^C{Our Subscribers Speak} This file contains comments from our subscribers that did not require a response from our editors or programmers. We also have a file which contains questions from our subscribers along with answers from our editors and/or programmers. That file is available as "ASK ODM." ^C---------- I like the idea of getting a new shareware program each month, but PLEASE include fewer programs of all kinds that work only with Windows. Some of us are not computerphobes. Second, the idea of a proposal you made in Issue 83: place the CRYPTO, Crossword puzzle, Word-Up & quiz drivers on a separate disk and providing only the data. You might go one step further (one of your competitors has!) Add a utility where a newspaper or magazine crossword or cryptogram can be entered into the computer and worked with the driver. This would make the drivers useable while we wait for the next issue! William A. Siebert Gladwin, MI ^C---------- I like shareware, but there are more than enough shareware outlets for me. If you want to sell separate shareware disk subscriptions, go for it. You'll probably do quite well. But please, don't make shareware a regular feature on ODM. I look forward to the "surprises" I receive from ODM each month. There are always fun and useful programs on your disks. A windows ODM icon would be nice to have. It would also be great to have a .BMP file view (Slideshow?) program. Bob Anderson Phoenix, AZ ^C---------- I like the shareware idea, just don't want the subject of this one. Would like to see craft programs, Home & Hobbie type programs. Rosemary Liebel Hamburg, PA We are new computer users and are struggling along with a Tandy 286 w/1 MEG memory and a hard drive. We do have VGA graphics and really enjoy your graphics in the last 2 issues. However, unlike other of your subscribers, we don't object too strenuously to the Windows programs because eventually we will be able to use them either in a Windows environment or through integration into another icon program. We really enjoy shareware and appreciate finding it in your publication. We did have a problem understanding some of the execution but am sure that we will resolve the difficulty with a phone call tomorrow a.m. We especially enjoyed the industry column and the astronomy essay with quizzes. The essay has already become the basis for a Jr. High paper. Thanks for something to stimulate the children's interest besides games. We do use the screen savers and you probably have or will have new subscribers because of our friends who have seen the screen savers operating. I really would like to have a program that would cause DOS to operate like Windows screen saver and automatically EXE after a period of inactivity. Bill Hudson Lake Forest, CA ^C---------- Don't currently use shareware, but might try it out in the future. I thoroughly enjoyed this issue, especially the quiz. This is much more fun than reading magazines! Love the backdrops and screen saver. I get a horizontal and vertical line that appears when I move the mouse, these lines intersect where ever the cursor is. Would like to be able to run the disk from within Windows. This is the first time I've ever enjoyed a subscription enough to take the time to "write in" about it. It was a lot of fun and I will definitely subscribe (this was a trial issue for me.) Debra A. Steiert Lebanon, NJ ^C---------- Regarding the inclusion of shareware on Softdisk monthly, I like the idea . . . if handled in moderation and if the shareware product is thoroughly screened for quality, originality and usefulness. Your first shareware product was obviously not screen for the points. The Klondike game you presented on ODM 71 is far superior to the shareware version. It offers a choice of playing versions, whereas the shareware version offers only a single method. But, to be useful, it should be as good a program as you put out on the regular ODM. Sincerely, Dennis Schieck N. Las Vegas, NV ^C---------- I have been a purchaser/subscriber since issue #28. But this is the first time I have written in. I love what you're doing on the latest disks. I think #84 may be the very best one in my collection. My 8-year old is having a ball with "Halloween Hijinxs", we're all enjoying "Magnets", and I couldn't resist taking the "Backdropper" Crater Lake to work so I could see it every time I turn on Windows. I've set up my Windows to have a tiny program manager window in the lower left corner so I can see almost all the picture. WOW! You've come a long way, and so have I. I upgraded to a 386, SVGA a couple of years ago when I realized I had outgrown my Amstrad (512K, 2 360K floppies and almost impossible to upgrade: odd-size case and the power supply was in the monitor so you couldn't upgrade even the monitor without starting over!!!) I'm sure glad we took that step BEFORE you went up to VGA and Windows. Deborah Mason Grand Lake, CO ^C---------- I like the whole concept. Big Blue Disk was a good value when I started at issue #40 and here's proof of a good thing that just keeps getting better! Thanks! Problems with this issue? If so, explain: Yes -- Shareware Corner complaints: "Can't find directory Klondike" when I select it. In fact, there are no files/directories on the disk with the identity of "Klondike" (seems to have been omitted during the final compilation.) Absolutely enjoy any and all education "stuff" crossword puzzles, vocabulary quizzes, this astronomy, tutor and quiz, etc. Donald G. Bilicki Marietta, GA ^C---------- If you plan on doing shareware programs, like on this issue, I would like to see them once every two or three months. At the present time I don't have the funds ($$) to register to get a full blown copy of the program. Overall, the programs are enjoyable! The news of the industry is about the only chance I have to catch-up on news about computers. Ideas for future issues: Either do a series of repeats of Alfredo or come up with new misadventures of him. Cameron R Boldman Boise, ID ^C---------- Sirs: I really enjoyed my first disk, and thought I would comment on CRYPTOSLEUTH. I enjoyed the program, but once you have solved the 15 puzzles you are not likely to use it again. I had a Commodore 64 and had a program that would let you type in your own cryptograms on three lines. Then you could use the program all the time. It wasn't as nice looking as this program, and of