^C^1LASER SHOW ^CBy Joel Ellis Rea ^CInspired by Glen Bredon's Laser Show ^Cpublished by LOADSTAR for the Commodore 64 OK, we realize that some of you think of graphics programs like LASER SHOW as the "lilies of the field" of computer programs. We'll be the first to admit that the fascinating patterns LASER SHOW weaves across your screen won't keep your business finances in order or teach you more about BASIC programming. What LASER SHOW will do, however, is tap your computer's potential to entertain -- if only for a few minutes. Who knows, maybe in those few moments you will see something that you didn't know your PC could do. However long you play with LASER SHOW, it won't be a waste a time. DISK FILES THIS PROGRAM USES: ^FLASRSHOW.EXE ^FBRUN20.EXE ^FRETURN.EXE