═══ 1. Help for Exit Box ═══ Select Yes to exit the program. Exiting this program may result in loss of data. Select No to continue running the program. ═══ 2. Help for Refresh Box ═══ Select Yes to cause the defined message log file to be reread causing a refresh of the list of message log entries. Select No to continue running the message log formatter without a refresh. ═══ 3. Help for Help Menu ═══ Select the Help Menu for information on how to use the help facilties, the types of help available, and the function of certain keyboard keys in help mode. Help for help Select Help for help for detailed information on the kinds of help available and how to use the help facilities. General help Select General help for detailed help on a specific option in your current application. Keys help Select Keys help information on the keyboard keys used to perform operations in help mode. When this item is selected, a list of key groups will be displayed. Below each key group, the keys applicable to that group and a brief description of each key in the group will be listed. Help index Select Help index to display the help index for the current application. This index contains a list of help topics available for selection. Double click on a topic to view the help for that particular area. Product Infornation Select Product information to display copyright information. Select OK in the Product Information Box when you have finished viewing the information and wish to return to the application. ═══ 3.1. Help for Help ═══ Select Help for Help on the Help pull-down for detailed information on how to use help and the types of help available to you. In addition to providing general information about using help, Help for Help provides specific information and examples concerning the types of help available. For example, information concerning General Help, the Help Index, and Keys Help is provided. ═══ 3.2. Help for General Help ═══ Select General help on the Help pull-down for detailed help on your current application. ═══ 3.3. Help for Keys Help ═══ Select Keys help on the Help pull-down for help on the keyboard keys used to perform a specific task within Help. When this item is selected, a list of key groups will be displayed. Below each group, the keys applicable to that group and a brief description of each key in the group will be displayed. Hit the Esc key to return from Keys help to the current application. ═══ 3.4. Help for Help Index ═══ Select Help index to view the help index for your current application. This index contains a list of help topics available for selection. Double click on a topic to view the help for that particular topic. ═══ 3.5. Help for Product information ═══ Select Product Information to display copyright information. Select OK in the Product Information Box when have finished viewing the information and wish to return to the current application. ═══ 3.6. Help for General Help ═══ Select General help on the Help pull-down for general help on your current application. ═══ 4. Help for File Menu ═══ Select the File menu choice to provide a menu of file-related activities that can be performed within the current application. If you are using a mouse, single click on the sub-menu choice that you wish to perform. If you are using a keyboard, press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys to select your choice, and press Enter to perform that choice. ═══ 4.1. Help for Open ═══ Select Open menu choice to open an existing file for use within the current application. When you select Open, the Open Dialog appears. You may use the Open Dialog to select the file you want to work with. You may select the file you wish to open in one of several ways. First, you may click on the file (highlight it) and then press the Open button at the bottom of the dialog. You may also open the file of your choice by double clicking on the file name in the file list. If the file you wish to open is not in the current directory you can change the file search directory by either entering a directory in the DIRECTORY IS: field or by clicking on the directory or disk in the DIRECTORY: list box. You may cancel the Open request by selecting the Cancel button at the bottom of the Open dialog. ═══ 4.2. Help for Close ═══ Select Close on the File pull-down or press F3 to exit the current application. The data you examine in many FFST/2 applications (such as dump data, error data, and message data) might be updated or replaced by other applications running in a multitasking environment. The data you are currently working with might not be available if you exit the current application without saving it. Therefore, you are prompted with the "Are you sure you want to exit?" prompt when you select Close. At this point, you will be given the option to return to the application without exiting in order to save the currently viewed data. ═══ 5. Help for Options Menu ═══ Select the Options menu choice to display a sub-menu of Options available to you in the current application. If you are using a mouse, single click on