^C{FORTUNE COOKIES ^Cby Jonathan Bianca ^CFortunes by Softdisk Publishing staff} Fortune Cookies is a cute little program with a mission. The mission is primarily to demonstrate our new "application framework" but also to provide our subscribers with a clever list of wise and/or witty sayings to brighten their day. What is an application framework? It is a set of routines that can be set aside from a program's functionality that define its look and feel. In Windows, for example, most programs look very similar. That is because Windows provides a set of routines that programmers can use to create their programs. The menu routines, the windows, buttons and virtually every other aspect of the look and feel of a Windows program is defined by the set of routines supplied by Windows for programmers to create "Windows applications." We are doing the same thing for our DOS programs. We are creating a set of routines for creating menus, buttons, file input/output dialogs, check boxes, scroll bars, and much much more. This means that as the framework is completed and integrated into our regular monthly programming, most, if not all, of our programs will use the same menus, buttons etc., resulting in a very consistent look and feel to On Disk Monthly programs. This will make it easier for our subscribers to learn how to use the programs we publish. So, Fortune Cookies is the first program we created to test the framework. We want your input on the look and feel of Fortune Cookies. Do you like the menus? How does the mouse work? Are the buttons clear and do they work like you expect them to? Do you like the movable window? How about the dialog boxes? Let us know!!