Edit Meister help file Edit Meister Help Edit Meister offers an extensive set of text editing commands, arranged by category in the list below. NOTATION The "<" and the ">" denote a key or a set of keys that need to be pressed. would mean you hold down the Ctrl key and press the O key. You then press the K key for the rest of the command. Cursor Movement , Cursor left one character. Wrap , Cursor right one character. , Cursor left one word. Wraps to end of previous line. , Cursor right one word. Wraps to beginning of following line. , Cursor to beginning of line. , Cursor to end of line. , Cursor up one line. , Cursor down one line. Scroll display up one line. Scroll display down one line. , Scroll display up one page. , Scroll display down one page. , Move cursor to top of edit window. , Move cursor to bottom of edit window. , Move cursor to beginning of file. , Move cursor to end of file. Prompts the user for a line number, then moves the cursor to the specified line. Insertion and Deletion , Delete character at cursor. , , Delete character to left of cursor. If the cursor is at the beginning of a line, it will be joined with the previous line. Delete current line. Delete from cursor to end of line. , Start a new line. Insert a new line at the position of the cursor. , Move the cursor to the next tab stop. If insert mode is on, any text to the right of the cursor is shifted to the right. When fixed tabs are in effect, tab stops occur at 8-column intervals (by default). When smart tabs are in effect, tab stops are determined by the locations of the words on the previous line. Insert control character. File Commands , Save the current file and continue editing. A back up of your old file is saved with a .BAK extension. The file with the changes you have made is saved with the filename and extension visible on your screen. Load a new file. If the current file has been changed, you will be asked if you want to save it. , Quit editing. If you have changed the file, Edit Meister will ask you if you want to save your file before exiting. Save the current file and load a new one. Save the current file under a new name. Save the current file and exit. Block Commands , Mark the beginning of a block. , Mark the end of a block. Mark the current word as a block. Jump to the beginning of the currently marked block. Jump to the end of the block. Toggle the display of blocks. Copy the currently displayed block to the position of the cursor. The block markers are placed around the new copy of the block. Move the currently displayed block to the position of the cursor. Delete the currently displayed block. Indent the currently displayed block by one space. Does nothing if the cursor is not within the block. If the block covers a partial line then the whole line will be indented. Unindent the block. Toggle the case of all characters in the currently displayed block, or of the character at the cursor if not within a visible block. Converts characters in the current block to upper case. Converts characters in the current block to lower case. Reads a file into the text buffer at the current position of the cursor and marks it as a block. If the entire contents of the file will not fit into the buffer, a warning will be generated and no data will be read in. Writes the currently marked and displayed block to a file.

Writes the currently marked and displayed block to the printer. If the last line of a block is only part of a line, that line will not show up on the printer. Subsequent printings will start with that partial line. This is because that last line is stored in the printer's buffer and the buffer will not empty until an end of line is sent. Search and Replace Allows the user to search for any string of up to 30 characters. After entering a search string, the user is prompted for search options, which include 'B' (search Backwards), 'G' (search Globally), 'L' (search Locally, within marked block), and 'U' (ignore case). Works like Search, except that the user is asked for a replacement string of up to 30 characters. In addition to the search options available for ccSearch, 'N' may be used to indicate that replacements are to be made without asking for confirmation. If 'N' is not selected, each replacement must be confirmed: yes (make the replacement), no (don't make it), all (make this replacement and continue making replacements without further confirmation), and quit (stop the whole operation). Repeat the last search or replace operation. Text Markers <0>..<3> Sets one of the four text markers at the position of the cursor. <0>..<9> Moves the cursor to a text marker set with one of the SetMarkX commands. Toggle the display of text markers.

Jump to the last cursor position before the cursor was moved to the current line. Text Formatting Reformat the current paragraph. Does nothing if word wrap is off. Reformat the entire text buffer. Use with caution! Paragraphs that are not separated by an empty line will be formatted together. Center the current line between column 1 and the right margin. Mode Toggles and Option Settings , Toggle insert mode on or off. A fat cursor indicates insert mode; a thin cursor indicates overtype mode. Toggle auto-indent mode on or off. In auto-indent mode, pressing will cause the new line to have the same indentation as the previous line. Toggle word wrap on or off. Toggle the tab mode between smart tabs and fixed tabs. Prompts the user for the number of columns between tab stops (1-10). Prompts the user for a new right margin. Enter a character number (80 characters maximum) to indicate the right margin. Adjust this number until the margin meets your needs or is visually pleasing. Though the left margin is not adjustable in the same manner, you may physically adjust it by moving the paper in your printer to the left or right. The standard margin is one inch. Once you've established the left margin by moving the paper, you should adjust the right margin to match by using this command. HINT: You may also affect the way copy prints by using any of your printer's built-in options such as condensed type, various cpi (characters per inch) settings, different fonts, etc. Experiment until you find the settings you like best. The forms provided with this program have a right margin of 73 and were printed at 10 cpi in non-condensed text, producing equal margins of 5/8-inch (or six characters wide), for testing purposes. WARNING! The right margin defaults to 79 every time a new document is loaded. If you had a document designed with a different right margin, you will have to reset the right margin and use to reformat the whole document. Prompts the user for the number of spaces to indent/unindent marked blocks. The default value is 2. Other Restore original contents of the current line. , Request help. Moves the cursor to the position indicated by the mouse, or choose one of the quick keys from the bottom row. Print the whole file. Make sure your printer is turned on and has enough paper. Quits the program. If you have changed the current document, you will be asked if you want to save it. Quick Keys For quick reference, the most commonly used editing commands are: Block Begin ................ Block Copy .......... Block End ................ Block Move .......... Center Line .......... Delete Line ............. Delete Word ............. Insert Mode Toggle ........ Reformat Paragraph ...... Replace .............. Search ............... Set Right Margin ..... Tab Size (chars.) .... Toggle Word Wrap ..... PAGE LENGTH Edit Meister has a default page length (number of lines per page) of 60 lines. At times it may be necessary to insert Page Break characters into long, multi-section documents to assure proper form. Insert the cursor in front of the copy that should print to the next page, type "Ctrl-P, Ctrl-L" and a red "L" symbol should appear on the screen at the cursor. When you print, the copy following the Page Break character will print at the top of the next page. HINT: The standard top and bottom margins are one inch (six lines equal one inch). Edit Meister's default page length gives you 1/2-inch top and bottom margins. Press the Enter or Return key three times at the top of a page to increase the margin to one inch. To achieve a one-inch margin at the bottom of the page, insert a Page Break character as outlined above at the beginning of line 58 on each page.