the sub-menu choice that you wish to perform. If you are using a keyboard, press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys to select your choice, and press Enter to perform that choice. ═══ 6. Help for Open as details ═══ Select Open as details to view full details information. This will display the full details of a message log record. When selected from the menu item, this will display the record at the top of the brief details (main window area) screen. You can select a record to display in full details also by double-clicking on the brief details line containing the record wanted. ═══ 7. Help for Include ═══ Select Include to identify the search criteria used in locating the desired message log records. Only those records matching the supplied search criteria will be displayed. ═══ 8. Help for Refresh now ═══ Select Refresh now to refresh the file currently being viewed. Refresh will allow you to display records that may have been written since the last time the file was opened. Refresh may also omit any records that have been deleted or overwritten since the last time the file was opened. ═══ 9. General Help ═══ Help is available any time you press the F1 key from anywhere within the program. Help is context sensitive. The information displayed will depend on where in the program F1 was pressed. Press Esc at any time to return to the previous help window. If there are no other help windows, Esc will return you to the application. Select Help for Help on the Help pull-down for detailed information on how to use help and the types of help available. ═══ 10. Help for Key Assignments ═══ ACCELERATOR KEYS The list of keys is arranged into groups of related keys. HELP KEYS F1 Invoke Help F2 Invoke general Help (from within a help window) Alt+F4 End Help F9 Display a list of Help keys and their functions (from within a help window) F11 Display the Help index for the application (from within a help window) Esc Return to the previous Help panel, or end Help if at outer most panel Alt+F6 Toggle between Help and the application Shift+F10 Invoke Help for Help SYSTEM KEYS Alt+F6 Switch to the next windowed program Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List WINDOW KEYS F3 Close the window F10 Toggle between the action bar and the application Arrow keys Move among choices End Go to the last choice in a pull-down Esc Cancel a pull-down or the system menu Home Go to the first choice in a pull-down PgUp Scroll the contents of the window up one page PgDn Scroll the contents of the window down one page Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs Alt+F4 Close the window Alt+F5 Restore the window Alt+F7 Move the window Alt+F8 Size the window Alt+F9 Minimize the window Alt+F10 Maximize the window Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Toggle between the system menu and the application Shift+Esc or Alt Toggle between the system menu and the text window ═══ 10.1. Help for Dump Append Selection ═══ This prompted entry field contains a list of Dump Append Titles of the dumps contained within the currently selected dump file. If the dump file has not been appended to, this entry field will contain only a single entry. For IBM system software, default dump titles are of the form 'XXXmmmmm nnnnnnnn', where: o 'XXXmmmmm' is the Problem Identifier, which is used to correlate this dump with other incident data collected by FFST/2. o 'nnnnnnnn' is the hexadecimal representation of the Software Probe Identifier Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to scroll through the list of Dump Append Titles. You may use the F4 key or click on the Drop Button of the prompted entry field to display the drop down list box. To select an entry, Hit Enter in either the entry field or list box once the desired entry has been highlighted with the arrow keys. To select an entry with the mouse, click on the entry in the list box and then double-click on the entry field to verify the selection. ═══ 10.2. Help for Dump Entry Selection ═══ This prompted entry field contains a list of Dump Entry Titles within the currently selected Dump Append that may be viewed in the Dump Data Display Window. Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to scroll through the list of Dump Append Titles. You may use the F4 key or click on the Drop Button of the prompted entry field to display the drop down list box. To select an entry, Hit Enter in either the entry field or list box once the desired entry has been highlighted with the arrow keys. To select an entry with the mouse, click on the entry in the list box and then double-click on the entry field to verify the selection. ═══ 10.3. Help for the Dump Data Display Window ═══ The Dump Data Display Window contains a formatted display of the currently selected Dump Entry within the currently selected Dump Append. The formatting applied to the data depends on the data type. Hexadecimal display is the standard type of dump data formatting. The Dump Data Display Window functions much like the SYSTEM EDITOR, except that you are not allowed to alter the