^C{DIFFRACTION ^Cby John Hicks ^Coriginal idea and program by Marjan Trutschl} Diffraction is a computer version of games like "MasterMind(TM)," where you try to solve a pattern of colors or objects by making a series of "guesses" and seeing how many you got right, and how many you got "close." Diffraction has five "wells" that are filled with one of eight colors. Your job is to determine which color is in each well. The wells can all be of one color, or of five different colors, or any combination in between. You can choose which color you think each well contains by flipping sets of three toggle switches located at the top of the screen. When you have set the colors, you can check to see how many you got right by pressing the "play" button. A red patch means you got a color right, and you got it in the right well. A yellow patch means you have the right color, but it is in the wrong well. When you have five red patches, you have figured out the pattern.