^C{Top Ten List ^Cby Dean Esmay ^Cfrom the Home Office in Shreveport, LA...} The top ten reasons why Pentium is a better microprocessor than the  and PowerPC: 10. Pentium - it's not just a microprocessor, it's also a handy hot plate! 9. "Power" PC? Hmm, does it sound like they're trying to compensate for something here? 8. PowerPC doesn't have "Intel Inside". 7. Pentium - best name for a heat sink we've ever heard. 6. All the  and words in "Pentium" can be trademarked. 5. PowerPC sounds a little too RISCque . 4. Pentium's cool new slogan - "Now in regular, bar-b-q, and sour cream flavors!" 3. Pentium costs more, so it must be better. 2. PowerPC can't even be pronounced in English. ...and the number one reason that Pentium is a better microprocessor than the  and PowerPC is: {1. Because Intel says so. Be afraid... be very, very afraid.}