This is an edited transcript of THE SEVENTH GUEST conference with Graeme Devine and Rob Landeros held in The Gamers' Forum on CompuServe. Not to be distributed without permission. _______________________________________ (Trilobyte/Graeme De) We're all ready! (herc/Assoc SysOp) Excellent! Thank you all for coming tonight. (herc/Assoc SysOp) The formal part of the 7th Guest conference now begins. Our guests tonight, Graeme and Rob, are instrumental to the design and programming of the game. (herc/Assoc SysOp) THE SEVENTH GUEST which, in many areas, is a breakthrough for a CD-ROM game. Welcome, Graeme and Rob. Before we begin, here's a summary of the rules we will follow in the formal part of the conference. This is a _FORMAL_ conference To ask a question of our guest(s), please type a ? You will be placed in the queue. When your turn comes I will call your name. You may ask one question, and one follow-up. Depending on the time, we may be able to accomodate a second, or third round of questions. When typing your questions, use... to denote an unfinished line. Type GA (Go Ahead) at the end of your question and DONE at the end of your turn. Now that everyone has read and completely understood the rules,. I'd like to ask our guests if they have any opening remarks GA. (Graeme & Rob) Okay, who's first? (herc/Assoc SysOp) You are, Graeme Do you have any opening remark, anything you want to address the crowd? (Graeme & Rob) Thanks for the big intro. I was waiting for the first question, but let's get cracking! (herc/Assoc SysOp) GA Ok, let the questions begin. Ok We'll kick it off with Ivan, followed by Duff, Eric, and Geoff. While the questions are being asked, feel free to buzz in with more "?"s. (Ivan Luk, Pollstar) Why does the save game always start at the TOP of the puzzle? Specifically, the dungeon and the kitchen. GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok, Ivaner,, I see that Ivan couldn't wait. (Ivan Luk, Pollstar) ;-) (Graeme & Rob) Basically, we couldn't think of an easy way of restoring the puzzle state without making the save game much larger (Ivan Luk, Pollstar) It's kinda a pain this way. GA (Graeme & Rob) the game also returns you to the first place in the room when you may well be somewhere else. It was a design decision, I don't think it causes too many problems. (herc/Assoc SysOp) Graeme, type GA when you finish responding. (Graeme & Rob) ga (Ivan Luk, Pollstar) Done. GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ivan, no follow up? (Ivan Luk, Pollstar) Nope. GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok, then. We'll move on to Duff. GA (Graeme & Rob) Sorry, still reading the rules. (: GA (Duff) Ok, this is simple, but what are the STRICT system requirements for 7Th Guest? Besides a CD ROM GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Graeme & Rob) T7G needs the following (big list coming up) : a 386dx or greater.. a PCM/FM sound card. 570+ of convential RAM CD-ROM capable of 150k _sustained_ transfer 16-Bit SVGA card with 512k RAM XMS driver 2.0 or greater a mouse and a player a meg or so of extened memory ga (Duff) ARRGGGHHH!! Why does it need a 386DX? The only difference between it and a 386SX is the 16-bit external data bus of the SX. GA (Nicolas K. Bouton) Are those the requirements for running &th Guest? Sorry, 7th (Graeme & Rob) The 16 bit bus is exactly the reason why we need the DX, the SX chip just doesn't cut it on the bus transfers we do. ga (Duff) I'm DONE (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok, Duff. Time to save up money (Graeme & Rob) Ha Ha. GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) There are a lot of questioners waiting in the queue now I have Eric next, followed by Geoff and then Vic Go ahead Eric. GA (Eric Moody) Okay In whose eye was the original gleam for t7g? GA (Graeme & Rob) It was the love child of Graeme and myself. GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) Eric, I think we better leave it at that. . Follow up> (Eric Moody) How did you finance and organize the group that eventually created the product? (Graeme & Rob) We're both happily married. ga (Eric Moody) ga (Graeme & Rob) Trilobyte was funed by advances from Virgin Games, and selling our souls to Stauf. GA (Eric Moody) So that's where Stauf comes in! (Graeme & Rob) We're not married to each other although it seems like it sometimes. GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Graeme & Rob) Stauf can give you whatever you want.. haaaaa. GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok, I have Geoff up at bat next. GA. (Eric Moody) How much did he give you? sorry (Geoff Keighley) Graeme and Rob -- First of all, let me first say how much I enjoyed the graphics and sound in T7G. My question concerns the sequel to T7G, "The 11th Hour". Could you tell us a little about the story? And also, what technical advances have you made in The 11th Hour compared to T7G? (ie. will the digital video be better quality?) GA (Graeme & Rob) Wow. Hold on while we argue the answer to that one. this is Rob (Geoff Keighley) Ok -- Waiting! (Graeme & Rob) The 11th hour story will be much more "advanced" than.. (Brian Gerstenkorn) Hello (Graeme & Rob) that of t7g. You will be surprised. GA this is graeme, technical stuff. 