System orig_list(1) Elvira DIPlay Concerto #6 Funky Beat orig_list(4) orig_list(2) orig_list(7) Comical 4 orig_list(3) Action 4 Arial orig_list(8) Times New Roman Arial Times New Roman Action 3 Canyon orig_list(5) Canyon orig_list(6) DixieLand orig_list(9) orig_list(10) Jupiter orig_list(11) orig_list(12) Nutcracker Suite orig_list(13) Party orig_list(14) Sweet Drums orig_list(15) The big city orig_list(16) The BIG Piano orig_list(17) orig_list(18) DIPlay Bluesy 2 Action 3 Dance With Me Maple Leaf Rag DIPlay The BIG Piano DIPlay Anitras Clarinet Polka DIPlay DIPlay MIDIPlay ourree omOvE DIPlay DIPlay ourree System L!L%V) .*.P.v. 0:0`0@2 nTstx about init dlgInit setValue( ,"","") --DLL function retValue dialog(dlgBox getValue( ., "") tbkmci("status MIDIFile mode","") = "stopped" 3play buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgBox dialog status MIDIFile mode tbkmci stopped play MIDIFile tbkmci retValue dlgInit ,g72, ,g62, ,b50,FALSE ,h57, ,s58,MIDIPlay Version 1.5 ,s63,(C) Copyright 1993 ,s64,DunsonWare, Co. ,s65,All Rights Reserved. ,s66,This program may be freely distributed without cost provided that it is in no way changed. MIDIPlay is shareware and if you find it of value please send a $5.00 check or money order payable to DunsonWare to the following address: ,s67,DunsonWare PO. Box 771269 Wichita, KS 67277 dlgBox 524480,10,49,3,187,206,,,About MIDIPlay,8,Helv,,8.88,76.59,170.29,91.20,72,1342177287,128,,0,,46.67,6.48,93.33,20.10,62,1342177287,128,,0,,66.36,176.90,50.86,12.31,50,1342242816,128,OK,0,,8.46,8.49,18.29,19.69,57,1342177283,130,comment,0,,57.87,13.74,80.27,11.45,58,1342177280,130,MIDIPlay Version 1.5,0,,56.88,37.21,70.32,11.45,63,1342177280,130,(C) Copyright 1993,0,,56.88,50.75,70.32,11.45,64,1342177280,130,DunsonWare,0,,56.88,63.06,70.32,11.45,65,1342177280,130,All Rights Reserved. ,0,,18.02,86.44,149.75,49.60,66,1342177280,130,This program may be freely distributed without cost provided that it is in no way changed. MIDIPlay is shareware and if you find it of value please send a $5.00 check or money order payable to DunsonWare to the following address:,0,,63.16,137.52,64.04,26.22,67,1342177280,130,DunsonWare PO. Box 771269 Wichita,0 ctrlID warning 4warningtext init dlgInit setValue( ,"static label", --DLL function retValue dialog(dlgBox getValue( ., "") buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit static label setValue dlgBox dialog retValue warningtext dlgInit ,h56, static label,s58, ,b59,FALSE dlgBox 524480,3,18,23,254,69,,,MIDIPlay,8,Helv,,5.75,12.92,18.29,19.69,56,1342177283,130,comment,0,label,30.02,18.95,220.11,10.99,58,1342177280,130,,0,,91.47,40.86,76.50,14.32,59,1342242816,128,OK,0 ctrlID playlistbox 4sender init dlgInit setValue( ,"listbox playlist", --DLL function retValue dialog(dlgBox getValue( Bokbutton") T,"nlistbox temper + 1 & "," temp2 selectedTextlines videos buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit listbox playlist setValue dlgBox dialog button okbutton getValue nlistbox playlist getValue videos temp2 temper retValue sender dlgInit ,s50,Please select one or more MIDI songs for playback: listbox playlist,l51, button okbutton,b52,TRUE button cancelbutton,b53,FALSE ,s54,To select multiple MIDI songs, hold CTRL key down while clicking with the left mouse button. ,s55,Hold the Shift key down while clicking with the left mouse button to extend a selection. ,s60,Please select one or more MIDI songs for playback: dlgBox 524480,7,55,1,176,152,,,MIDIPlay Playlist,8,Helv,,3.73,4.55,171.73,11.45,50,1342177280,130,Please select one or more MIDI songs for playback:,0,playlist,3.73,16.45,166.13,64.33,51,1352730625,131,,0,okbutton,21.60,124.14,50.86,12.31,52,1342242817,128,&OK,0,cancelbutton,98.32,124.14,50.86,12.31,53,1342242816,128,&Cancel,0,,3.73,76.80,164.27,18.09,54,1342177280,130,To