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[About The Guide]
Six years ago, as an employee of the Federal government, as part of
my official duties, I wrote several editors that use a double linked
list. The new scheme in TDE 2.2 uses a double linked list. Some of the
concepts and/or code and/or techniques that I used to develop those
editors as part of my official duties are incorporated into TDE 2.2.
Being that my current official duties as an employee of the Federal
government requires that I maintain and support those editors, as a
matter of law and ethics, version 2.2 of TDE is released into the public
domain. It's not so much that I want to release TDE into the public
domain, but more so, it's the law that requires that I release TDE into
the public domain. Not only is TDE 2.2 based on DTE 5.1, the public
domain editor by Doug Thomson, but it is also based on works of the
United States government, written and currently maintained by my
ownself, Frank. Copyrighting off-the-job what I do on-the-job would not
be ethical.
See Also:
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Written by Dave Pearson