer to "IBM mode," which is usually available as a configuration setting (see your printer's manual). --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I used to get Apple GS Softdisk. I now have a PC, so have ordered the PC Softdisk. Being new at the PC, I could not get your Greeting Card [#97] to copy. Would you have a Copy II Plus for the PC? If so, could I please buy one? Madonna R. Brummer Seward AK {Daniel Tobias responds: There is a Copy II PC out by the same company that did Copy II Plus; I'm not positive whether it's still "in print." Our own DOS Manager, on issue #99, will do the job of copying files around. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, You misspelled my name on issue 99's Hall of Fame. Ralph Hollingshead West Unity OH {Daniel Tobias responds: Sorry! I'll try to get it right in the  and future! --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I couldn't find the "mystery" that's supposed to be in each issue. What do I need to have to use PCX graphics? I have the New Print Shop. I am interested in cross stitching. Nancy S. Dodson Julian NC {Daniel Tobias responds: The Monthly Mystery has been replaced, for the time being, with the  and "Russian Corner," featuring games from Russia. PCX graphics are usable in a number of programs that support this format, including most desktop publishing programs. Print Shop, though, has its own image format which is not compatible with PCX. However, a newer version, Print Shop Deluxe, has an import feature for PCX files, but it's not compatible with all PCX graphics since some are not saved in the  and format it expects. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, I have two problems with Softdisk Journal for Windows [#98] which will deter me from using it. First, the program adds a "form feed" after each day's entry so that when I print a range of 7 days of entries, the program produces 7 pages of paper even though each day's entry is only 5 or 6 lines long. Wouldn't a line feed be more logical than a form feed? Most people do not write 50 lines for every day of their diary. Second, the program only allows entries from 1980 to 2079. I have a set of diaries written by my mother-in-law which run from 1940 to 1974, a couple of years before she died. Is there some way to work around the limitations of the  and computer calendar to allow entries prior to Jan. 1, 1980? Your program would be great for this kind of history because with the  and calendar we could go to any date to pull up data. With the introduction of the new Windows disk, I hope that you will continue to put a mix of both DOS and Windows programs on Softdisk PC. I am not that great a fan of Windows, but am forced to use it to take advantage of some of the programs that only run under it. H. D. "Bud" Hubbard Sedona AZ {Daniel Tobias responds: Softdisk Journal was designed for people keeping an ongoing diary on computer; we hadn't anticipated people trying to type in an old diary from decades ago. Dates of the 1980-2079 range were picked to allow use of 2-digit years. However, we have done programs in the  and past that permit dates in other decades and centuries (e.g., Family Tree), so we might do the  and same for Softdisk Journal if that's what users want. We will consider your requests for future revisions of this program. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Now that you have Softdisk for Windows, maybe you should offer one just for DOS users. Pat Spielman E. Setauket NY {Daniel Tobias responds: Many have asked for an all-DOS product, but some (like the previous letter) like a DOS/Windows mix as Softdisk PC now has. We're presently moving more towards DOS on Softdisk PC, since so many Windows fans have switched to the  and Windows product. The long-term future of Softdisk PC has yet to be decided. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Shareware is at least as good [as Softdisk PC] and offers an inexpensive trial. Arthur K. Yellin Olney MD {Daniel Tobias responds: But then, after the trial, you're expected to pay for it, while our software has no such strings attached. One shareware program's registration may easily cost more than a full year of Softdisk PC. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, How about a typing program -- one that can determine words typed per minute? Jim O'Connell Rexford NY {Daniel Tobias responds: Our Typing Attack III program, on issue 83, included a game to challenge your typing skills, plus a test that includes a summary of your speed and accuracy. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Having read Mr. Pugh's letter in the  and Mailbag of issue 95 about a converter for changing BMPs, GIFs, and PCXs, I have an answer for him. There is a shareware program available that not only does the  and converting, but is a viewer as well for those files. The glitch is that the  and registered program costs $30.00 from Mr. Bob Montgomery, 543 Via Fontana, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714-3172. I use mine regularly and it is super-great, and well worth the  and price. Edwin S. Fitch Lady Lake FL ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, There's always something interesting, fun, or useful in every issue. Love the columns! Patricia Benard Salem OR ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, Basaltic Font [#97] requires Windows. I don't have Windows, and I had not planned on getting it. Bitmap graphics require Windows also. William Scott Mitchellville MD {Daniel Tobias responds: Actually, some DOS-based programs use TrueType fonts, and some graphic editors and desktop publishing programs will import .BMP graphics. It's not true that these files are only of use to people with Windows, though their main use is in Windows. --Dan} ^C{----------} Dear Softdisk, How about having a FAX number? Stephen T. Epps Shoreham, L.I., NY {Daniel Tobias responds: We do: (318) 221-8870. I've added a header at the  and top of this and future letter columns giving all our latest contact info, including postal, FAX, and e-mail addresses. --Dan}