^C{Spreading Christmas Cheers (and Jeers)... ^Cby Sean Golden} Christmas is over now and there are undoubtedly millions of people still puzzling over some of their presents and wondering what they were and what they were supposed to do with them. This month I'll take a look at the big hardware and software offerings of 1993 and pontificate knowingly on whether the item was a "keeper" or a "return." DOS 6.0 - Wow, didn't Microsoft used to TEST their programs? Double your disk space with DoubleSpace! Why? Because you'll NEED it! Windows NT - What does the "NT" stand for? "No Takers?" The Apple Newton "MessagePad" - What a great toy!! What the heck does it do? Intel's Pentium chip - Ho hum... another tenfold increase in power with a tenfold increase in bugs. Motorola's PowerPC chip - Ho hum... another Motorola chip with superior performance but no market. Sound Blaster Pro - Finally! A PC that sounds as good as a Mac! OS/2 - Requires 40MB of disk space 8MB of RAM and three weeks of research to install! On Disk Monthly's VGA facelift - DEFINITELY the software upgrade of the year, if not the decade! (Okay, so I'm biased...) -Sean Golden, Product Manager