displayed data. You may copy selected data to the CLIPBOARD in order to PASTE it into another application. Refer to documentation for the SYSTEM EDITOR for more details. ═══ 11. Help for Hardware Information Dialog ═══ This dialog allows you to store information about your workstation. This information is required by FFST/2 and other programs to identify your machine. The location of the Machine Type and Serial Number. vary depending on the model of your workstation. Please take a moment to find and record this vital information. Once you have provided all the requested information, select OK to save this information and exit. ═══ 11.1. Help for Machine Type ═══ Enter the TYPE of your machine (4 digits) in this box. For example, if you have an IBM PS/2 Model 70, this number will be 8570. This information may be found adjacent to the SERIAL NUMBER of your machine. ═══ 11.2. Help for Model Number ═══ Enter the MODEL NUMBER (3 characters) of your machine. For example, if you have an IBM PS/2 Model 70-E61, you will enter E61 in this box. This information may be found adjacent to the SERIAL NUMBER of your machine. ═══ 11.3. Help for Plant Of Manufacture ═══ Enter the first 2 digits of the SERIAL NUMBER of your workstation in this box. This indicates WHERE your workstation was manufactured. ═══ 11.4. Help for Sequence Number ═══ Enter the last 7 digits of the SERIAL NUMBER of your workstation in this box. This indicates WHEN your workstation was manufactured. ═══ 11.5. Help for Workstation ID ═══ If your workstation is attached to a network, it may have already been assigned a special identifier. For example, if your network knows your workstation as "PS2-A158", enter PS2-A158 in this box. If you are not in a networked environment or if no name has been assigned to your workstation, you may enter any descriptive name up to 8 bytes in length. ═══ 11.6. Help for User Info ═══ Enter up to 64 bytes of descriptive information about your workstation in this box. For example, you may wish to enter your name and the location of your workstation. You may use the ENTER key when typing to place information on separate lines or to add blank lines. ═══ 11.7. Help for Ok Button ═══ When you have completed entering all the requested information about your computer, select the OK button to save this information and exit. ═══ 11.8. Help for Cancel Button ═══ If you do not wish to save the information you have entered, select the CANCEL button to exit. You will be asked verify your request to exit without saving because this information is needed. ═══ 12. Help for Hardware Information Dialog ═══ This menu allows you to store information about your workstation. Programs that need this information, such as FFST/2, will then have it readily available and will not have to ask you for it. It is easy to find the MACHINE TYPE and SERIAL NUMBER on your workstation. On some models it is on the front, on others, it may be on the side or the back of your machine, but in any case is should be clearly labeled. Please take a minute to find and record this vital information. Once you have provided all the requested information, select "OK" to save the information and exit. ═══ 13. Help for Configuration Menu ═══ This menu allows you to store information about the options you want configured on FFST/2. A number of FFST/2 parameters may be set using this menu. This menu allows you to turn FFST/2 on and off as well as to turn FFST/2 message popups on and off. You may set the path name of where you want to store your system dumps and your application dumps. You may also set the maximum number of both system dumps and application dumps. Both the message log path name and file name can be set. The default selections are provided to you for your ease of use. If you have entered new field values over the default values, you may select the Reset button to reset all fields to their default values. If you want to exit without saving the values entered, select the Cancel button. If you want to save the data entered on the screen, select the OK button. ═══ 13.1. Help for Message Log Path Name ═══ In the Message Log field enter the path name in which you would like the Message Log files stored. You may enter either a path name in the Message Log field, or a path and file name. If you enter a path and file name, FFST/2 will place the Message Log in the path you entered using the file name you selected. If only a path name is entered, FFST/2 will place the Message Log in the path you entered using the default name OS2MLOG.DAT. ═══ 13.2. Help for Application Path Name ═══ In the Application Path Name field enter the path name in which you would like the application dump files stored. This path name may NOT contain a file name. The file name is set at OS2SYS??.DMP, where ?? is the file number of the dump file. ( The maximum file number is set in Maximum Application Dumps) ═══ 13.3. Help for Maximum Application Dumps ═══ In the Maximum Application Dumps field enter the largest number of application dump files you wish to be created. The smallest number of