course it couldn't tell when you made an error, so it took a little longer to solve. Respectfully yours, A.J.Simmons ^C---------- I do not want to see any shareware on ODM. I already have lots of them and don't want to bother with any more nor with registration. The "Klondike" is nice but I like ODM's "Klondike II" (issue 71) better because it has more options. I subscribed to ODM for ODM programs and NOT for shareware! Message Magnets: Useless, because the rest of my family does not know nor use computers. (I use a PC at home only for the fun of using it.) Halloween Hijinx: I like the game but not the theme. I hate Halloween. I'll play it some. I've enjoyed Papu, he's cute. Flying Lines: More! More! I collect DOS-based "screen-savers" like crazy and my PC loves 'em! Backdroppers: Look, I hate buying programs I can't use! I would prefer separate DOS and Windows disks. I don't have Windows and DOS and I are friends! Astronomy Quiz: A very good supplement to put with the astronomy program (Future Trend's EZCosmos) that I have. Shareware Corner: YUK! Just For Fun: MORE! ODM Departments: This is the first place I visit when I get a new issue of ODM. Rhoda Showalter Waynesboro, VA ^C---------- Nice card game. Yes, publish more! Nice way to try programs. There is some really excellent shareware, so give the authors the wide exposure you can provide. Tom Skarinski Coram, NY ^C---------- This is a big improvement, but I cannot take advantage of all the programs due to lack of capacity on my hard drive. Have been a subscriber since "Big Blue" days. Enjoy letters as much as your programs. I use WordPerfect and copy your text with Prestige 12 with decreased T/B, R/L margins to use less pages, keeping a file on each ODM issue for reference. Ernest A. Willis Cedartown, GA ^C---------- Dear Sean: Re: Report Card for ODM Issues 78 - 83 Bravo on your new VGA edition, it's clean, well organized, and best of all, reasonably useful. Before issue 83, I regarded your product as barely providing value for money. While your graphics and games (Knight Life Chess, and Cribbage Companion) were excellent (except for the annoying comments in the crib game), the rest of your products were generally, well, useless. The TSRs, and flat data table products were generally clumsy, restrictive, and had poor utilities (printing, importing/exporting, spelling, etc.). However, with issue 83, ODM seems to have turned a corner. All of the products in this issue I would at least consider using. The graphics and fonts, and perhaps the Windows programs, I will definitely use. My suggestions for future issues: Keep the graphics coming Lots of games Fantasy Games such as the shareware Wolfenstein Golf, baseball, sports, etc. Strategy games, Monopoly, Railbaron, etc. Programs (games) geared for children of different, discrete age groups (i.e.: 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, etc.) Graphics programs Educational programs (word quizzes, science programs) Always put QUALITY before QUANTITY, I will ignore 6 mediocre programs but use 1 excellent program Sean, your people seem to be on the right track with this latest edition. Keep up the good work and I'll keep up my subscription. Sincerely, Phranc Potter Calgary, Alberta P.S. Your support staff has always been courteous and polite on the telephone, even if they do talk with a funny accent. ^C---------- Dear Ms. Faries: I have been using ODM since I received issue #69. They have been a great help in teaching me how to use my PC. Your recent upgrade to CGA/EGA format was a very good move. The only draw back for me was that it no longer accommodates the dual drive system, (a small price to pay for the better quality of the programs.) I would like to know if you have or will you be presenting an address/telephone program in the easy to use format of your "Appointment Calendar" (ODM #71) or "Event Director" (ODM #82), both very useful programs. A simple word processing program would be helpful also. I don't know if you do training programs for other programs such as MS-DOS or Lotus but if you did, I am sure they would be much easier to learn and understand. In the future, you might consider publishing a monthly magazine. I know, I for one, would be a regular. Thanks for all your help and keep up the good work. "On Disk Monthly" is a job well done. Faithfully yours, E.M.Etchison ^C---------- Hello: This is my first letter to you guys . . . I really like On Disk Monthly . . . particularly the graphics and thought issue #83 had some really neat stuff on it. I like the graphics in singles rather than in block . . . makes it quicker and easier to use. Issue 84 hung up on me twice and I had to reset to make it let go . . . but the content was good. I have Windows and DOS programs and can use just about anything you do . . . but I do like the variety that is offered in DOS better. I have a 386SX so I guess I am ok for a while in the technology department. I can't afford to upgrade every time a new model comes out . . .that's why I enjoy your programs . . . the span of workability is pretty wide. I would like you to keep PCX graphics because I think they are the most compatible with the most systems and the greater majority can get use from them. If you keep a variety . . . I'll keep subscribing . . How about a shareware address label maker that uses PCX graphics? Is there such an animal and does them in color too? But I'd even settle for black & white. I am ok with you including some shareware, but make sure you keep putting out your own neat games and other little programs. I love "Where Am I", I use it all the time. The addition of Fonts last time was neat too. I think the Print Shop graphics could be upgraded even if you can't do Print Shop Deluxe. Nice to have some of them in color too. The fact that you offer graphics on usually every issue makes you head and shoulders above the other offerings out there . . . please don't ever quit . . . that would be the only reason I would cease to subscribe I think. Thanks for listening, Sincerely, SuzAnne Zillman ^C---------- Hello Sean: This letter is all good. I want to take this opportunity to thank ODM & Staff for all the fine programs we've received in the last year. Everyone cannot use every program, so we use what we can and file the rest away. Keep up the good work. Once again, we thank you. Conrad Drury Starks, LA ^C----------