KIDS FORUM SG kids forum images title 90,62 descrip 234,215 AG kids forum pieces T #1 1 317,45 5 T #2 1 199,85 5 T #3 1 163,138 5 T #4 1 38,179 5 T #5 1 35,259 5 T #6 1 103,307 5 T #7 1 321 171 5 T #8 1 128,38 5 T #9 1 80,73 5 T #10 1 271,120 5 T #11 1 369,96 5 T #12 1 355,35 5 T #13 1 41,141 5 T #14 1 389,199 5 T #15 1 120 294 5 T #16 1 96,57 5 T #17 1 26,81 5 T #18 1 316,131 5 T #19 1 389,101 5 T #20 1 56,244 5 T #21 1 284,212 5 T #22 1 117,147 5 Welcome to On Disk Monthly's way cool new place just for kids. Every day I get a bag full of mail from adults. I know what the adults want and what they don't want. I know what the adults are having problems with and what they find easy. I know what they like and dislike. I know, I know, I know! But when it comes to the concerns and desires of our younger users--I know very little. Of all the mail that we get here at Casa Softy, and we get a lot, a fraction of a percent is written by kids. This is going to change and it's going to change now. Kids, I want to hear from you. I plan on devoting a section on our disk to your needs and I want to be clear on what those needs are. It's time to sit down with a word processor, and a parent if you need help, and tell me what's on your mind. Please send me letters that have been typed or saved to disk, my weary eyes my have difficulty with handwritten notes. You're probably thinking, "Is this some underhanded plot to get me to learn and use a word processor?" It sure is. Hey, what's the harm of learning a cool new thing that WILL help you score big time when it comes to your future? Trust me, I am the biggest little kid you'll ever know and I think that using the computer to communicate is really great. If you do send me a letter I promise that your letter will be read. Each month we'll select a few of them to appear in this column--just like we do with Blue Notes. With the volume of mail that we get I cannot promise a personal reply but, as with the adult letters, I'll do my best. Ok kids, you have a chance to change the face of ODM. You have the ear of the editor of a major PC oriented magazine. You have the power--now use it! Jay