select multiple MIDI songs,0,,3.73,100.47,162.59,20.10,55,1342177280,130,Hold the Shift key down while clicking with the left mouse button to extend a selection.,0,,0.30,95.63,176.30,0.98,60,1350565888,130,Please select one or more MIDI songs for playback:,0 ctrlID videodescription 4nameoffile,filenameval init dlgInit setValue( ,"static midifilename", --DLL function retValue dialog(dlgBox getValue( Bokbutton") viddes") buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit static midifilename setValue dlgBox dialog button okbutton getValue edit viddes getValue cancel retValue nameoffile filenameval dlgInit ,s50,Please enter a description for this MIDI file. edit viddes,e51, button okbutton,b52,TRUE ,s54,MIDI File Name: static midifilename,s55, button cancelbutton,b56,FALSE dlgBox 524480,6,62,12,155,96,,,MIDI Description,8,Helv,,3.54,31.38,147.50,11.45,50,1342177280,130,Please enter a description for this MIDI file.,0,viddes,3.54,43.45,100.80,13.17,51,1350631424,129,,0,okbutton,24.08,65.56,37.33,12.31,52,1342242817,128,OK,0,,3.58,2.71,63.47,11.45,54,1342177280,130,MIDI File Name:,0,midifilename,1.68,15.30,138.17,11.45,55,1342177280,130,,0,cancelbutton,91.31,65.03,37.33,12.31,56,1342242816,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID selections 4selects init dlgInit setValue( ,"listbox selections", --DLL function retValue dialog(dlgBox getValue( ., "") tbkmci("status MIDIFile mode","") = "stopped" 3play buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit listbox selections setValue dlgBox dialog status MIDIFile mode tbkmci stopped play MIDIFile tbkmci retValue selects dlgInit ,g91, listbox selections,l53, ,b60,FALSE dlgBox 524480,3,78,2,120,140,,,Current Selections,8,Helv,,10.78,7.18,101.79,100.51,91,1342177287,128,,0,selections,9.33,8.57,100.80,96.66,53,1352728577,131,,0,,33.60,113.11,50.86,12.31,60,1342242816,128,Close,0 ctrlID dupdes init dlgInit setValue( ,"","") --DLL function retValue dialog(dlgBox getValue( ., "") buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgBox dialog retValue dlgInit ,h56, ,s57,You have entered a description which has already been used. Please re-enter a new description for this MIDI file. ,b58,FALSE dlgBox 524480,3,55,20,193,73,,,Duplicate Decription,8,Helv,,7.47,16.74,18.29,19.69,56,1342177283,130,stop,0,,35.47,12.72,138.13,28.14,57,1342177280,130,You have entered a description which has already been used. Please re-enter a new description for this MIDI file. ,0,,74.67,44.88,50.86,12.31,58,1342242816,128,OK,0 B!ctrlID error_message !dlgInit ,s50,The following MIDI file(s) could not be located on the path(s) indicated. Either they have been moved to a new location or have been deleted. In order for MIDIPlay to work properly, the MIDI file(s) must be removed from your list of MIDI files. Click on the OK button to do this now. (NOTE: If the MIDI file(s) shown below have simply been moved to a new location, you can add them back to your list.) button okbutton,b60,TRUE listbox videolist,l58, ,h112, 2%|#dlgBox 524480,4,25,0,237,160,,,MIDIPlay,8,Helv,,27.85,4.59,205.33,59.94,50,1342177280,130,The following MIDI file(s) could not be located on the path(s) indicated. Either they have been moved to a new location or have been deleted. In order for MIDIPlay to work properly,0,okbutton,65.18,131.24,102.67,12.31,60,1342242817,128,OK,0,videolist,27.85,66.91,201.60,59.86,58,1352728577,131,,0,,3.58,18.67,18.29,19.69,112,1342177283,130,stop,0 B%ctrlID warning2 4warningtext init dlgInit setValue( ,"static label", --DLL function retValue dialog(dlgBox getValue( Byesbutton") delete buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit static label setValue dlgBox dialog button yesbutton getValue retValue