^C{Windows Wallpaper Files ^Cby the Softdisk Art Department ^CCarol "Deluxepaint Diva" Ludden ^CShelly "Pixel Packin' Mama" Taylor ^CWinsome Darlene Whitaker ^C...with a special assist from ^CJim "Stranger in a strange land" Weiler ^Cand his amazing scanner, Rusty.} This month we have several bitmap files that can be used as backgrounds in Windows. The files included are: BOUNCBAL.BMP - A bounding spheroidal object. DOMINOS.BMP - A trail of dominoes. JAIL.BMP - A "cagey" little pattern. SPOOLS.BMP - Spools of thread everywhere! XSPOT.BMP - A wicked 3D pattern. To use these in Windows, just stick them in your Windows directory (usually C:\WINDOWS) using our copy command, or by copying them from DOS or Windows. Once you have them there, you can access them through the control panel, just like any other wallpaper file. You can also use them with WinDecor (from On Disk Monthly, issue # 82). If you're using WinDecor, place these files in the same directory as your other files, then run WinDecor again, so they can be added to WinDecor's list of available wallpaper files. If you don't have WinDecor, but would like to have it, call our order number (1-800-831-2694) and ask for ODM issue #82. We'll gladly sell you a copy. (What is WinDecor? It's a Windows utility program which allows you to have a different, randomly selected wallpaper file used as your background each time you start up Windows. You can use WinDecor to include or exclude any files, and to set the  and files to be displayed in tiled or individually centered fashion. It's pretty cool!)