11h's video quality will be so much better than T7G you'll.. cry. We've put an awful lot of effort into that area. GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) Geoff, follow up? (Geoff Keighley) WOW! I'm starting to shiver in anticipation! Is Fatman doing the music again? Also (kind of sneaking another question in), in 11H, will we need a 300MS CD-ROM or will 150 suffice? GA I mean 300KB, sorry! (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Ariel Butler) ATM0S0=0 (Graeme & Rob) Fatman is doing the music for 11h (who else could follow the fatman?) (Ariel Butler) 0(sorry, crashed) (Graeme & Rob) 11h will work just fine on those 150k drives we've made you all buy for T7G :) GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Geoff Keighley) What a relief! Looking forward to 11H! DONE (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok, next up is Vic. Take it away, Vic. GA (Vic Wyant) G & R, I'm really looking forward to playing the game but (Graeme & Rob) We were thinking of making the minimum spec 300k/sec, but decided we wanted to live. ga (Vic Wyant) having lots of trouble getting the game to run. (Geoff Keighley) Graeme and Rob -- Good choice! You wouldn't want a price on your heads (Vic Wyant) Is it compatible with a Trident TVGA 9000 video card (Graeme & Rob) We were anticipating some questions like this. GA (Vic Wyant) 512K, 16 bit? GA (Graeme & Rob) Vic. I'm not familar with the Trident 9000, but if it's VESA compatible it will run I realize a lot of you out there have had a real bad time getting T7G to go, and I feel real bad about that. I'm uploading a fix for the error 20/02 tonight, and we've (Vic Wyant) VESA does not work, although the card claims it is compatible (Graeme & Rob) been testing ROM VESA all day (going much faster) (Vic - it's not uploaded yet) (Vic Wyant) I'm running in low resolution and that locks up during intro Does DOS 6.0 have a problem? GA (Graeme & Rob) Vic. Try the new version, it fixes an awful lot of the initial problems. DOS 6.0 has.. it's own set of problems to worry about, I'm not even going to get into thatGA (herc/Assoc SysOp) Vic, may I suggest that you wait and try the fix that Graeme will be uploading soon. (Vic Wyant) New version of what? GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) And then if that still doesn't cure it, to message him for further help? (Vic Wyant) Thanks. DONE (herc/Assoc SysOp) Vic, check our message section 12 (*HOT*) for an announecement message tomorrow (Graeme & Rob) I haven't uploaded it yet, it's a new series of sound drivers and a new VGA/MCGA player, I'll upload it right after this conference, I'm sure someone here can approce it quick. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) about Graeme's new patch, more than likely, it will be available in GAMAPUB. Thanks, Vic. (Graeme & Rob) yes. GAMAPUB. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok, Babck has been waiting patiently all this time. Go ahead, Baback. Make it worthwhile. GA (Baback Elmieh) Just wondering, were the graphics for t7g done on 3d studio? or were some other 3d rendering software used too? GA (Graeme & Rob) This is an easy one - YES - Rob. (Baback Elmieh) don't suppose you'd make any of the meshes public GA (Graeme & Rob) No other to speak of. 3DStudio is definitely the tool of choice at Trilobyte (christian eberle) Hey guys, great job, this one even hooked my wife (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Graeme & Rob) at least til we get our SGI workstation with SoftImage. GA (christian eberle) Where did you come up with the puzzles? ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Baback, follow up? (Baback Elmieh) Nope, just warn me if the meshes become public. DONE! (Graeme & Rob) Meshes are available on the 3DS CD-ROM, otherwise the meshes our OURS!! GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) Okey dokey. Now Christian, what were you saying? (christian eberle) Sorry, Where did you come up with those awesome puzzles? ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Just giving you a hard time, Christian. ) (Graeme & Rob) The puzzles are derivatives of "classic" logic puzzles dating from the 19th century. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) A follow up after that? (christian eberle) Awesome JYup I just wanted you guys to know (Graeme & Rob) Graeme also recalled Spot as a reprieve. ga (christian eberle) This is the FIRST computer game my wife wants to play, great job!! DONE (Graeme & Rob) he had to bring up spot. he had to bring up spot. ga I HAVE TO say I am rather proud of the way the puzzles are integrated into the environment Presentation is a big lot of making them enjoyable. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) ) Okay, I have Nicolas next, followed by Hijinx and Brian. Nicolas, go ahead please. Nicolas forfeited. Darn! We'll go with Hijinx next then. GA (Hijinx) My one and ONLY question is with regard to the "snap, crackle & pop" (and assorted other 'cereal' sounds that sometimes crop up in the audio portion whenever there is a "speech." Any news on getting rid of them or at least of ameliorating them? I've set MSCDEX Buffers to 85 and DMA Buffers (in EMM386) to 64k. Anything further you can think of that I can do? GA (Graeme & Rob) I think we have less pop than most other games, but we still suffer In T7G the sound is 8-bit 22.05khz, in 11h the sound is 16-bit 22.05khz therefore. no pop, no hiss, no cracks. ga (Hijinx) I'm more than willing to put up with the pops in any case. Thanks for what will prove to be.. many hours of enjoyment. DONE (herc/Assoc SysOp) I made a slight boo-boo. I skipped over Ivan. So to make up for my oversight, here's Ivan. And I promise no smart remark about his question. GA (Ivan Luk, Pollstar) What other bugs remain? Specifically, the ones that bug me is the right channel only CD audio in the intro; and the program setting FM mixer levels but not DAC nor CD Input levels. GA (Graeme & Rob) What bugs? The right channel one should be gone, although none of the systems in the office had that problem to begin with We are not planning on altering the mix right now since that causes other problems. 11h will have a mixer built right in, so you will be.. able to set it up the way you want to. What we may do is disable the PCM volume changes as an option in the groovie.ini file, so you can set it up to your hearts delight before starting T7G. ga (Ivan Luk, Pollstar) Thanx for a good game. Let's see 11th hour in the Fall '93! ;-) I especially appreciate the General MIDI support. Music is GREAT! DONE (Graeme & Rob) I'd agree, Fats did a great job. (herc/Assoc SysOp) Good idea! Brian, you are up. Thanks for being patient. GA (Brian Gerstenkorn) How did you get those video images onto the CD..are they stored in an analog format or digital? Are they Compressed ect(Just curiousbeing a Film and Video Major) (Graeme & Rob) The video images are stored as a series of lossly compressed deltas from the previous frame. This is a digital format. What's good about our format is that the same data will play on other platforms (Mac, 3DO).. Is that what you were asking? ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Brian Gerstenkorn) Do you see movies being released as digital formats in the future? LDs to CD (Graeme & Rob) I think you will see T7G coming into your home in one format or another (Brian Gerstenkorn) How much video info can be put on a CD DONE (Graeme & Rob) through cable lines in the not too distant future. I'm pretty sure Blockbuster.. will have big business in putting movies onto some sort of home system for many.. years to come We can put about 90 minutes worth of passive video onto a single CD. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok I have 4 names in the queue: Geoff, RJ2, Ariel and then Duff Let me just put all these in the hat and draw out a name (Geoff Keighley) Graeme and Rob -- I have 2 things I want to get off my chest first. 1. (Graeme & Rob) Remember, this is proprietary video compression technology. Compare to Quictime, for instance. GA (Deatrice C. Adams) "Hats off for the best game I've ever played".and did (Geoff Keighley) Thanks for supporting the Roland SCC-1! I love the sound track. and 2. You guys have done a great job of tech support here on CIS. Now that I'm done with that, I'll ask the question . How can you acomplish 16bit audio being transfered from a CD along with graphics? Won't that be too much for a 150kb CD-ROM to handle? (Deatrice C. Adams) Thanks for skipping me Operator.. (Graeme & Rob) Deatrice, then Geoff? ga (Deatrice C. Adams) Did someone mention a hint book earlier? (Graeme & Rob) I think a hint book is in the works. Virgin is dealing with it. ga (Deatrice C. Adams) "Hats off for the best game I've played." DONE. (Graeme & Rob) Our hats off to you to for finishing and liking it. GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) Sorry about the mixup, Deatrice. No followup question? (Deatrice C. Adams) No, I'm ok. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok. Geoff, care to ask your question again? (Graeme & Rob) I can still see it, we'll answer (Geoff Keighley) Well Graeme, can you remember it? (my question) (Graeme & Rob) Both the audio and video will be compressed. The 16 bit audio will be lossy this time as well as the video but the quality will be far superior. GA (herc/Assoc SysOp) Followup, Geoff? GA (Geoff Keighley) Does this 'far superior quality' mean that the game will be 3 or 4 CD's big? DONE (Graeme & Rob) 11h will be the first 10 CD game NOT (herc/Assoc SysOp) Without further ado, RJ2, thanks for being so patient. It's your turn. GA (RJ2) Id like the quickly thank you for "pushing the envelope" further than Origin ever has , and Im wondering what your thoughts are (Geoff Keighley) Herc -- Thanks for the breathing tips! Care to come over and do some CPR? (Graeme & Rob) 11H will be on 1 CD. It would kill us to do another 2 CD product, at the most we'll get The Fatman to do a totally muscial CD#2, but we're kinda worn out on the 2 CD idea. GA herc, don't forget to inhale again. ga (RJ2) about the future of PC gaming let's all pretend that in 5 years we will all have SEXium laptops and all this wonderful redering is done live what THEN will you be putting on these little shiney discs? GA (Graeme & Rob) Watch Wild Palms. Here's Rob first. (Deatrice C. Adams) Watch RJ2, there is one woman in the room. (Graeme & Rob) Thanks Graeme not (Duff) RJ2, it's HEXium!! (Deatrice C. Adams) Thanks Duff. (Graeme & Rob) I cannot think five years into the future. Right now, trying to predict 2 yrs or even one is hard enough. But I do see us coming at you via interactive cable, competing with MTV and whatnot That's why we are looking at offering more content in all areas, video, music, gameplay. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) That's an exiting scenario (Graeme & Rob) Okay, me. (herc/Assoc SysOp) Followup, RJ2? Whoops, sorry This is a two-parter, isn't it? (RJ2) Yes, quickly (thank duff ). (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ga, either Graeme or Rob. (Graeme & Rob) Five years huh? Well hopefully, the error 02/20 will have gone by then and we'll all be using these nice machines that don't have IRQs, PORTS, DMA or anything that causes customer problems. The biggest challange facing our.. (RJ2) How do you suppose material like 7th Guest will be accepted by a larger audience? In particular, the "voilence"? (Graeme & Rob) young industry is how to become a mass industry. There is no way we could launch (RJ2) and the "horror"? GA (Graeme & Rob) T7G into a bigger audience and expect people to play it. We need stable platforms that everyone can use without problems. guts and horror huh? I expect we will start to rate ourselves as an industry soon, so that we can produce catagories that are a little wider ranging than the current ones. Retailers will be a lot more willing to carry the same sort of material you can rent at blockbuster or see on TV if there is little stickers on the box. Until then, we are at the mercy of a buyers whims and that is not so good for the horror genre (which I want out of personally - G). here's Rob with some more comments in that arena: Actually Graeme said it well. The more like the movie we become, we will be using similar ratings systems. We are looking to get out of the horror genre sometime. Nobody like to be typecast. ga (RJ2) Sorry about the message crossing, Im at work and was DISTURBED! Thanks, planning on watching Wild Palms. DONE (Graeme & Rob) I hope not disturbed by the HORROR of the 7th Guest. Not at work!! ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) I show Ariel, Duff, Deatrice, Geoff and Sheppard in the queue If I miss anybody, please let me know now, GENTLY, GENTLY, please. (Erich Linder) You missed me. (herc/Assoc SysOp) Meanwhile, Ariel, you are up! (Ariel Butler) OK First, I wanted to thank you guys personally for producing something which.. finally shows off my CDROM (doublespin) system! Not a lot good out there.. at the moment. Next, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the "squeaky bed" supernatural effect , even though my wife's curiosity was much.. aroused by the sounds coming out of the computer room. ;) The PCM sound.. samples are very clear and noise free on my PAS-16 card, what hardware did.. you use to sample the sound effects? GA (Graeme & Rob) A turtlebeach Multi-Sound board. Which we don't currently support in the game but will do RSN. GA (Ariel Butler) Ok, last comment.. I haven't finished the game, but I wanted to mention that I think you really.. (Graeme & Rob) Rob here. I've got a funny story regarding that sound clip and the reaction it got whilst being (Ariel Butler) missed an opportunity for some startling oooops, GA.. (Graeme & Rob) demoed in an Egghead store. But more on that later. ga (Ron Olson) Hello. (Ariel Butler) Ok.. ..think you missed an opportunity for some startling effects, by not having.. some stuff pop out of doorways or happen quickly. My nerves were about.. shot roaming around that house in the near dark (lights dimmed). I think if.. something jumped out of a doorway I'd have keeled my chair over backwards! :) DONE (Graeme & Rob) Those are VERY valid comments. the best laid plans of mice and men. And designers That was our intention, but the budget, both in terms of time and money, ran out on us. ga (Ariel Butler) (P.S. I want to hear Rob's story about the Egghead store if time permits :) (Graeme & Rob) BTW, special effects are expensive. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Here's my _corrected_ list of questioners: Duff is up next, followed by Erich, Deatrice, Geoff, and then Sheppard. Ok, Duff, go ahead. (Duff) Ok, does 7Th Guest run in its own window in Windows 3.1? GA (Graeme & Rob) Duff. We don't recommend that you run the game in Windows. Although we did do a special version for Bill Gates that did run in Windows. ga (Duff) Okay, and what exactly is the 386DX needed for? Specifically. GA (Graeme & Rob) He was throwing a party that night and wanted to impress his girlfriend. (: ga The motherboard that the 386dx is on is much better for T7G than the sort of motherboards 386SX chips are typically thrown into. The 386SX was introduced by intel to appease motherboard manufacturers who wanted to get leverage out of their 286 designs. This is not good for multimedia apps like T7G. GA (Duff) Wow, would that special version be open to the public in the near future. DONE (herc/Assoc SysOp) From writing a little basic interpreter to playing the coolest CD game in Windows, WHO KNU? (Graeme & Rob) That special Windows version was for a conference in San Francisco. I'm sure I'll have it running in OS/2 weeks before the Windows version. ga (just kidding guys from microsoft, we love you all really) ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) OS/2 before Windows? (Graeme & Rob) I can see money is going to be involved here. :) ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Anyway, our guests have graciously agreed to continue being grilleer, questioned My list now shows: Erich, Deatrice, Geoff, Sheppard (Erich Linder) I think I'm almost done with the game, and DOS 6 hasn't given any problems Is there any order to solve the puzzles in to follow the story the best? (herc/Assoc SysOp) I'll take ? anytime. Buzz in if you have them. Why don't you go ahead, Erich. (Graeme & Rob) Erich. Whatever order suits you, suits us just fine. :) (Erich Linder) Will there be a way to find the solutions (Graeme & Rob) There is no real order to playing the puzzles, unless you use the secret door in the intro (just kidding). (Erich Linder) to the puzzles we can't get in the 11th hour game?DONE (Graeme & Rob) ga Rob here. I guess this is the time to make a major design decision and you all get to be part of it!!!! What do you think? ga\ (Erich Linder) If I can't get a puzzle, I want to know what I did wrong!!GA (Ariel Butler) Let's do it (Geoff Keighley) Graeme and Rob -- Giev the solutions, but make the solutions hidden. Not just sitting in a book. But I would like to know "HOW" to solve a puzzle I never figured out. (Graeme & Rob) It is very difficult in some of the logic oriented puzzles to determine what is the correct solution. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Personally, I would prefer more hidden clues, but no outright solutions. (Geoff Keighley) Herc -- Agreed (Ariel Butler) I agree with Herc, too. Some puzzles, though, have few or no useful intermediate hints. (Erich Linder) So long as we don't get left stumped. DONE (Geoff Keighley) Graeme and Rob -- Maybe you could have a "tutorial" which would show "how" to solve a puzzle (Graeme & Rob) Do you mean cryptic hints placed around the house to discover, for instance? Like the maze rug? ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Graeme, exactly! (Graeme & Rob) We thought about having each puzzle solve itself in front of you if you went to the cluebook three times in T7G, and even started to script that way. But in the end, we thought that it would be nastier not to that, to give the player a sense of incompletion, so that he/she would come back to the puzzle and try it again. ga (Geoff Keighley) Graeme -- But if you pay 80 bucks for a game, don't you deserve the solution? (herc/Assoc SysOp) Graeme, personally, I like it. But I can see folks getting frustrated when they can't Graeme, see the solution to the puzzles that have them stumped for hours, even days Anyway, back to the questions and answers Deatrice, you are next. Go ahead! (Deatrice C. Adams) Will 11h require a 16bit audio card?. Please keep the transfer rate to 150s, since some people can't afford a.. new (Graeme & Rob) Some people seem to like the idea of buying a hint book. Is that so? We tried to design so that was not necessary. ga (christian eberle) exit (Graeme & Rob) Deatrice. If you have an 8-bit sound card for 11h, then we will still use that, although I would really recommend the upgrade. It's going to be more important in 11h to hear what is going on. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Follow up question Deatrice? (Graeme & Rob) Not only for 11H, but for all multimedia games and products that rely more and more on sound and less on text. ga (Deatrice C. Adams) Like, what could be so special that the quality would make a differencega? (Graeme & Rob) Well. That's a good question 16 bit audio is about 256 times better in quality than 8 bit sound. To try and convey emotion or anger in the actors lines, we need that extra quality. (Deatrice C. Adams) As it is, I don't hear the "snap, crackle and pop" now. (Graeme & Rob) You will not pick up on a lot of the little nuances in 11h without that. Now, that's not to say you wont enjoy 11H with an 8-bit card, it's a very personal thing. We as the makers want you to hear and see the game in it's best possible quality (kinda like 70mm THX surround vs. 35mm mono). GA (Deatrice C. Adams) ThanksDONE. (Graeme & Rob) Rob here Gotta go feed the family. It's been a real pleasure. Graeme will carry on. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok, Deatrice, thank you for that sound question. (Night, Rob, thanks for being here.) (Ariel Butler) Seeya Rob, tell me about the Egghead story some time, ok? (Graeme & Rob) got it. you make good Staufisms. (herc/Assoc SysOp) Next up is Geoff. GA (Geoff Keighley) bye Rob (Graeme & Rob) Graeme will tell it for me. BYE. GA (Geoff Keighley) Graeme --- You mentioned in a message to me about a future game with inventory items. Could you elaborate a little on the plot, etc? GA (Graeme & Rob) Geoff, please hold a sec. okay. It's harder to get the cookies with one person. (Geoff Keighley) hehehe (Graeme & Rob) Ah ha! T3 huh? We'll it's kinda of War Game. It's different from T7G in that you get to play a single stratgey game that is underlying to the drama as a whole, and items or info you pick up in the drama relate to advantages and power in the game it's going to be different. It's a good break from T7G. ga (Geoff Keighley) estimated release date? Also, you mentioned T4, can you tell us about that? GA BTWT3 sounds great! I'll pick that up for sure! (Graeme & Rob) Oh Boy. Me and my big keyboard. (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Graeme & Rob) T4 is so far off in the distant mists of time that I dare not say a word about it. (Geoff Keighley) Herc -- So, what you going to do about it, Mr. Assoc Sysop? EH??? Graeme -- Ok, thanks! DONE (Graeme & Rob) But I'm planning on getting out of the Horror Genre (hint hint). fa I mean GA (Geoff Keighley) You forgot the estimated release date for T3! :) (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok, Trilobyte is no longer in horror. Everybody got that? (Graeme & Rob) Coming Summer 1994. Have your mice ready. (Deatrice C. Adams) I want horror.. horrorhorrorga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Sheppard, thank you for being so patient. Your turn! GA (Geoff Keighley) Graeme -- Summer 1994? I'll be old and frail by then! (sheppard norfleet) NO prob. Ok I think Graeme is been taking lessons from origin? allright reel question time no pun (herc/Assoc SysOp) (sheppard norfleet) I have a Roland LAPC-1 and a PAS-16 and a Texel Doublespin all on a 486/33 bun and this is the kicker i don't get a 02/20 error instead i get a Critical Error message and it drops me to the DOS Prompt. But the computer locks if I try to run it again. If i reboot and do this again and again It will eventually run? why does it run sometimes and not others? GA (Graeme & Rob) A critical error is real bad. It tends to mean that the CD is not in the CD-ROM drive do you have any other external devices? Could you perhaps leave mail for me in the (sheppard norfleet) If it isn't in the drive then I need my eyeglasses checked. No sir, No external devices. (Graeme & Rob) gamers section as well. I can cover QA more thouroghly there than here. GA (sheppard norfleet) Allright, Thanks for the game. DONE (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok, folks. Ariel is up next. And we have been here close to 2 hours. I'm going to say ask your questions now or forever keep quiet, or something like that Meanwhile, Ariel, go ahead. (Ariel Butler) Ok First, as to hint books, generally I don't like them. I realize that in.. some cases these are more profitable than the games themselves , but.. I'd prefer the stuff IN the game. Second, as to the 16-bit versus 8-bit.. sound question, i would caution you guys about using too much of the dynamic.. range inherent in 16- bit audio. Some of us cannot have our stereo systems.. on loud enough to catch the quiet stuff, cause then the loud effects blast.. us (and unfortunately, our neighbors :) out of our buildings! Also, on.. small speaker systems typical for computers, it's hard to get