warningtext 'X'dlgInit ,h56, static label,s58, button yesbutton,b59,TRUE button nobutton,b76,FALSE ,s91,Are you sure you want to remove: 'dlgBox 524480,5,44,18,199,69,,,MIDIPlay,8,Helv,,5.45,9.93,18.29,19.69,56,1342177283,130,question,0,label,33.30,22.36,160.50,10.05,58,1342177280,130,,0,yesbutton,29.68,42.09,50.86,14.03,59,1342242816,128,Yes,0,nobutton,111.85,42.09,50.86,14.07,76,1342242817,128,No,0,,33.30,10.30,134.40,10.05,91,1342177280,130,Are you sure you want to remove: L)ctrlID playbutton removeselect 4tempval "title" temper init dlgInit setValue( ,"listbox removelist", --DLL function retValue dialog(dlgBox getValue( Bokbutton") buttonUp buttonUp title dlgInit listbox removelist setValue dlgBox dialog button okbutton getValue listbox removelist getValue retValue temper tempval ,>,dlgInit button okbutton,b61,TRUE button cancelbutton,b62,FALSE listbox removelist,l64, ,dlgBox 524480,3,71,13,136,146,,,Select MIDI file to remove...,8,Helv,okbutton,13.07,117.58,50.86,12.31,61,1342242816,128,OK,0,cancelbutton,72.80,117.58,50.86,12.31,62,1342242817,128,Cancel,0,removelist,13.07,11.04,110.13,100.51,64,1352728579,131,,0 -ctrlID N/:PHYSSIZE 0:PHYSSIZE 1:PHYSSIZE 2:PHYSSIZE J5:PHYSSIZE removemidi 7:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 4275,242 ;:PHYSSIZE pause (Pause) tbkMCI(" MIDIFile","") "playsymbol" "pausesymbol" "Paused" "statusfield" "Playing" tbkMci(" buttonUp buttonUp active,unchecked Pause pause MIDIFile tbkMCI playsymbol pausesymbol Paused statusfield active,checked Pause playsymbol pausesymbol Playing statusfield play MIDIFile tbkMci Pause v@:PHYSSIZE wwwxwwwx xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 6855,390 playit 4videolist,counter,stopnow,warningtext,midilist2,selection_total "videos" "No Midi files playlist. Please Add MIDI File..." selectedtextLines hWnd FindWindow(0,"MIDIPlay") (autominimize) ShowWindow( B"playButton" buttonUp buttondown buttonUp videos buttondown No Midi files in playlist. Please select Add MIDI File... buttonUp warning videos videos buttondown MIDIPlay FindWindow active,checked ShowWindow buttonUp playButton autominimize videolist counter stopnow warningtext midilist2 selection_total buttondown I:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 6045,360 stopbutton 4videolist,stopnow,counter,current_track sysLockscreen tbkMci("close wait","") "tracknumber" "00" "tracknumbermin" "00" "tracknumbersec" "00:00:00:00" "currentpos" "Pause" "pausecover" "playcover" "stopsymbol" "playsymbol" playlistcover "Midi Playlist" "pausesymbol" "Stopped" "statusfield" "tempo" "MIDIPlay" buttonUp buttonUp buttondown close all wait tbkMci tracknumber tracknumbermin tracknumbersec 00:00:00:00 currentpos Pause Pause pausecover playcover stopsymbol playsymbol Midi Playlist pausesymbol Stopped statusfield tempo MIDIPlay playlistcover videolist stopnow counter current_track R:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 6825,1095 previousmidi W:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 5805,1095 nextmidi 4midilist2,videolist "statusfield" /<> "Playing" "Scan" playsymbol rightscan tbkmci("close MIDIFile", buttonUp buttonUp statusfield Playing close MIDIFile tbkmci close MIDIFile tbkmci rightscan playsymbol statusfield midilist2 videolist l]:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 6195,1095 a:PHYSSIZE 3 4gx midiplaylist 4warningtext,sender "videos" "No Midi files playlist. Please Add MIDI File..." selectedTextlines popper1 popper2 "&" & R <> Bplaylistbox buttonUp buttonUp videos buttondown No Midi files in playlist. Please select Add MIDI File... buttonUp warning videos buttonUp playlistbox popper2 popper1 videos warningtext sender "videos" buttonUp buttonUp videos h:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 315,2100 