|Eษออออออออออออออออออออหออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออหออออออออออออออออออออป |Eบ |5First Things First|E บ ^1 Table of Contents |E บ |5First Things First|E บ |Eศออออออออออออออออออออสออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออสออออออออออออออออออออผ ^C~1|F BIG BLUE DISK -- Number 56 ^N ^C~4|F FIRST THINGS FIRST ^N |9DISKOVERY |Cby Jay Wilbur Notes from the disk of the editor. |9ABOUT BIG BLUE DISK An introduction to the feature categories. |9TABLE OF CONTENTS [You are here.] A brief look at this month's features. ^C~4|F HELPWARE ^N |9Big Blue Change Directory |Cby Keith Ledbetter Go to any directory on your storage devices without having to type those long pathnames. BBCD stores an index of your directory structure and zips you from place to place in just a few keystrokes. ^C~4|F PICTURE THIS ^N |9ABSTRACT ART 2 |Cby Terry Wilk Prepare to be dazzled by 20 new computerized visual effects. ABART 2 pushes the video hardware you own, from 2 color CGA to 256 color VGA. |9Print Shop(r) Images |Cby John Chirillo Add thirty-seven of the best animal images we've ever seen to your PS art collection. ^C~4|F FUN AND GAMES ^N |9Zig Zag Flag Shag |Cby John "BEZ" Besnard In true form, BEZ creates another puzzle game that will have you wishing you could get your hands around his neck. ^C~4|F REPUBLICATION ^N |9PRINT SHOP UTILITES IV |Cby George Leritte Here's the latest update to the Print Shop Utilities. It includes support for Print Master (tm), The New Print Shop (tm), and The New Print Shop (tm) high resolution graphics and some new things. ^C~4|F DISKUSSION ^N |9BLUE NOTES This is the section where you talk to each other and to us. |9I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD DO THAT WITH A COMPUTER! by Dan Gutman Computer Crime 1990, a hackers year in review. ^C~4|F LAST THINGS LAST ^N |9IN THE MAIL Read this section to find out how to subscribe to BIG BLUE DISK. |9REPORT CARD Input! We need input! Please tell us how we did on this issue of BIG BLUE DISK. |9CREDITS Nice words about the nice people who create BIG BLUE DISK.