a wide dynamic.. range. Finally, I want Graeme to tell the Egghead story. Please. ;) GA Hello? (Graeme & Rob) Ariel, I'll keep your comments in mind. Regarding 11H, we're using small speakers and large speakers in the office to check the sound levels. Generally, it's going to quite different from T7G sound wise. I hope you'll be happy. Regarding the Egghead story here goes.. The game was on general display at Egghead where anyone could try it, people were coming and going, cruising up and down the stairs and having a balll. one person, who shall remain nameless, knew of a naughty sound in the game. he proceeded to play those sounds over and over. The manager, and everyone else in the store came to look. (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Graeme & Rob) and the store sold out. ga (Deatrice C. Adams) Maybe I do need that 16bit card? (Ariel Butler) (Dreadfully sorry, I was dumped) (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Geoff Keighley) Graeme -- How do I call these sounds up? (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ariel, you missed a great story! Ok (Ariel Butler) Don't you DARE tell me that! :) (Graeme & Rob) Jeepers Geoff, have I got to tell you everything? :) (oh, you mean the game?) :) (herc/Assoc SysOp) I think I'll let RJ2 ask his question(s) next before handing the mike over to our guest for the final question. (Graeme & Rob) ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) Go ahead, RJ2 (RJ2) Hope this wasn't asked already (lost connect when I had to go do some work, stupid JOB! ACK) But Im curious, OTHER THAN your OWN stuff, what PC based games do you find yourself making time to play? Or do you? What about an all time favorite? Anything? GA (Geoff Keighley) Graeme -- Yup you sure do! I'm an information freak. I need to know EVERYTHING. Like are there any special key sequences that will call up seceret digital video of you and Rob? It seems lately companies have been doing strange things like this in their games. (Graeme & Rob) RJ2. We play an awful lot of Links. In fact, we have all the courses. Other than that, (herc/Assoc SysOp) Geoff, let's talk about easter eggs in the non-formal part of the con. (RJ2) (Yeah, and add Geoff's question to mine! ) (Graeme & Rob) I like Star Fox on the Super NES, still love Sim City, and hate T7G. ga (herc/Assoc SysOp) (RJ2) LOL! Okay fair enough interesting you don't mention any text or graphic adventures. :) DONE (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ok, the honor of asking the final question of this _long_ conference goes to (Deatrice C. Adams) RJ2, Star Fox has excellent 3D for a nonCD game. (Graeme & Rob) RJ2. It's been two years of hell for me on T7G.. (herc/Assoc SysOp) our honored guest - Graeme! Ask away, Graeme. (Graeme & Rob) HeHe. The last laugh huh? I was wondering. How many of you thought that the gameplay in T7G was well paced? Was it too easy / too hard or what? (herc/Assoc SysOp) Anyone who wants to answer, type ! and I'll call on you. (Geoff Keighley) ! (herc/Assoc SysOp) ! (RJ2) ! (herc/Assoc SysOp) Geoff, go ahead. (Deatrice C. Adams) I like the idea of the puzzle solving itself in front of you if you couldn't get it. (Ariel Butler) ! (Deatrice C. Adams) Ooops. ! (Geoff Keighley) Graeme --- I liked how the interface was done. You certainly did a great job with the limitations you had. (herc/Assoc SysOp) (Deatrice C. Adams) sorry. (Geoff Keighley) The only problem I had with the game was the puzzles, but that is a WHOLE NEW question . (Graeme & Rob) Geoff. Should we continue with the same interface? ga (Geoff Keighley) Graeme -- Well I would have to see the alternatives. But I LOVED the hand idea. Although it was limiting, I don't really see a way you could improve on it. (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ariel, your thoughts to Graeme's question? (Geoff Keighley) GA (Ariel Butler) Yes.. (Graeme & Rob) Deatrice? (Ariel Butler) I thought that the game was saved for me by allowing the puzzles to be solved.. But I thought the story would be better served by allowing the player to.. play back every drama as many times as they wished, instead of just twice. I had trouble keeping all the threads of the story intact because of the.. steady interruptions of the puzzles, some of which took a long time to solve. GA (Graeme & Rob) Ariel. Four words. Camcorder on the screen. GA :) (Ariel Butler) hehehe (Geoff Keighley) Graeme -- Boy, your hot tonight! Graeme -- You should write a comedy game! (Deatrice C. Adams) How about the puzzle giving you hints while trying to solve them and I'm not talking about voices, actual pieces moving to their correct places? (herc/Assoc SysOp) (My best Maxwell Smart impression. (Ariel Butler) Graeme, how about telling the Egghead story before you leave, or did I miss it? (Graeme & Rob) Deatrice. We're thinking of things