Speed SG system speed images title 33,237 byline 289,281 descrip 189,296 staticgraph 1,69 AG system speed pieces T #1 #2 #1 #2 1 338,118 3 T #3 #4 #4 #4 #1 1 338,118 3 T #5-8 1 134,214 8 B #12 1 246,132 346,132 10 3 B #11 1 243,118 343,118 10 3 B #10 1 140,99 343,99 10 3 B #9 1 137,85 343,85 10 3 C #13-22 1 365,79 -20,0 0 120 3 4 1 ^Cby James Barberousse This month's happy hacker dives deep under the hood of your computer. Down to the microprocessor level and figures out just how fast (or slow) your computer is. Microprocessor speed is usually measured is Megahertz (Mhz) or Millions of cycles per second. I'm not going to bore you to death with the technical specs for Mhz. Suffice to say it's a measurement of your processors speed, like Mph measures speed in your car. Simply put, if this program reports a large number (50, for example), you have a fast computer. If it reports a low number, your computer is slow (4, for example). When in SYSTEM SPEED hit ^BF1^B for the about box, ^BF10^B to calculate your system's speed or ^BESC^B to exit. ^SOUTSIDE ON DISK MONTHLY^S To run ^BSYSTEM SPEED^B outside the On Disk Monthly menu, type ^BSPEED^B Disk files this program uses: ^FSPEED.EXE