^C{TOP TEN LIST ^Cfrom the Home Office in Shreveport, LA} The top ten Computer Fashion Tips: 10. Pocket protectors are only fashionable if they are dangling from an earlobe. 9. Only buy designer disk originals, avoid cheap knock-offs. 8. Disk labels are for weenies. 7. Keyboards make lousy lunch trays. 6. Refer to your desktop as having a "floppy disk motif." 5. Keep at least two dozen post-it notes on your monitor at all times. 4. Never put your mouse in a corny fuzzy cover. 3. No two disk boxes should ever match. 2. You can make a nice Christmas Wreath out of old 5 1/4" floppy disks. and the number one Tip is: {1. Your used soft-drink can collection should not obstruct your stereo speakers.}