----------------- ODM #82 EDITORIAL ----------------- Hello, I'm the new guy. I was moved to On Disk Monthly a few months ago now, but Ronda Faries has continued to write the Editorials for On Disk Monthly. Until now, that is. Ronda is now working very hard to launch our new CGA version of On Disk Monthly. That means I now have to write the editorials myself. Well, here's a little intro: My name is Sean Golden. I've been heavily involved in personal computing for over a decade now, and I have been a computer junkie since 1978, when I first began working on mainframe systems at college. I have a B.S. in physics, an addiction to chocolate, a burning desire to program and a natural ability to talk, although usually about nothing very interesting. I'm married (Martha), with two young children (Sarah - age 4 and Tyler, age 7 months) and a computer habit that just won't die. I've been working at Softdisk Publishing since 1988 and have been Product Manager of Diskworld (our Macintosh product) until moving here to On Disk Monthly. I enjoy fishing (especially fly-fishing), golf (but I'm not very good), softball and virtually every other outdoor sport. I love to read, but I don't have much time for it. When I do read, I like to read science fiction, fantasy, westerns, comic strips (that Calvin and Hobbes is just too much!), best sellers, mysteries, and humor (Mark Twain or Patrick McManus, to name two). Ok, enough about me. What about you? What plans do I have for On Disk Monthly? Well, as most of you know from previous editorials, we are moving to a VGA and high-density disk format starting next issue. My goal is to bring On Disk Monthly into this new era with a new focus on user interface consistency and product quality. In other words, I want all On Disk Monthly programs to have the same "look and feel," so you only have to learn it once, and I want to reduce the number of problems our customers experience in using our product. I also want to expand our customer base (of course) but, as Kevin Costner might say, "If I build it, you will come." Other plans include an expansion of customer involvement in the product. (WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN?!?) Hmmm... Well, stick around and you'll find out. We also intend to make On Disk Monthly more responsive to the customer (which is why we are moving to VGA and high density disks). Tell us what you want--I promise you, we will listen. Some of our best program ideas have come to us in our mailbag. Whoops! Speaking of the mailbag, I'll have to cut this short now, because I have to take care of that too now. Ronda! I sure miss you... See you next month... Sean Golden, Product Manager - ODM --END--