^P- ^C{IQ Test ^P+ ^Cby John Zucco ^CConcept and questions by Manuel Silva} OK, smarty-pants... We all know you're a wise guy, but do you know just how wise you are? This program will help you find out. Answer all the questions in the  and allotted time and you'll be presented with a score that will show you just how far above (or below) average you are. Don't ask for whom the  and bell curve tolls: it tolls for you! {Note:} This program is for your own amusement only, and should not be regarded as a professional, scientific IQ test, which only a trained and licensed psychologist may administer. If you score highly on this test, you can boast about it to all your friends (freedom of speech is protected in this country, after all), but you can't use your score to get into college or Mensa, nor can you be exiled into the  and "remedial" track if your score fails to measure up. It's just for fun, OK? (However, the questions on this test are similar to those used on actual, standardized IQ tests.)