dumps that can be entered in the Maximum Application Dumps field is 8 and the largest number is 99. ═══ 13.4. Help for System Path Name ═══ In the System Path Name field enter the path name in which you would like the system dumps stored. This path name may NOT contain a file name. The file name is set at OS2SYS??.DMP, where ?? is the file number of the dump file. ( The maximum file number is set in Maximum System Dumps) ═══ 13.5. Help for Maximum System Dumps ═══ Enter the maximum number of system dump files you wish to be created in the Maximum System Dumps field. The smallest number of dumps that can be entered in the Maximum System Dumps field is 8 and the largest is 99. ═══ 13.6. Help for Message Popups Off ═══ If you want to activate FFST/2 message popups, select ON to turn FFST/2 message popups on. If you want to deactivate FFST/2 message popups, select OFF to turn FFST/2 message popups off. ═══ 13.7. Help for Message Popups On ═══ If you want to activate FFST/2 message popups, select ON to turn FFST/2 message popups on. If you want to deactivate FFST/2 message popups, select OFF to turn FFST/2 message popups off. ═══ 13.8. Help for FFST/2 Off ═══ If you want FFST/2 activated, select FFST/2 ON to turn FFST/2 services on. If you want FFST/2 deactivated, select FFST/2 OFF to turn all FFST/2 services off. ═══ 13.9. Help for FFST/2 On ═══ If you want FFST/2 activated, select FFST/2 ON to turn FFST/2 services on. If you want FFST/2 deactivated, select FFST/2 OFF to turn all FFST/2 services off. ═══ 13.10. Help for Help Button ═══ Help is available any time you press the Help button. Because this is context sensitive help, the help information that is displayed depends on where in the program the Help button was pressed. To get help for a specific field or list box, tab into or select that field and hit either F1 or the Help button. Press Esc at any time to view the previous help window or to return to the main window if there are no other help windows. Remember that selecting the F1 key is equivalent to pressing the Help button. ═══ 13.11. Help for Cancel Button ═══ If you do not wish to save the information you have entered, select the Cancel button to exit. You are asked if you really want to exit without saving because this information is necessary. ═══ 13.12. Help for Ok Button ═══ When you have completed entering all the requested information about your computer, select OK button to save this information and exit. ═══ 13.13. Help for Reset Button ═══ Select the Reset button If you do not wish to save the information you have entered and want to start over with the default values, select the Reset button. The Reset button will erase the values you have entered, and replace them with the default values. ═══ 14. Help for Configuration Menu ═══ Select the Configuration menu to view or edit the FFST/2 configuration parameters. You can change default path names, default filenames, types of services performed, and other program parameters. ═══ 14.1. Help for Message Console Confirmation Button ═══ Messages which are displayed via a pop-up window or logged by FFST/2 will be displayed in the Message Console only if the Message Console is running. The contents of the Message Console will be deleted upon its termination. Thus, a verification message is displayed upon exiting. If you do not wish to have this verification message displayed, deselect the Confirmation on Exit button. ═══ 14.2. Help for Message Log Confirmation Button ═══ The size of the message log file is limited to 64 Kbytes. When this limit is reached, the file will wrap when new messages are generated, causing the oldest messages to be overwritten. Thus, a verification message will be displayed upon exiting or refreshing the message log. If you do not wish to have the verification message displayed when refreshing, deselect the Confirmation on Refresh button. If you do not wish to have the verification message displayed when exiting, deselect the Confirmation on Exit button. ═══ 14.3. Help for Dump Formatter Confirmation Button ═══ There is a configurable number of System Software Dump Files (the default is 32). For example, to change the default to 40, issue the following command: epw maxsysdump=40 When this limit is reached, the oldest System Software Dump File will be overwritten with a new dump file. Thus, a verification message will be displayed upon exiting the Dump Formatter. If you do not wish to have the verification message displayed upon exiting, deselect the Confirmation on Exit button. ═══ 14.4. Help for Message Type ═══ You may select the type(s) of messages (error, warning, and informational) that you wish to view by selecting the appropriate check boxes. The default is to view all types of messages. If you do not want to view a particular type of message, deselect the check box corresponding to that type of message. Note that all messages that are not errors or warnings are considered informational. ═══ 14.5. Help for Set Font ═══ You may select the font you prefer to appear in the Multiline Edit Field (MLE) window of