^C---------------- ^CMore Snippets ^C---------------- ^CDefinitions that aren't (but should be) in a technical dictionary. RESOLUTION - What you need to purchase a $3,000.00 computer that you know will be obsolete before you finish paying for it. READ ONLY MEMORY - Memory that is so expensive you can only read about it. MULTI-MEDIA - Reading the newspaper while watching cartoons on television and listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio. MONITOR - What your boss is probably doing to your network e-mail messages. NET-WORK - What Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul Jabaar and Michael Jordan are famous for. MOUSE PAD - Where Mickey takes Minnie after the cartoon is over. RAM-CACHE - Money you spend to increase your computer's memory capacity. MEMORY CHIPS - Available in barbecue, sour cream and onion, and the ever popular regular flavor. DIP SWITCH - When someone replaces your onion dip with that cheap bean dip everyone hates. STATIC RAM - Memory chips that just sit in a drawer somewhere because they aren't compatible with your latest upgrade. HARD DRIVE - The 460 yard par 4 17th hole at Pebble Beach. ARCHIVE - A nest of buzzing stinging arcs. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE - The language used to describe how to put bicycles, swing sets and other large objects together. Probably a derivative of non-linear B, which has never been translated to English. BACKUP - What your spouse makes you do when you stop in front of the computer shop. ^CWords that should be in the dictionary but aren't. KEYBORED - That lazy feeling you get after three hours of retyping your company's quarterly report. MOUSE-CLIQUE - Uppity computer users who brag about their mouse-compatible computers. MEGA-BITE - The chunk of money removed from your wallet when you bought your computer. PRO-GRAM - A grandmother who has renounced her amateur status. AUTOMATRON - A programmable grandmother.