M A I L B A G APPRECIATES SERVICE I wish to commend you on the prompt and courteous response to my request for the missing disks and to say thanks for the attention to this customer's satisfaction. I am sure you receive many letters complaining about one thing or another, but I hope this will show you that there are people out there who do care and appreciate customer service when it is provided. Again, thank you and have a pleasant holiday season. ^RCharles Wagner ^RBriarwood, NY * * * * * MISSED GAMES I have been a member of Softdisk Publishing for quite some time and I have to say these (issue #63) were the first disks that we have received that have not had a fun and games section. The grandchildren anxiously await the disks each month, and with school out for two weeks for Christmas vacation I, too, was looking forward to a new game for the children this month. Was this an oversight? I hope so. These disks are wonderful and each member of the family has a feature that they look forward to, but can you imagine the despair when there was not a game. Please include games and fun in your future disks. Happy children surely do make for happy parents. ^RMary R. Ferguson ^RLake City, FL EDITOR'S REPLY Our new issue format calls for some type of game, puzzle and/or brain teaser to be included on every issue, and I hope your family will enjoy each of them. * * * * * INSTRUCTIONS UNCLEAR I am pretty much "computer illiterate." I enjoy using the computer for on-line services such as Prodigy, where I heard about your subscription offer. However, when it comes to actual use of the computer, I have to get out the manual to simply copy a file using things like copy *.* a: b:! The thing that interested me most on your disk was the graphics that I could copy to use with Print Shop. This is where the problem came in. I tried using the copy commands on your disk, and things seemed to copy, but when I went to New Print Shop, the graphics simply weren't there. I still haven't figured out where they went. I tried it again, following the on-screen instructions, and still no luck. Finally, I got out the instructions for the New Print Shop Convert Program, and I was able to use that to capture the images, but I don't think I should have had to do that if your instructions were clear...and, of course, I was stuck. ...I don't think I'm stupid, but I guess your magazine is really not aimed at the novice like me, though it sure seems as if it should be. ^RDavid J. Kingsley ^RPlantation, FL EDITOR'S REPLY Though ON DISK MONTHLY isn't specifically oriented toward novice users, Mr.Kingsley is absolutely correct in his assessment that the instructions were not written clearly. Our goal is to provide in-program instructions which are so easy to follow and so complete that any subscriber--even a novice like Mr. Kingsley- -can use the program. To that end we've recently added Editorial Director Ronda Faries to our staff. Her job--in addition to developing more complete program instructions--involves establishing complete interface instructions (how to navigate through ON DISK MONTHLY) on each disk and building a network of researchers who will make sure every program contains accurate, up-to-date information. * * * * * LIKES PCX GRAPHICS I would like to compliment you on those wonderful PCXs that you had this month! keep up the good work. That is what I have been waiting on for the last seven issues! You have renewed my interest in ON DISK MONTHLY. They work wonderfully with PageMaker and Paintbrush. I would sure like to see other holidays and special interest graphics in forthcoming issues. P.S. The only trouble I have with the Certificate Maker is that I can't place them in PageMaker. Maybe I just don't know how, but it would be useful if I could transport them some way. ^RPhyllis Ness ^RHuntington, IN I was really pleased to find PCX graphics on ON DISK MONTHLY #63. Many people use Word Perfect 5.0 or 5.1, both of which handle PCX files, and even light-weight desktop publishing like Express Publishing can handle them if not too big. Any paint program can cut out the individual portions desired. Keep the PCX files coming or include a conversion file to change Paint Shop graphics. I like the new interface. It is a pleasure to see on screen. ^RRobert T. Taylor ^RButte, MT EDITOR'S REPLY We are currently trying to decide how often to put PCX graphics on ON DISK MONTHLY. Please write to us and tell us how you feel about PCX graphics, so that we can tailor ON DISK MONTHLY to your needs. * * * * * NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Some subscribers may have experienced problems with ON DISK MONTHLY #64. If a mouse is not installed, there is a chance that the issue will not open beyond the title screen. This problem unfortunately resulted from our attempts to improve ON DISK MONTHLY's compatibility with the Logitech mouse driver. Upon learning about the problem we immediately fixed it. If you have experienced this problem, please call our technical support staff at 1-800-831-2694, and they will send you a new copy of issue #64.