your current application. Select the font, size, and typestyle you prefer. The font sample window will allow you to preview your selection. CAUTION: It is quite easy to select an inappropriate font for your application. Data arranged in columns looks best when displayed with a monospaced font. It is also possible to select too large or small a font, which can make reading the data quite difficult. To make this font the default font for your current application, select the Set pushbutton. To use this font in your current application, but not make it the default font, select the Apply pushbutton. ═══ 14.6. Help for File Name Entry Field ═══ The File Name entry in the Open dialog should contain the name of the file you would like to work with. If you don't specify a specific file name, the default File Name entry will remain in the field. The procedure will search the specified path for all files that match the search criteria in the File Name file and lists those files in the Files list box. Clicking on a file name in the Files list box will cause that file name to be displayed in the File Name entry field. When a file is specified in the File Name entry field, you can open that file by either hitting the Open button at the bottom of the Open dialog or by double clicking on the file name in the Files list box. ═══ 14.7. Help for Directory Is Entry Field ═══ The Directory is text field reflects the drive and path specified in the Open dialog. The Directory is text field reflects changes specified in the Directories list box. You can also use this field to enter a new directory. After the desired directory is entered in the Directory is text field, press the Enter button while the focus is still on the Directory is and the new directory will appear on the screen. ═══ 14.8. Help for Files List Box ═══ The Files list box contains any releveant files found in the specified drive and path, and specified in the File Name entry field. The Files list box will contain all the files found in the specified drive and directory that match the search criteria in the File Name field. If a specific file name is entered in the File Name field, the Files list box will contain the file name if it exists in the specified drive and path. To Select a file, click on it in the Files list box. You can then open the selected file by hitting the Open button at the bottom of the Open dialog. Double clicking on a file name in the Files list box opens that file. ═══ 14.9. Help for Directories List Box ═══ The Directories list box contains the available drives and, if applicable, subdirectories of your specified directory. Clicking on a subdirectory or drive highlights that choice in the list box. Double clicking on a subdirectory or drive makes that path current. Your specified directory is always listed in the Directory is text field. To back up one level in the directory tree, select the ".." choice in the Directories list box. ═══ 14.10. Help for Open Button ═══ Pressing the Open button at the bottom of the Open dialog will open the file specified in the File Name entry field. If the file specified in the File Name entry field does not exist in the directory specified, an error message will be displayed. Pressing the Open button when no file is specified causes no action to be taken. ═══ 14.11. Help for Cancel Button ═══ Pressing the Cancel button returns you from this dialog to your previous application. None of the actions performed on the dialog are saved. ═══ 14.12. Help for Help Button ═══ Help is available any time you press the Help button. Because this is context sensitive help, the help information that is displayed depends on where in the program the Help button was pressed. To get help for a specific field or list box, tab to or select that field and hit either F1 or the Help button. Press Esc at any time to view the previous help window or to return to the main window if there are no other help windows. Remember that selecting the F1 key is equivalent to pressing the Help button. ═══ 14.13. Help for Expand Button ═══ Press the Expand button to get an expanded listing of all the files in the Files directory. This listing includes the File Name, Problem ID, Date, and Time. ═══ 15. Help for Ok Button ═══ Select OK to confirm your selection(s). Once OK is pressed, your selections are implemented and you are returned to the application. ═══ 16. Help for Cancel Button ═══ Pressing the Cancel button exits you from this dialog. No action is taken, no changes are implemented, and you are returned to the application. ═══ 17. Help for Entry Field ═══ You may enter selection text in this string and then hit ENTER or click on the "OK" Button. ═══ 18. Help for Help Button ═══ Help is available any time you press the Help button. Because this is context sensitive help, the help information that is displayed depends on where in the program the Help button was pressed. To get help for a specific field or list box, tab to or select that field and hit either F1 or the Help button. Press Esc at any time to view the previous help window or