repeat buttonUp buttonUp repeat "videos" buttonUp buttonUp videos &p:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 5895,1725 buttonUp buttonUp "videos" buttonUp buttonUp videos bu:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 playcover y:PHYSSIZE repeatsymbol hz:PHYSSIZE statusfield Stopped stopsymbol {:PHYSSIZE playsymbol |:PHYSSIZE pausesymbol R}:PHYSSIZE Playlist Total: playlisttotal tracknumber Current Selection: tracknumbermin tracknumber currentpos 00:00:00:00 tracknumbersec tempo Tempo: addmidi :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 3270,240 :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE playlistcover :PHYSSIZE pausecover scott :PHYSSIZE currentselections 4selects,warningtext "videos" "No Midi files playlist. Please Add MIDI File..." selectedTextLines "There are no music "title" & CRLF Bselections buttonUp buttonUp videos buttondown No Midi files in playlist. Please select Add MIDI File... buttonUp warning buttondown There are no MIDI files selected. buttonUp warning title buttonUp selections music videos selects warningtext "videos" buttonUp buttonUp videos :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 1335,2595 rightscan :PHYSSIZE leftscan :PHYSSIZE loadwait Loading playlist, please wait.... :PHYSSIZE videos -- trap buttondown buttondown 4playfullscreen,play_indef,num_loops,counter,stopnow,helpfile,current_track "midiplay.hlp" setmenu linkDLL "tbkdlg.dll" opendlg( dialog( setValue( getValue( X"tbkfile. getCurrentdrive() getCurrentDirectory( setCurrentDirectory( FileExists(STRING) X"tbkwin. getWinIniVar( WORD setWinIniVar( LinkDLL " e tbkmci( initStyle get_directory_drive read_data video_error_check settimer "title" "videos" selectedtextlines "Stopped" "statusfield" "playlisttotal" unlinkDLL "user" hWnd sysClientHandle -- identifies which message be sent nIDEvent integer used identify within your (see setTimer) killTimer( setStyle -4-1 SetStyle pValue 4sizefirst -- This handler calls the Windows 3.x DLL, .exe, !style *ToolBook e, modifies that -- value, Fsets getWindowlong( -- (hwnd,nIndex) setWindowlong( ),wNewWord) LONG GetTickCount() MessageBox ( INT WinHelpIndex = , DWORD) *MoveWindow( KFindWindow( `ShowWindow( SetTimer( KillTimer( SetWindowPos( getWindowLong( ,-16) -- Add/Remove a subtract one following values corresponding Maximize Box Minimize Thick Frame System Menu Horz Scroll Vert Dialog (128) Border (192) Caption 64+128. Includes border frame.} (256) (512) Clip Children (1024) Siblings (2048) Disabled (4096) Visible (8192) (16384) (32768) Popup hiWord y65536 -- replaced "/" operator y" - DRL 4/6/92 loWord k65536 (hiword * 65536) + ( setWindowLong( ,-16, properly resets 7450,3000 10900,3000 MainWindow 15,18 c"Text" c"Edit" c"Page" c"&Midi" c"&Settings" "&Exit" S Playlist" Selections..." "&Add ..." ..." &Next" Previous" "Pa&use" "&Repeat" "&Auto "&Stay On Top" "&Contents "&How To Use "&About MIDIPlay..." "Pause" aboutmidiplay addvideo removevideo currentselections winHelpIndex( , "winhelp. ,3, 0) playvideo playit closevideo stopbutton contentsf1 pathname 3, 0) setup fileclosed firsttime loadwait wininivariable ", "StayOnTop") ,"0") ","Automin","0") startupstatus save_data titledat pathdat i = 1 i = 1 getCurrentDrive() driveletter & ":\" & 0 = keyEnter nextmidi previousmidi repeat "playcover" USER" Quit = winHelpQuit( , "",2,0) 2 = HELP_QUIT "toolbook" 4list_of_files stackname filenametest putbefore <> 1 Berror_message tbkMMNotify ,op,dev 4videolist, + = "MIDIfile" tbkMCI(" B"playbutton" sysLockscreen "pausecover" "playsymbol" "pausesymbol" "stopsymbol" playlistcover "tracknumber" "00" "tracknumbermin" "00" "tracknumbersec" "tempo" "00:00:00:00" "currentpos" "repeatsymbol" addmidifile removemidifile playnext playprevious /= "Playing" MIDIFile ","") midiplaylist togglestatus autominimize arbitrary wElapse -- specifies elapsed milliseconds) between events lpTimerFunc parameter stayontop setWindowPos( ,-2,0,0,0,0,3) ,"0") ,-1,0,0,0,0,3) ,"1") wininivariable2 aboutmidiplay setup sizetopage read_data enterBook save_data addvideo get_directory_drive keyDown initStyle enterSystem removevideo video_error_check pause currentselections tbkMMNotify repeat SetStyle howtousehelp addmidifile removemidifile leaveBook playnext playprevious playvideo midiplaylist closevideo togglestatus setmenu autominimize settimer contentsf1 stayontop startupstatus enterBook midiplay.hlp Ksetmenu tbkdlg.dll opendlg dialog setValue getValue tbkfile.dll getCurrentdrive getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory FileExists tbkwin.dll getWinIniVar setWinIniVar midiplay.dat tbkmci initStyle +Sget_directory_drive nread_data video_error_check xsettimer title videos videos Stopped statusfield title playlisttotal playfullscreen play_indef num_loops counter stopnow helpfile current_track leaveBook midiplay.dat tbkdlg.dll tbkfile.dll tbkwin.dll killTimer nIDEvent initStyle setStyle SetStyle getWindowlong setWindowlong GetTickCount MessageBox WinHelpIndex WinHelp MoveWindow FindWindow ShowWindow SetTimer SetTimer KillTimer SetWindowPos getWindowLong hiword setWindowLong sizeToPage loWord hiWord style sizefirst pValue setmenu &File &Midi &Settings &Help &Exit &Midi Playlist &Current Selections... &Add Midi File... &Remove Midi File... &Play Play &Next P&lay Previous Pa&use &Stop &Repeat Settings Settings &Auto Minimize Settings &Stay On Top Settings &Contents F1 &How To Use Help &About MIDIPlay... Pause aboutmidiplay buttondown buttonUp about addvideo buttonUp addvideo removevideo buttonUp removevideo currentselections buttonUp currentselections howtousehelp winhelp.hlp winHelpIndex playvideo buttonUp playit closevideo buttonUp stopbutton contentsf1 setCurrentDirectory winHelpIndex helpfile pathname setup buttonUp setup sizetopage sizefirst read_data title.dat title.dat title.dat title title.dat title title.dat path.dat path.dat path.dat path.dat path.dat MIDIPlay StayOnTop getWinIniVar MIDIPlay StayOnTop setWinIniVar MIDIPlay Automin setWinIniVar startupstatus wininivariable loadwait firsttime fileclosed save_data setCurrentDirectory title.dat title title title.dat title.dat path.dat path.dat path.dat pathdat titledat pathname get_directory_drive getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory driveletter pathname keyDown buttonUp stopbutton contentsf1 buttondown buttonUp buttonUp pause videos repeat videos playcover buttonUp playit previousmidi nextmidi WinHelpQuit WinHelp winHelpQuit enterSystem sysWindowHandle toolbook video_error_check FileExists buttonUp error_message putbefore filenametest stackname list_of_files pause buttonUp pause tbkMMNotify MIDIfile active,checked close MIDIfile tbkMCI buttonUp playbutton buttonUp playit buttonUp playit Pause playcover pausecover playsymbol pausesymbol Stopped statusfield stopsymbol Midi Playlist tracknumber tracknumbermin tracknumbersec tempo 00:00:00:00 currentpos MIDIPlay playlistcover Pause videolist counter play_indef num_loops stopnow current_track repeat active,unchecked Repeat repeatsymbol Repeat repeatsymbol repeat play_indef buttonUp playit buttonUp stopbutton addmidifile buttonUp addmidi removemidifile buttonUp removemidi playnext buttonUp nextmidi playprevious buttonUp previousmidi statusfield Playing status MIDIFile position tbkmci currentpos midiplaylist buttonUp midiplaylist togglestatus autominimize active,unchecked Auto Minimize MIDIPlay Automin setWinIniVar Auto Minimize MIDIPlay Automin setWinIniVar autominimize settimer SetTimer lpTimerFunc wElapse nIDEvent stayontop active,checked