Recycler banner colors 11 8 SG recycler static about 79,287 staticgraph 89,50 AG recycler animation L #1 1 104,-49;104,71 10 1 B T #3-9 0 121,140 8 B ^CProgramming by Nolan Martin ^COriginal design by Jay Wilbur This month's educational piece is not only for the kids--it was designed to be an eye-opener for all ages. The subject at hand is trash and how we manage it. We've taken this concept and built a fun-to-play game around it. You play an environmentally conscious landfill manager. Unless you can figure out what the incoming trash is and get it into the correct bins, the materials will not be recycled. If the trash is not separated and recycled it goes into your landfill--and it's filling up fast. Once your landfill is full, like most of the current landfills, it will be forced to shut down. Then where will all the trash go? We've included three levels of play. While the easy and the hard levels will provide a challenge to gamers, we encourage EVERYONE to have a peek at the reality level at least once. It may be a bit dramatic, but it's the truth! Folks, we put this game out for a reason. Something MUST be done about the way we manage our trash. Gone are the days of toss it in the can with everything else and let the trashman deal with it. It's very important that we start taking responsibility for the garbage we produce. The bible says that the meek shall inherit the Earth. True as that may be, the children, our next generation, will get to use it next. If we, the adults, don't start doing something about this growing problem, we'll be leaving our children with a space-borne garbage scow. Kids, you don't want to live on a trash heap, do you? All the help you need to play the game is available by selecting to see instructions at the beginning or pressing F1 during game play. We hope you have fun with this game, but remember that we're dealing with a very serious subject. ^CThink globally, act locally. ^CRecycle! ^SOUTSIDE ON DISK MONTHLY^S To run ^BRecycler^B outside On Disk Monthly, type: ^BRECYCLER^B Disk files this program uses: ^FRECYCLER.EXE ^FRECYCLER.HGH