to return to the main window if there are no other help windows. Remember that selecting the F1 key is equivalent to pressing the Help button. ═══ 18.1. Help for Copy ═══ Select COPY to copy the currently selected data into memory. Once the data is in memory, it may be copied into this or other applications thus saving you the task of re-entering it. Since COPY was selected, and not CUT, the original data will not be removed from the application but will remain intact. ═══ 18.2. Help for Paste ═══ Select PASTE insert the data previously copied or cut into the clipboard into the file. PASTE may be performed as many times as desired and each time a new copy of the saved data will be inserted into the file. You may use the UNDO command to remove the last PASTE performed. ═══ 18.3. Help for Print ═══ Select PRINT on the File pull-down to print out the currently viewed entry. You may use print repeatedly if you wish to print multiple copies of the data. Using PRINT in no way alters or affects the data you are working on. It's only use is to provide you with a hard-copy of the file or data. If the file is fairly large, a dialog with a "Cancel" Option will be displayed. To abort prematurely from printing, press either the key or click on the "Cancel" button. ═══ 18.4. Help for Find ═══ Select FIND to search for data. Place the cursor to the position in the file from which to begin searching, then press the FIND menu option. You will be prompted for the data you want to search for. The data last entered in the search field will be displayed as a default search value. This data may be used again, or may be altered to reflect the data you want to search for. To change the search data, enter the new data in the field and press the [Enter] key to begin searching. ═══ 18.5. Help for Save As ═══ Select SAVE AS to access a dialog allowing you to save the file to any name you wish. This function is useful if you are creating a new file and wish to save the file under a specific name. It can also be used when you have made changes to an existing file and want to save an additional copy under a new name. If the file is fairly large, a dialog with a "Cancel" Option will be displayed. To abort prematurely from saving the file, press either the key or click on the "Cancel" button. ═══ 18.6. Help for New ═══ Select New to erase the old file from the screen, and start editing a new file. If you are currently editing a file and then select New to remove this file from memory and start working on another file, you will be prompted to save or cancel the changes made to existing file. If you are starting the application and are not currently working on a file, selecting New will allow you to begin working on a New file. ═══ 18.7. Help for Save ═══ Select SAVE on the File pull-down to save your data to a file. The file will be saved under its current name. If you wish to save the file under another name, you must use the SAVE AS option on the File pull-down. If the file is fairly large, a dialog with a "Cancel" Option will be displayed. To abort prematurely from saving the file, press either the key or click on the "Cancel" button. ═══ 18.8. Help for Word Wrap ═══ Select WORD WRAP to toggle word wrapping on and off. Word wrapping splits lines that are wider than the current window width into multiple lines. ═══ 19. Help for Save As ═══ Select SAVE AS to access a dialog allowing you to save the file to any name you wish. This function is useful if you are creating a new file and wish to save the file under a specific name. It can also be used when you have made changes to an existing file and want to save an additional copy under a new name. The file can be saved under either the "Raw" or "Formatted" options. The "Raw" option saves the file in binary format. The "Formatted" option saves the file the way it is currently being displayed on the screen (as readable text). If the file is fairly large, a dialog with a "Cancel" Option will be displayed. To abort prematurely from saving the file, press either the key or click on the "Cancel" button. ═══ 20. Help for FFST/2 Message Console ═══ This is general help for the FFST/2 Message Console. EPWCONS is an application that displays FFST/2 messages in a readable format. It allows you to print or save the displayed messages. ═══ 21. Help for FFST/2 Dump Formatter ═══ This is General help for the FFST/2 Dump Formatter. EPWDF.EXE is an application that allows you to examine and print portions of your dumps. It allows you to chose which dump file you wish to format and which entry within that dump file to process. ═══ 22. Help for FFST/2 Setup ═══ This is general help for the FFST/2 Setup. EPWINST is an application that allows you to configure and set up FFST/2. It allows you to turn FFST/2 on and off, set path names for storage of system and application dumps, the maximum number of application and system dumps to save, turn message popups on and off, and enter hardware information. ═══ 23. Help for Dump Formatter Specific Functions ═══ The help entries under this heading pertain specifically