Stay On Top setWindowPos MIDIPlay StayOnTop setWinIniVar Stay On Top setWindowPos MIDIPlay StayOnTop setWinIniVar stayontop startupstatus MIDIPlay StayOnTop getWinIniVar MIDIPlay Automin getWinIniVar stayontop 1.autominimize wininivariable2 wininivariable title temp2 length 4list_of_files init dlgInit dlgBox H524288 setValue( B,"listbox videolist", --DLL function retValue dialog( getValue( Bokbutton") temp2 textlineCount( tempval "path" jj = 1 CRLF & pathnumber "title" k <> kk = 1 save_data buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgBox listbox videolist setValue dialog button okbutton getValue title title title title save_data k:to1 pathnumber j:to1 tempval ui:to temp2 retValue list_of_files 4filenameval,videonameval,nameoffile,warningtext,stopnow "stopbutton" OpenDlg("\", "*. g", "Choose a Midi .", "Add MIDI File") [fileName num_letters - 2) * - 1) a1 & a2 & a3 is_midi <> " <> " "You have chosen a non- B"videodescription" = "" must provide a is_duplicate = "" "title" "path" CRLF & : (" & & ") has been added." "videos" "playlisttotal" save_data Bdupdes buttonUp is_duplicate buttonUp buttonUp stopbutton *.mid Choose a Midi file. Add MIDI File OpenDlg You have chosen a non-midi (MID) file. buttonUp warning buttonUp videodescription cancel You must provide a description. buttonUp warning is_duplicate cancel You must provide a description. buttonUp warning title title title MIDI File: ( ) has been added. buttonUp warning title videos title playlisttotal save_data is_midi num_letters fileName filenameval videonameval nameoffile warningtext stopnow is_duplicate title title buttonUp buttonUp videodescription dupdes nameoffile 4current_track,videolist,midilist2,selection_total "statusfield" /<> "Playing" "Scan" playsymbol leftscan { = 1 tbkmci("close MIDIFile", - 2) "path" filename tbkMci(" " && && "alias MIDIfile","") - 1) " && && " dummy - 2) " && && " buttonUp Z buttonUp statusfield Playing close MIDIFile tbkmci close MIDIFile tbkmci alias MIDIfile tbkMci close MIDIFile tbkmci alias MIDIfile tbkMci close MIDIFile tbkmci close MIDIFile tbkmci alias MIDIfile tbkMci close MIDIFile tbkmci dummy filename i:to1 leftscan playsymbol statusfield current_track videolist midilist2 selection_total 4warningtext,tempval,stopnow "stopbutton" "videos" "There are no MIDI files B"removeselect" B"warning2" "title" jj = 1 CRLF & pathnumber k <> kk = 1 : (" & & ") has been removed." "playlisttotal" selectedTextlines save_data buttonUp 2 buttonUp buttonUp stopbutton videos There are no MIDI files to remove. buttonUp warning buttonUp removeselect buttonUp warning2 title title title title MIDI file: ( ) has been removed. buttonUp warning title videos title playlisttotal videos save_data pathnumber warningtext tempval stopnow 4videolist,warningtext,play_indef,num_loops,current_track sysLockscreen titlecon ] <> g <> "" tracknum ) > 32 "path" filename "Please a Midi File "Pause" "tracknumber" playlistcover xPlaylist" "pausecover" "rightscan" "leftscan" "playcover" "playsymbol" "pausesymbol" "stopsymbol" "Playing" "statusfield" tbkMci("close wait","") " && && "alias MIDIfile","") tbkmci(" ] MIDIFile tempo","") 'ime smpte 24","") Dlength","") "tracknumbermin" "tracknumbersec" buttonUp buttonUp title title Please select a Midi File to play. buttonUp warning Pause tracknumber Midi Playlist pausecover rightscan leftscan playcover playsymbol pausesymbol stopsymbol Playing statusfield close all wait tbkMci alias MIDIfile tbkMci status MIDIFile tempo tbkmci tempo set MIDIFile time format smpte 24 tbkmci status MIDIFile length tbkmci length length tracknumbermin length tracknumbersec play MIDIfile tbkMci playlistcover filename tracknum titlecon videolist warningtext play_indef num_loops current_track midiplay.ico wwwwwwwwwwwwwww