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Make your life easier and your computing environment more productive: Copy EZ.EXE to your utility directory and make sure that directory is on your path. Then, from anywhere on your system invoke EZ SCAN to peruse those mysterious text files. ^C^1Using It Is EZ^0 To invoke EZ SCAN from DOS, simply type ^1EZ^0. You will be placed in the Main Menu with the default settings listed in the Current File and View Settings window (more about this later). The Main Menu has four options that pull down sub-menus: File, Parameters, About, and Quit. Use the left and right arrow keys to highlight an option, then press ENTER to select that option. ESCAPE backs out of any selection or exits EZ SCAN. Pressing F1 provides you with context-sensitive help from anywhere in the program. The four Main Menu options are explained below: ^1File^0 This pull-down menu offers 4 selections: ^1View A File^0 Displays files to view from the current drive and directory and with the set file specs (see below). Move highlight bar with arrow keys and select with ENTER. Once you have pressed ENTER, the file will be loaded for viewing and/or printing. See Viewing And Printing Your File, below. ^1Change Drive^0 Select a physical drive to read from. Up to 6 system drives are detected and displayed in a menu. Move highlight bar with arrow keys and select with ENTER. The EZ default setting is the current DOS drive. ^1Change Directory^0 Select a directory on the current drive. This option builds a graphic directory tree for up to 255 directories on your drive. Including file names, paths are supported up to 95 characters, and visual display of the directory tree is supported to 10 levels with graphic accuracy. Move highlight bar with arrow keys and select with ENTER. The EZ default setting is the current DOS directory. ^1Set File Specs^0 Enter a filename or file specs for directory search. Any spec can be entered, even *.EXE; however, non-text files will appear as random characters (gibberish). The EZ default setting is *.*. ^1Parameters^0 This pull-down menu offers 5 selections: ^1No Parameters^0 Displays text files as is with no special formatting used except that ASCII characters 0 to 15 are removed. Other control characters embedded by text editors are left intact and margins are respected. This is the EZ default setting. ^1No Extended Characters^0 Displays text files with all control characters (ASCII characters 0 to 31) and extended characters removed. Margins are respected. ^1No Left Margins^0 Displays text files with left margins ignored and ASCII characters 0 to 15 removed. ^1Word Wrap Lines^0 Displays text files with long lines of text wrapped onto the next line. Normally, if a line is too long to fit on one screen line, it is truncated. Word wrapping breaks lines at word breaks and continues on the next screen line. The EZ default setting is OFF. ^1Change Display Colors^0 Displays text in 36 color combinations or 2 monochrome combinations. Use arrow keys to move highlight bar and select with ENTER. The EZ default setting is light gray on black. ^1About^0 This pull-down menu offers 1 selection: ^1About EZ SCAN^0 Program credits, where published, copyright information. ^1Quit^0 This pull-down menu offers 1 selection: ^1Quit EZ SCAN^0 Quit EZ SCAN and return to DOS or On Disk Monthly Menu. ^C^1Viewing And Printing Your File^0 Once you have selected a file to view, the file is loaded and is displayed on the screen in accordance with your set parameters. The following commands are active: UP ARROW Move up 1 line. DOWN ARROW Move down 1 line. PGUP Move up 1 page. PGDN Move down 1 page. HOME Move to beginning of file. END Move to end of file. CTRL-END Automatic scroll to end of file. Speed of scroll is controlled by numbers 1 (fastest) to 9 (slowest). CTRL-PGDN Move to place marker set with F8 if one has been set. F1 Context-sensitive help. (Help is always available.) F7 Print all or part of file. Press F1 for help here. F8 Toggle place marker ON and OFF. F9 Search for text. Press F1 for help here. ENTER Searches for next occurrence of entered/marked text. ^C^1Current File And View Settings Window^0 The Current File and View Settings are displayed in the middle of the Main Menu screen. The EZ SCAN default settings are shown below: Drive : Current DOS drive Directory : Current DOS directory File Spec : *.* Parameters : No Special Parameters Word Wrap : OFF Display Color : Light Gray on Black ^C^1Command Line Parameters^0 To bring up a text file faster for immediate viewing, you can invoke EZ SCAN from DOS with a text file command line parameter. Simply type ^1EZ filename^0, where filename is the name of the text file to view and/or print. You may also include DOS wildcards in the filename to bring up a list of files to choose from. To select foreground and background colors from the command line, type ^1EZ /C color^0, where color is a number from the following list of foreground/background color combinations: ^1--------------------------------------------------------------^0 01 Light Gray on Black 19 Yellow on Green 02 Green on Black 20 White on Green 03 Cyan on Black 21 Light Gray on Brown 04 Light Blue on Black 22 Light Green on Brown 05 Light Green on Black 23 Yellow on Brown 06 Light Cyan on Black 24 White on Brown 07 Light Red on Black 25 Black on Light Gray 08 Light Magenta on Black 26 Blue on Light Gray 09 Yellow on Black 27 Blue on Light Gray 10 White on Black 28 Red on Light Gray 11 Light Gray on Blue 29 Magenta on Light Gray 12 Light Green on Blue 30 Brown on Light Gray 13 Light Cyan on Blue 31 Dark Gray on Light Gray 14 Light Red on Blue 32 Light Blue on Light Gray 15 Yellow on Blue 33 Light Green on Light Gray 16 White on Blue 34 Light Cyan on Light Gray 17 Black on Green 35 Yellow on Light Gray 18 Light Cyan on Green 36 White on Light Gray ^1--------------------------------------------------------------^0 If you can't remember these numbers (and who could?) simply type ^1EZ /C^0 from the DOS prompt to get this list. Of course, you can also change the colors from within EZ SCAN itself. You may use either parameter to start EZ SCAN, but you may not use both at the same time. ^C^1Outside On Disk Monthly To run EZ SCAN outside of ^1On Disk Monthly^0, type: ^1EZ^0 or ^1EZ filename^0 or ^1EZ /C color^0. Disk files this program uses: ^FEZ.EXE