^P- ^C{Checkers Defense Initiative ^P+ ^Cby Anthony Stuchel ^Cart by Shelly Taylor & Darlene Whitaker ^Csound by David Stallard ^CA.I. by Barrett Brown} Only you can save the world! Aliens have invaded, and they wish to exterminate the human race, whom they view as inferior to their advanced culture. Although human concepts of cultural advancement generally include a sense of morality that precludes mass murder, the aliens apparently feel this does not apply when it comes to ridding the universe of vermin such as those who inhabit backwater solar systems as ours. However, they have generously given humanity a chance to prove our lack of inferiority, so we can be saved. The means they have chosen is a game of checkers, using astronomical-sized pieces which orbit the  and Earth. You have been selected as the  and Earthly checkers expert to represent the planet in this Earth-shaking contest. Are you up to the challenge? Can you defeat the aliens and prove the worthiness of Earthlings to join the  and galactic civilization, or will you go down in ignominous defeat and watch the  and destruction of Earth from your orbital station? Play C.D.I. and find out! {NOTE:} This program will not work if you are running Windows. You should exit Windows (if you're running it) and then run C.D.I. from DOS by typing "CDI" while you're in the  and directory or drive containing SDPC #101, or else (from DOS) run the  and issue by typing "GO" and then select C.D.I.