to DF. ═══ 24. Help for Open File Selection Dialog ═══ The help entries under this heading pertain to the Open File Selection Dialog. ═══ 24.1. Help for Print entry ═══ Select Print entry to print out the currently selected dump entry. You may print all dump entries by selecting PRINT ALL. A dialog with a "Cancel" Option will be displayed. To abort prematurely from printing, either press the key or click on the "Cancel" button. ═══ 24.2. Help for Print all ═══ Select Print all to print all the entries in the currently selected dump. A dialog with a "Cancel" Option will be displayed. To abort prematurely from printing, either press the key or click on the "Cancel" button. ═══ 24.3. Help for Print details ═══ Select Print details to print the detail entries. A dialog with a Cancel Option will be displayed. To abort prematurely from printing, either press the key or click on the Cancel button. ═══ 25. Help for Message Log Formatter ═══ This is general help for the Message Log Formatter. Help is available any time you press the F1 key from anywhere within the program. Because this is context sensitive help, the help information that is displayed depends on where in the program F1 was selected. The command syntax is: MSGLOGF [filename] [/s] [/f] [/r] where: filename is the optional message log filename to display. If not given, a file open dialog will be displayed. /s skips the search criteria screen, displaying all records /f skips search criteria screen and brings up full details screen immediately. /r is the refresh option. If the message log formatter is already displaying the filename given, this will end the newest instance of the message log formatter and switch to the one already displaying the given filename. This will avoid display the same file twice. This formats a message log file. The main window displays a brief description of the messages in the file. You may select View Full details from the Options menu to view the full details of the top record being displayed, or you may double click on a message in the brief details screen to display the full details of that message. ═══ 25.1. Help for Over Write Buffer ═══ Select Yes to over write the existing data on the screen and continue processing. Select No to return to the application without performing any action. ═══ 25.2. Help for Full Details For Entry ═══ Select Detail Entry to view full details information. This will display the full details of a message log record. When selected from the menu item, this will display the record at the top of the brief details(main window area) screen. You can select a record to display in full details also by double-clicking on the brief details line containing the desired record. ═══ 25.2.1. Help for Originator ═══ The originator is a field describing a subcomponent of an application. The text may be scrolled to the left or the right using the arrow keys. ═══ 25.2.2. Help for Message Text ═══ Additional text for a message may be included in any message that is logged. This is where that text is displayed. You may scroll through the message text by either clicking on the scroll bar, or entering the or keys. ═══ 25.2.3. Help for Prev Button ═══ Select Prev button to see the previous detail entry record. ═══ 25.2.4. Help for Next Button ═══ Select Next button to see the next detail entry record. ═══ 25.2.5. Help for Cancel Button ═══ If you do not wish to continue with 'detail entry', select Cancel to exit. ═══ 25.2.6. Help for Help Button ═══ Help is available any time you press the Help button. Because this is context sensitive help, the help information that is displayed depends on where in the program the Help button was pressed. To get help for a specific field or list box, tab into or select that field and hit either F1 or the Help button. Press Esc at any time to view the previous help window or to return to the main window if there are no other help windows. Remember that selecting the F1 key is equivalent to pressing the Help button. ═══ 25.2.7. Help for Process Name ═══ This is the process name for the program that logged the message. The text may be scrolled to the left or the right using the arrow keys. ═══ 25.2.8. Help for Message File Name ═══ This is the name of the file containing the message text for the message that was logged. The text may be scrolled to the left or the right using the arrow keys. ═══ 25.3. Help for Message Log formatter - Include ═══ Select Include to change the search criteria for locating desired message log records. Only those records matching the search criteria given will be displayed. ═══ 25.3.1. Help for Originator ═══ The originator is a field describing a subsection or subcomponent of a program. Entering the originator will result in displaying only the records that contain the originator entered in this field. ═══ 25.3.2. Help for Starting Date ═══ This is the date from which to start displaying records. Entering the starting date will result in displaying only the records created on or after the date entered in this field. ═══ 25.3.3. Help for Ending Date ═══ This is the date from which to stop displaying records. Entering the ending date will result in displaying only the records created before or on the date entered in this field. ═══ 25.3.4. Help for Starting Time ═══ This is the time from which to start displaying records. Entering the starting time will result in displaying only the records with a time field on or after the time entered in this field. ═══ 25.3.5. Help for Ending Time ═══ This is the time from which to stop displaying records. Entering the ending time will result in displaying only the records with a time field before or on the time entered in this field. ═══ 25.3.6. Help for Message Type ═══ The message type may be one of three values. Type 'E' for Error message. Type 'W' for Warning message. Type 'I' for Informational message. Entering a message type will result in displaying only the records that contained the message type entered. ═══ 25.3.7. Help for Message File Name ═══ This is the name of the file containing the message text for a message stored in the message log. The message log formatter uses this along with the message number to get the text for each message. Entering a message file name will result in displaying only the records containing the message file name entered. ═══ 25.3.8. Help for Process ID ═══ This is the identification code for the process that sent the message. Entering a process ID will result in displaying only the records containing the process ID entered. ═══ 25.3.9. Help for Process Name ═══ This is the name of the process that sent the message. Entering a process name will result in displaying only the records with the process name entered. ═══ 25.3.10. Help for Problem Id ═══ The problem id is a unique identifier for the probe formed by taking the first three characters of the application name and appending five random characters provided by the system. ═══ 25.3.11. Help for OK ═══ Select OK when you have finished selecting search criteria and wish to display the message log records selected. ═══ 25.3.12. Help for Cancel Button ═══ If you do not wish to continue with search criteria, select Cancel button to exit. ═══ 25.3.13. Help for Help Button ═══ Help is available any time you press the Help button. Because this is context sensitive help, the help information that is displayed depends on where in the program the Help button was pressed. To get help for a specific field or list box, tab into or select that field and hit either F1 or the Help button. Press Esc at any time to view the previous help window or to return to the main window if there are no other help windows. Remember that selecting the F1 key is equivalent to pressing the Help button. ═══ 25.4. Help for File Name Entry Field ═══ The File Name entry in the Save As dialog should contain the name you would like to save the current file as. If you don't specify a specific file name in the File Name entry field, nothing will be saved. When a file is specified in the File Name entry field, you can save as that file by hitting the Save button at the bottom of the Save As dialog. ═══ 25.4.1. Help for Save Button ═══ If you wish to continue with saving, select the Save button. ═══ 25.5. Help for Expanded Files Listing, File Column ═══ This is an expanded listing of all the files in the Files directory in the previous panel. This listing includes the file name, Problem ID, Date, and Time. To open one of these files, either double click on the file name you wish, or single click on the file name you wish to open and press the Open button. ═══ 25.6. Help for Expanded Files Open Button ═══ To open the file you wish, select the file with a single click on the line containing the name of the file. Then press the Open button to open the file. ═══ 25.7. Help for Expanded Files Cancel Button ═══ Press the Cancel button to exit out of the Expanded List panel. ═══ 25.8. Help for Expanded Files Help Button ═══ Press the Help button to get help on a selected item. ═══ 25.9. Help for Expanded Files Listing, Problem ID Column ═══ This is an expanded listing of all the files in the Files directory in the previous panel. This listing includes the file name, Problem ID, Date, and Time. To open one of these files, either double click on the file name you wish, or single click on the file name you wish to open and press the Open button. ═══ 25.10. Help for Expanded Files Listing, Date Column ═══ This is an expanded listing of all the files in the Files directory in the previous panel. This listing includes the file name, Problem ID, Date, and Time. To open one of these files, either double click on the file name you wish, or single click on the file name you wish to open and press the Open button. ═══ 25.11. Help for Expanded Files Listing, Time Column ═══ This is an expanded listing of all the files in the Files directory in the previous panel. This listing includes the file name, Problem ID, Date, and Time. To open one of these files, either double click on the file name you wish, or single click on the file name you wish to open and press the Open button.