* * O D M I N D E X E R U P D A T E * * You asked us to give you an "automatic" update for the list of back issues you received with ODM INDEXER (also published as ODM Librarian). You said you didn't want to have to type it in yourself. Guess what--we listened and have responded! This ODM INDEXER update file (ODMISSU5.BID) contains information on issues published since ODM Indexer was last published (issue #77). You'll receive a similar update every three months (quarterly). You may merge this file with the Back Issues file that you received with your copy of ODM INDEXER, thereby keeping it up-to-date. If you own ODM Librarian, this file may duplicate some entries. Be sure to check the ending issue number by accessing "About This Catalog" and then delete any duplicate issues. HOW TO UPDATE YOUR COPY OF ODM INDEXER (ODM LIBRARIAN) STEP ONE - Copy ODMISSU5.BID to the directory where your copy of ODM Indexer (or Librarian) and Indexer files are located. STEP TWO - Run ODM Indexer (or Librarian), choose "Load a Catalog," then select ODMISSUE.BID (the file you received with the program). STEP THREE - Choose "Merge a Catalog," ODMISSU5.BID, and press a key to merge the two files. STEP FOUR - Choose "About This Catalog" and change the ending issue number to "81," followed by Save the Description (F4) to update the description. STEP FIVE - "Leave ODM Indexer" and delete ODMISSU5.BID.