like that. The cake puzzle sort of does that a little bit right now. (herc/Assoc SysOp) Graeme, wanna comment on that before RJ2 gives us his thoughts? (Deatrice C. Adams) TrueDONE. (Graeme & Rob) Ariel: You missed it, it'll be in the uploaded text. (Ariel Butler) Shazbat! (Graeme & Rob) NEXT! (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ariel, I'll tell you privately. It (Graeme & Rob) (herc?) (herc/Assoc SysOp) is a private joke anyway. RJ2, your thoughts to Graeme's question? (RJ2) Ariel, I agree. Not only was the pace of the game destroyed by the time it took to complete some of the puzzles, many of the puzzles.. didn't "Fit" IMO for example the Bloodstream puzzle and I was suprised by the 3 Chess based puzzles I couldn't help but wonder how many folks would take the thrid hint for those 3. (Deatrice C. Adams) RJ2, can't you take this up with Ariel at another time? (Graeme & Rob) (I liked the bloodstream one a lot :<) (RJ2) I also agree about the cut scenes, though, they seemed too jumbled to begin with. Granted, Ive not completed the game yet, but what parts Ive seen, don't make a whole lotta sense, they're just great to watch GA (Graeme & Rob) RJ2: Okay, good points. (RJ2) Well, I have a few more, but maybe another time (Graeme & Rob) (we'll be passing these around the office). ga (RJ2) DONE (herc/Assoc SysOp) Well, Aside from the traditional closing remarks from the guest, we are done with the formal part of the conference. So Greame, how's about them closing remarks? GA Er, Graeme, sorry about the misspelling. (Graeme & Rob) Closing remarks? Closing remarks? I'll give you closing remarks (I say in my best BladeRunner voice). T7G has been two Rob and my life that I'm glad to have over. It's been a long haul, (Geoff Keighley) Graeme -- So what about any "easter eggs" in the game? (herc/Assoc SysOp) > (Ariel Butler) That was great, thanks for coming Graeme. (Graeme & Rob) Is this the informal part? Can I get a beer now? (Holy Avenger) (Geoff Keighley) Graeme -- you bet! (herc/Assoc SysOp) Yup, this is the informal part, Graeme, this is when we really let you know what we think about your game. (Ariel Butler) Yeah, if I hear "Are you feeling.. LONELY???" one more time I'll scream. ;) (RJ2) If I may add, more than an example of State-of-the-art, or a semi-decent puzzle game, 7th Guest is a LOOK and LISTEN to the future. (Geoff Keighley) So Graeme -- Are there any easter eggs I can find in T7G? (Graeme & Rob) I'm off to the fridge. I'll be back in a tick, no-one type too fast! (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ariel --- hahahaha, I remember that! You're right! I'll show him how LONELY he can feel! (RJ2) Geoff? Have you found any yet? On your own? (Ariel Butler) hehehe (RJ2) Ariel, Im sure I did scream a few times I HATE mazes grrrrrr (Geoff Keighley) RJ2 -- Nope. Have you found any? (RJ2) Geoff, noppers not YET (Ariel Butler) So, herc, rj2, you guys cringe when you went down the stairs and into the coffin for the first time? (Geoff Keighley) Rj2 -- Lets see if Graeme is going to tell us about any! (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ariel, you mean the maze through the kitchen? (RJ2) Geoff, in fact, Ive yet to find all the ways down to the Library just discovered the "Bean Stalk" last time I played. (Holy Avenger) Hmm. Where's our intrepid SL on this lovely(albeit hot) night? (Ariel Butler) When you solve the coffin lid puzzle, and are whisked down the "Tales from the Crypt" stairs.. and into the opened coffin. (Graeme & Rob) Feeling Lonely - Mortals? (Geoff Keighley) Well all, I've got to get going. It's 11:30 here, and I've been online for 160mins, so bye-bye everyone! (Ariel Butler) Night Geoff (Geoff Keighley) Bye Ariel (RJ2) Geoff, if yous finds anys POST EM! HEhehehehe night (Holy Avenger) Bye Geoff (herc/Assoc SysOp) Night Geoff. Thanks for coming. (Graeme & Rob) Night Geoff! (herc/Assoc SysOp) So Graeme, care to tell us any easter eggs? (Graeme & Rob) What easter eggs? (Geoff Keighley) Night Graeme -- So are you going to tell me about any 'easter eggs' in T7G? (herc/Assoc SysOp) Ariel, that scene didn't impress me very much, for some reason. (Geoff Keighley) Bye Holy Night Herc -- You did a greta job (RJ2) Ariel, I was a little disappointed by the finish to the Crypt Puzzle, woulda prefered the Cut Scence to come AFTER the solve after all that WORK! (Graeme & Rob) Okay, okay, here's the only one. (Geoff Keighley) I mean 'great' (It's REAL LATE!) (herc/Assoc SysOp) Thanks, Geoff. I'm always greta. Graeme, the only one you will tell us, you mean? (Geoff Keighley) Herc -- hhehe (Graeme & Rob) Yes. The only one I'll pass on. (RJ2) Well, Pass it already. (Ariel Butler) _______________________________________ The conference transcript ends here because we promised Graeme that we would not reveal the secret password that he told us.