^P- ^C{Diskovery ^P+ ^Cby Daniel Tobias} This is another tightly-packed issue, so I won't waste much space editorializing. Those of you who are interested in the  and Information Superhighway should check out the  and resumption of our Travels on the  and Infobahn column on this issue. Now I'm writing it myself, and this month I talk about the Internet. Maybe you've been using the Internet lately but don't know where it came from, or maybe you've just heard about it in the media and are wondering what all the fuss is about. Either way, this column will help you get acquainted with what's going on in this exciting global network, and future columns will cover various specific things you can find out there. Going on to the program content of this issue, which is always the "meat" of our software subscriptions, I think this issue will be pleasing to those of you who have been complaining about an excess of Windows-related content. While some people want us to maintain a DOS/Windows mix on Softdisk PC, many others feel that, given that we've got a separate Softdisk for Windows subscription, we should keep Softdisk PC oriented to DOS. With this issue, we're moving in that direction; all of the program items here are for DOS. We won't guarantee that there will never be another Windows item on Softdisk PC -- it depends on the  and mix of programs we're able to create inhouse or acquire from submitters, as well as on the wishes of readers as expressed in report cards and letters (which include some readers who still want some Windows items here), but we will be attempting to move to a more DOS-heavy mix than on some recent past issues. Those of you who prefer Windows are encouraged to switch to our Windows subscription. While there are no Windows programs this month, there is a TrueType font and some .BMP wallpaper graphic files. These are considered to be primarily Windows items, but there are some DOS programs that are able to handle these file formats. So, what do you readers think about our continuing to publish these kinds of files? Are they of use to you, or would you rather we publish different items of more use in DOS? Let us know! One thing I've been promising for a while is the remaining captions from our TechToon cartoons. These have been bumped several months in a row due to limited space, and it doesn't look like we'll be able to squeeze them in this month either, but I haven't forgotten them; I'll try to have them for you next month. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this issue. See you next month! --Dan